Claim one week of free access to the MedCircle library to access hundreds of exclusive videos like this one: and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. Insomnia can also impact depression, But when does insomnia or sleep issues lead to an actual anxiety disorder?Here are 3 major signs insomnia is leading to an anxiety disorder, straight from leading psychiatrist Dr. Judith Joseph.In this eye opening interview, Dr. Judith and MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson walk through…– A key environmental sign that you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder resulting from insomnia or another sleep disorder
– Signs at work you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder (and the mistake most people make when they start experiencing anxiety at work)
– The symptoms that signal professional intervention can help with anxiety or insomnia / sleep disorders (especially the physical symptoms)Discover more video education self-help strategies for how to fall asleep, insomnia treatment options, anxiety disorder treatment options, REM vs non-REM sleep, and more: full psychology series at the link above is your mental health guidebook on dealing with insomnia and anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder or GAD, anxiety symptoms (a panic attack, general stress, etc.) and more. Take control of mental illness with