The End of Suffering

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Zac Poonen – 10. God’s Word is Our Food | Christian Basics

Zac Poonen – 10. God’s Word is Our Food | Christian Basics
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We want to think about the Word of God, which gives us power to be overcomers in our battle against Satan, and which gives us strength to face every situation in the future. The Bible is the Word of God. It was written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the food for the soul of a Christian who has come to faith in Christ and been born again. Just like a baby cries out for milk as soon as it is born, a true Christian, if he is to grow spiritually, needs this food of the Word of God. I want to show you a verse where it speaks of what the Word of God does, initially. We read 1 Peter 1:23, “You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” Many people feel when they have made a mess of their life, they wish they could live their lives all over again. And that is exactly the opportunity God offers you when He says, ‘You can be born again.’ Think if you could start your life all over again, as a baby, and with no record of your past failures; it is all wiped out. That is what it means to be born again. Your past is wiped out and you are born a second time. That wish that you had, ‘oh, I wish I could start my life all over again’ – God says, ‘I can fulfill it for you.’ That is what happens when we receive Christ into our life. In the verse we just saw it says that this new birth takes place through a seed, just like your physical birth also began with the seed of your father. In the same way here, spiritually, the Word of God is like a seed that brings you to the new birth, but in what way? You believed that Word, you responded to that Word of God which said that Christ died for your sins. You accepted the Word of God which said that you are a sinner. You believed that Christ rose again from the dead, and you were born again. You received His Holy Spirit by faith because that was God’s promise given in His Word. And through that Word, you have come into a new relationship with God. About Zac Poonen Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible teacher. He has responsibility for several churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs. Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs, or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

BEWARE THE HYPE The Pitfalls of Committing to Comic Pre-Orders

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What Happens When You Stop Smoking?
With over 7,000 chemicals released each time you light a cigarette it’s no surprise that smoking is one of the
leading causes of preventable deaths worldwide but with 1.3 billion people actively smoking what actually happens
when you stop smoking within the first 20 minutes of quitting your blood pressure and heart rate return to normal
this is because the nicotine in cigarettes released epinephrine and norepinephrine which increased your
heart rate and narrowed blood vessels these effects also caused smokers extremities to feel colder but by now
your hands and feet have returned to their normal temperature 2 hours in and the nicotine cravings begin causing
moodiness drowsiness tense feelings and even difficulty sleeping because nicotine also releases more dopamine
than normal these are expected physiological responses to the decrease in its release eight hours after
quitting and the inhaled carbon monoxide clears allowing oxygen levels in the bloodstream to return to normal carbon
monoxide and oxygen compete to bind to hemoglobin in your blood which stretches the circulatory system so as it clears
there’s more room for oxygen however for long-term smokers this carbon monoxide exposure causes red blood cells to
increase in size making the blood thicker and causing higher blood pressure and increased chances of
developing blood clot surprisingly 24 hours after quitting coughing will actually increase which is your body’s
way of clearing out all the toxins from the lungs additionally at this point the risk of developing various coronary
artery diseases decreases all within 24 hours after 48 hours when nicotine and its metabolites are completely
eliminated from your body damaged nerve endings begin to regrow the tar and other chemicals and cigarettes leave
fewer taste buds that are flatter with less blood vessels they now begin to regain their sensitivity making food
tastes better although chronic smokers may often have irreversibly damaged taste blood at the 72-hour mark nicotine
withdrawal peaks with headaches nausea and cramps as well as emotional symptoms like anxiety and depression these
symptoms can be seen by most addictive substances cluding caffeine but after this period
the worst is officially over after one month the risk of developing type 2 diabetes cancer and cardiovascular
diseases has already decreased in three to nine months the damage Celia and the lungs are almost fully repaired which
are hairlike structures that help sweep away dust and debris and as a result symptoms such as coughing and shortness
of breath are almost completely eliminated and around one year the risk of developing heart disease as a direct
result of at the Roma formation which are deposits of fatty material or scar tissue from deteriorating arterial walls
decreases by almost one-half in 10 years the chance of developing lung cancer decreases to half of someone who did not
quit smoking and in 15 years time the risk of heart attack decreases to the same as someone who has never smoked
their entire life of course this guideline is not definitive and the average amount you smoke per day or year
will play a role in how well your body recovers unfortunately there will always be some irreversible damage to the lungs
and increased susceptibility to developing various lung diseases and while quitting may be difficult the
benefits greatly outweigh the initial withdrawal ultimately the best way to prevent this from happening is to not
begin smoking at all need some extra motivation check out our videos to your lazy people which might give you the
boost you need to kick your habit or focus on other goals you’re hoping to accomplish ask us your burning questions
in the comments or on social media and subscribe for more weekly science videos every Thursday
Source : Youtube

How Does Meditation Change the Brain? – Instant Egghead #54

Researchers have known for decades that meditation can improve someone’s physical and mental health.
It can relieve stress, lower blood pressure and lift someone’s mood. But only in the last few years have neuroscientists taken a serious loook at the changes in brain structure underlying some of meditation’s benefits. Like everything else we do, meditation rewires our neural circuits.
Pruning away the least used connections and strengthening the ones we exercise most. Studies looking for signs of these changes usually focus on “mindfulness meditation” which challenges people to keep their attention fixed on the thoughts and sensations in the present moment.
Scientists aknowledge that these studies are small and not ideally designed, but at this point researchers have gathered enough evidence to be confident that their findings are not just flukes.
Experiments suggest that Buddhist monks have really robust connections between scattered regions of their brains, which allows for more synchronized communication.
Expert meditators also seem to develop an especially wrinkly cortex: the brain’s outer layer.
We depend on the cortex for many of our most sophisticated mental abilities like abstract thought and introspection.
Several studies have confirmed that meditation can increase the volume and density of the hippocampus: a seahorse- shaped area of the brain in the middle of the skull that is absolutely crucial for memory. And although areas of the brain responsible for sustaining attention usually shrink as we age, meditation counteracts this decay. An increasing number of studies show that meditating for as little as 12 to 20 minutes a day for several weeks can sharpen the mind. In these studies, meditators have scored higher on tests of attention and working memory, which is the ability to temporarily store and manipulate information in one’s mind.
Some lifelong meditators in their 50s and 60s can even outperform twenty-somethings in tests of visual attention. So if you’re interested in trying meditation, you should probably start as soon as possible.
For Scientific American’s Instant Egghead, I’m Ferris Jaybr.
Source : Youtube

How to Clean Eyeglasses (The Best Way) – 7 Tips
So what is the best way to clean your eyeglasses? Well in this video, I’m going to be sharing with you my 7 pro tips and how you can clean your glasses without scratching or damaging the lenses. Let’s take a look. Hello this is Dr. Joe Allen here from Doctor Eye Health:  the channel that helps  with the eyes, vision and finding the best vision product. So if you new here to the channel and you like taking care of your eyes and seeing your best, make sure to hit that little button down below that says subscribe, and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss any of my future videos. Also feel free at any point to check out the show notes and links below for further information in case there’s anything that I forget. So when it comes to cleaning your glasses you want to make sure you’re doing it right because we see a lot of funny stuff come in here to the clinic, and I want to make sure that you’re taking care of your glasses so you don’t scratch or damage them. The first tip here is to make sure you clean the glasses with a microfiber lens cloth. Now these cloths you can usually get when you get your glasses. You can actually find them in the case when you purchase them, or you can get them from your eye clinic or a local optical. You can even buy them in a big bulk box buying online. But these cloths are excellent for cleaning your glasses because they are actually designed to actually pick up and remove dirt and grease from the lenses. Otherwise if you use something like a Kleenex, a paper towel, or your shirt, you will actually just smear the grease on the lenses, as well as just really push debris and dust into the lens and that can actually scratch and damage the lenses permanently. I’m actually nerdy enough I usually keep one of these in my back pocket, not just to clean my glasses but because it’s really good at cleaning your phone screen. Tip number two is to clean new glasses was some type of eyeglass lens cleaner. Now there’s many different products like this that you can find either online, as well as through your local optical or eyeglasses store, but whatever you do make sure that you read the instructions on the back and that it says it is safe to use with AR coatings. That stands for anti-reflective coatings. Most glasses will have an anti-reflective coating put on them that way it’ll reduce glare and halos around  lights, but some of these cleaners can be pretty harsh and can actually strip off that protective coating, and you don’t want to ruin your glasses. Otherwise it’s pretty easy to use. You just spray a couple of sprays on the front and the back surface of the glasses, and then again wipe clean with the microfiber cloth. Tip number three is that when the spray cleaner and lens cloth just aren’t doing the trick because of skin oils that get on the lenses, then make sure to reach for some type of dish soap. Now the best type of dish soap to use is the original type of Dawn dish soap. If you use anything that says, “for sensitive skin” or has some sort of lotion in it, don’t use that. That’ll actually just get stuck on the lenses and smear it even more. You want to use the original.
Otherwise you just use a single drop on both sides of the lenses, rub it in with your fingers, and then go ahead and rinse off. Tip number four is that when you’re rinsing the lenses, make sure you use warm water and not scalding hot water.
Otherwise the hot water can actually damage the coatings on the lenses. Also if you know that you have hard water coming out of the tap, then make sure you actually use some distilled water to clean them off, that way you won’t get any sort of like extra mineral deposits on the lenses. Tip number five is that if you don’t want any streaks of water drying on those lenses, go ahead and grab a can of compressed air and use that to clean off all of the water off the lenses. That way it’s basically like taking the glasses through a car wash. Tip number six is that if your glasses are really dirty, I mean they’re gummed up around the hinges, the nose pads, around the edges of the lenses themselves, then just bring them on into a local optical or glasses shop.
We often have special cleaning devices that will completely strip all of that debris off. Here at our clinic we actually have an ultrasonic cleaner that we can pop out the lenses, throw them in the cleaner, turn it on, and after a few minutes, it actually vibrates and shakes the lenses and removes all that debris from those hard-to-reach spaces. I know it’s pretty cool right? Tip number seven is to actually be careful to get any sort of other chemicals on your glasses. Never try to wash them using some sort of household chemicals. Things like acetone and fingernail polish can actually interact with the plastic of the lens, particularly if you have a type of polycarbonate lens, those are like safety lenses that can actually interact with those chemicals and permanently destroy the lenses, and I don’t want that happening to you or your glasses. So yes, be careful about using any sort of chemical that’s not approved for ophthalmic use. So Eye Health Question of the day: which one of the tips was your favorite? Or do you have any other sort of tips of your own on how to clean glasses? Go ahead and comment in the section below. I’d love to hear what you guys think. Alright guys, thanks so much for watching. If you liked the video, give me a big thumbs up, subscribe if you’re new to the channel, share this video with any friends a family that you think it might help or find interesting, otherwise if you would like to see another cool video here from Doctor Eye Health, just click or tap the screen over here to the side, or if you’d like to see another cool video just go ahead and click or tap the screen down over here. Again this is Dr. Joe Allen here from  Dr. Eye Health: the channel  that that helps you with the eyes, vision, and finding the best vision products. Keep an eye on it we’ll talk to you soon
Source : Youtube

Box Breathing Technique with a 5-2 Pattern: Calm Anxiety, Relax your Mind
We all experience feelings of anxiety or stress sometimes. It could feel like you’re going crazy, but you’re not! When you’re stressed,  your breathing becomes shallow.
If it stays shallow, your mind interprets that as if you’re in danger and continues to release stress hormones.
However, if you purposefully  change to deeper, longer breaths, it signals to your brain that you are safe (since you wouldn’t  slow down your breathing if you were in danger).   This is why breathing techniques calm the body physically.
Luckily, when that happens, the mind follows and calms down too.
When you use a breathing technique with a pattern, it has the extra bonus of engaging your mind to keep track of  that pattern. The “5-2 box breathing” is a simple relaxation technique that can help you regulate your emotions. You can do it anywhere at any time.
This patterned box breathing can help reduce stress and improve mood. It’ll also help you control and manage your emotions.
And it’s very easy to learn. Imagine breathing around a box. Put your hands on your belly.
Inhale and visualize going up one side of a box, gradually filling your lungs with air to the count of five.
When you reach the top, hold your full lungs for a count of five as you imagine going across the top of the  box. Then, exhale slowly as you imagine traveling down the other side of the box for five. When you get to the bottom, take two regular breaths. Then, again, go up the side of the box for five.
Hold full lungs for five as you go across the top. And come down the other side for a count of five. Then, again, two regular breaths.
Repeat this box breathing pattern 7 to 10 times in a row, observing the sensation of your breath filling your torso–holding and  releasing.
Like most breathing techniques, this can be done sitting down with your feet on the floor or lying down if that’s more comfortable.   Patterned breathing has physiological and psychological benefits.
Physiologically, it regulates your breath, increasing oxygen to the  body and reducing blood pressure and heart rate.   It helps psychologically by providing  a mental focus on the breath,   thus removing attention from what’s  causing your stress and anxiety.   A daily practice of box breathing helps  reduce overall stress in your life.   Practice even when you’re calm to integrate the skills into your body.
That way, in moments when feelings of stress and anxiety are overwhelming, the patterned box breathing will be already associated with calmness  and will feel familiar and comforting.   Remember, the power to come yourself  is as close as your next breath.
Source : Youtube

Carl Jung & Buddhism On The Unconscious
The work of Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung  and the ancient teachings of Gautama Buddha seem   to belong to different worlds. They originate from  completely different cultures, millennia apart,   and two opposite ends of the Earth. Yet something  more fundamental than these differences unites  
them. That is, the conviction that man’s  wellbeing is rooted in the mind and that to   understand the mind is the key task of maturity. This shared interest in the psyche led both Jung   and Buddhism down similar paths of investigation.  Sometimes they reached similar conclusions,  
sometimes they didn’t. But both discovered there  is much more to the mind than people realize. Both   arrived at what today we call the unconscious. In this video, we’ll compare the Jungian and the   Buddhist concepts of the unconscious. But not  in a dry, scholarly way. This video will be a  
success if by the end you have gained some insight  into your own mind. So, with this goal in mind,   let’s jump right in. But before we get to the  unconscious, let’s start with consciousness.  The Buddha’s view of consciousness is  quite different from what most westerners  
are familiar with. To him, consciousness is a  phenomenon that arises when sense organs and   sense objects come into contact. Now what does this mean?  The sense organs are six. There are the five  we know in the west: eyes, ears, tongue, skin,  
and nose. But in Buddhism the mind counts as an  additional (sixth) sense organ. The corresponding   sense objects are images, sounds, tastes,  feelings (as in touch), smells – and thoughts.  Observe how here a thought is not something  the mind produces, but something that appears  
to the mind. If we feel our thoughts are ‘our  thoughts’, originating from our ‘selves’, this   is as unenlightened as thinking the sounds we hear  originate in our ears. (Tinnitus aside.) Much of   the Buddhist practice of meditation is aimed at  breaking our habit of identifying with thoughts. 
If you want to learn more about this, I suggest  you check out my earlier video on the no-self.  Anyway, you can think of sense organs  as locks and of sense objects as keys.   When the right key goes into the right lock, the  doors of perception open. Consciousness arises. 
This model is extraordinary  for at least two reasons.  First, it presents consciousness without  any notion of a subject or a self. Buddhism   compares consciousness to fire. Fire is not an  independent ‘thing in itself’. Fire depends on  
fuel to burn. If there’s no fuel, there can  be no fire. In this same way, if there are no   appropriate sense objects and sense organs  present, there can be no consciousness.  Compare this model with all those wisdom  traditions that view consciousness as a  
primary essence. As some spiritual reality  that exists independently of time and space.   Immediately you will see how controversial the  Buddha’s theory of mind was. And it still is.  There’s another profound  implication of this model. 
Our six sense organs can each only match  with one type of sense object. For example,   the eye cannot perceive smells, nor can our  skin feel colors. But there is no reason to   assume that the six types of sense objects  we perceive are the only ones that exist! 
For example, a bat doesn’t have a sense organ  for sight, a plant (probably) doesn’t have   a sense organ for thoughts, and a mushroom  likely doesn’t have a sense organ for sounds.  To each of these types of organism, the  world appears in entirely different ways. 
This would mean that the world of our everyday  experience is not objective in the least. It is   rather the product of what our bodies are able to  perceive with their limited sets of sense organs.   A blind man walking through the Louvre would only  see blackness. But this blackness is and remains  
his reality. It is no less true than the reality  of a sighted person enjoying the works of art.  In this sense there is little difference  between what we call ‘the world’ and what   our bodies are able to process and construct in  our awareness. We can ever only experience the  
limited representation of reality our bodies are  able to generate. The Buddha goes so far as to say   our bodies are our world. He says: ‘’In this fathom-long body,   with its perceptions and thoughts, I  proclaim the world to be…’ (A II 48) 
This obviously goes against the whole  subject-object distinction we take   for granted in the West. Or as Lord Byron writes:  ‘Are not the mountains, waves, and skies, a  part / Of me and of my soul, as I of them?’ 
The point here is that the universe of which we  are a part has endowed us with limited resources   to perceive it, let alone understand it.  Our clearest perception of the world can   ever only be a low-resolution representation  of it. In effect, a new, private reality. What  
would mountains, waves, and skies be if there  was no consciousness to perceive them as such?  The great presocratic philosopher Heraclitus  had much to say about how our perception   creates our world. You can check out my  video on him if you want to learn more. 
The illusory feeling that humans perceive an  objective, external reality comes from the   circumstance that the only entities with which we  can discuss reality are yet other humans. And we   all have the same hardware and software. If any  among us get funny ideas about what reality is,  
we put them away in asylums for the  insane. But the only real argument   in favor of the sane versus the insane is that  the former outnumber the latter. Reportedly. A   desperate argument if ever there was one. Anyway, here Jung would say okay… but… 
Imagine a boy whose mother is cold and unloving.  This boy grows up and every time he meets a woman,   he goes out of his way to please her. Or he  takes the most innocent comment from her as   an offence aimed personally at him. So even after  the grown man’s mother is no longer present, the  
sight of a woman triggers his childhood behavior. How can this be explained by the theory of sense   organs and sense objects? If the keys that  once unlocked certain traumas are no longer   present, how do these traumas keep arising? The disciples of the Buddha too came across  
this problem in their own way. It became most  obvious for the Buddhist school of the Yogācāra,   which consisted of the most advanced  meditators the world has ever known.  The Yogācāra monks could enter such deep  states of meditation that their stream of  
consciousness would come to a halt and all  mental afflictions would disappear. This   way they extinguished the three Buddhist  fires of desire, hatred, and ignorance.  The problem was, these states never lasted. As soon as they were out of meditation,  
the monks discovered they were back to  their ordinary, unenlightened selves.  But how can desire, hatred, and ignorance reappear  after they have been extinguished? And how can   one’s stream consciousness reemerge in  the first place once it has stopped? 
Or if we take dreaming as a Jungian  example, how and where does our   consciousness return from when we awake? For both Jung and the Yogācāra Buddhists these   kinds of questions pointed in the same direction. Consciousness alone is not sufficient to account  
for human experience. There must be some  additional region of the mind which remains   active even when consciousness dissolves. This  background region must be what connects and   keeps track of all our momentary experiences. The Buddhists called this background of the  
mind the ālayavijñāna, meaning  store-house consciousness.  Jung called it the unconscious.  He described it like this:  ‘Everything of which I know, but of which I am  not at the moment thinking;… everything perceived  
by my senses, but not noted by my conscious mind;  everything which, involuntarily and without paying   attention to it, I feel, think, remember, want to  do; all the future things that are taking shape   in me and will sometime come to consciousness;  all this is the content of the unconscious.’ 
For both Jung and the Yogācāra Buddhists, the  unconscious is like what modern physicists   call dark matter. It is not something anyone  can observe directly (otherwise it would be   conscious), but it must exist to account for  the facts of reality. If this strikes you as  
a desperate argument… you’re right.  Our best attempts to understand deep   reality can ever only be such: desperate. So what does the unconscious account for?  Well, how about… you! A self can only exist  because of the unconscious. Let me elaborate. 
Consciousness is momentary. Hear this [BEEP].  Well, you were conscious of that sound for   a moment there, but now it’s gone. Now only the  memory of the sound remains and soon it too will   fade. This applies to all experiences you’ve  ever had. If you had only your consciousness,  
there would be just a ceaseless stream  of disconnected experiences without any   narrative that connects them. Your mind would be  like a pot with the bottom taken out. No matter   how much experience is poured into it, it would  remain empty of concepts like ‘self’ and ‘world’. 
This insight comes from the Yogācāra Buddhists.  They understood the sense of being a separate   self is a story we tell ourselves based on a  reservoir of experience we accumulate through   life. And where is this reservoir stored?  Not in consciousness, that’s for sure;  
consciousness is the momentary contact of  sense organs with sense objects. So, our past   experiences must be recorded in an ālayavijñāna,  an unconscious storehouse of the mind.  So let’s sum-up the Yogācāra model. Conscious experience occurs when any  
of the six sense organs come in contact with their  corresponding sense objects. These six streams of   experience are stitched together into one coherent  picture of the world through a seventh type of   consciousness. This is called the mānas-vijñāna  (meaning ‘mind consciousness’). In Jungian terms,  
the mānas-vijñāna is the ego, the sense of  being a self that is experiencing a world.   The ego is vital for making sense of the  world even if it leads us to all kinds of   deluded behavior. After experiences get  conceptualized and related to the ego,  
they finally sink down into the ālayavijñāna, the  unconscious storehouse of the mind. There, they   remain dormant until the right conditions trigger  them to arise to the surface of consciousness.  Let me give an example of  how this works in real life. 
A boy bullies others at school. The mānas-vijñāna  extrapolates from these experiences a sense of   self that is sadistic and seeks power over others.  This gets imprinted into the storehouse of his   mind. When the child grows up, he enters the  corporate world. There, he sees how people in  
power can bully their subordinates in all kinds  of subtle ways. This triggers his childhood   memories from the ālayavijñāna and inspires  him to climb the corporate ladder so he can   have power over others. Eventually, he becomes  a tyrannical boss and reinforces his sadistic  
sense of self. These new experiences sink into  his unconscious and make it even more likely   he’ll repeat this behavior in the future. The Buddhists compare this process to how   rainwater gathers in channels on the ground.  The more time passes and the more it rains,  
the deeper these channels get. Finally, they turn  into rivers. This is how with time our actions   become habits and our habits become our ‘selves’. Buddhists also use seeds as a metaphor. Our   unconscious is like the soil and our actions  and experiences are seeds that get planted  
there. When the right conditions arise,  these seeds ripen into new actions and   experiences. This explains how our past stays  with us and determines our present and future.  A psychotherapist would inquire into  your childhood; a Buddhist would inquire  
into your past lives. Whether you call it  trauma or karma, the principle is the same.  This is some profound insight into the human  psyche, but… There’s something missing. And   Jung would be the first one to point it out.  He discovered an additional aspect of the  
unconscious the Buddhists never came across. Let’s take our previous example of the bully   that becomes a tyrannical boss. One night that man  has a horrible dream. In his dream, he walks into   a room of mirrors. In each mirror, he sees his  reflection committing terrible acts of violence.  
The man wakes up from the dream horrified.  For the entirety of the next day, he can’t   shake off a feeling of guilt. He starts observing  his behavior at work and, to his shame, discovers   just how much of a jerk he is towards everyone. Now this is a made-up example, but I think we  
can all relate to it. Our dreams sometimes show  us uncomfortable truths about ourselves that we   either can’t or won’t face in our waking lives. Jung called this unconscious compensation. What   he meant was that our unconscious seeks  to balance the activity of our conscious  
mind. Borrowing from Newton, Jung tells us  every conscious action causes an equal and   opposite in direction reaction in the unconscious. Someone who acts violently could have dreams   that confront him with suppressed  feelings of guilt. On the other hand,  
someone repressing her anger could have dreams  that encourage her to stand up for herself more.  If you’ve ever paid attention to your own dreams,  you will know this occurs. And yet the Yogācāra   model of the mind overlooks this entirely. In the Yogācāra view, the unconscious simply  
stores and amplifies experience. Seeds of wrath  produce grapes of wrath. But as we can see from   our dreams, sometimes the unconscious  flips conscious experience on its head.  I think there’s an important reason why Jung  understood this but the Buddhists didn’t. 
You see, the Yogācārins were only concerned with  how to end the unhealthy habits supported by the   ālayavijñāna. Beyond that, the unconscious was  of no interest to them. They knew how one can   purify consciousness here and now. But to put  an end to suffering for good, they wished to  
learn how to cleanse the unconscious.  That’s as far as their interest went.  Jung, on the other hand, saw the unconscious  as a source of wisdom and guidance. He knew   it contained much more than waking consciousness  and he wanted to learn from it. This attitude led  
him in a direction the Buddhists never  thought to go. It made him ask one of   his deepest and most controversial questions. Jung asked: ‘If consciousness dreams and sinks   into the unconscious… could the unconscious also  dream and sink into an even deeper unconscious?’ 
It was this strange question that led Jung to his  greatest discovery: the collective unconscious.  The collective unconscious is such a deep and  controversial idea that to go into it would   make this video twice as long as it already is.  But we cannot leave it out completely either. 
Remember how Jung and the Buddhists discovered  the unconscious? They observed that consciousness   itself is too limited to account for all  its contents. The conclusion was that these   contents must be coming from somewhere else  – some deeper and hidden region of the mind. 
Well, Jung continued this same  reasoning one step further.  He observed his patients’ dreams mostly  referred to their personal experiences,   like our example with the bully. That’s  to be expected. But to Jung’s amazement,  
sometimes his patients dreamt of things that  had nothing to do with their personal lives.   Sometimes their dreams contained obscure elements  from world culture and literature. Ancient gods,   alchemical images, Mesopotamian myths… How could  people dream of things they had no knowledge of? 
The more dreams he analyzed, the more  convinced Jung became. There must be an   even deeper region of the mind under one’s  personal unconscious. This region somehow   contains all that has ever been experienced by  the human mind and it is common to all people.  
Perhaps even, it is common to animals too. Jung called this the collective unconscious.   A great storehouse of psychic content that is  the birthplace of all our individual psyches.  Because we are connected in such a way, everything  an individual can experience can be experienced  
also collectively. The Enlightenment, the  Nazi movement, the Protestant revolution…   These are all examples of how large groups  of people can act as a single individual   possessed by an idea or an emotional state. The collective unconscious is a network  
in which we are all connected. Our  actions both arise from and contribute   to the network of all individual minds. This is obviously a controversial idea.   And it would have terrified the Buddhists. Not only is there one’s consciousness that  
must be liberated… and not only must one’s  unconscious be liberated… But there’s also   the collective unconscious of all sentient  beings that must be freed from suffering.  How could you possibly heal the  collective karma of all sentient beings? 
Well, perhaps, on some level, the Buddhists  did understand this. This would explain the   bodhisattva vow. In the Mahayana tradition,  a monk vows to delay his own enlightenment   until the day all sentient beings are  liberated from suffering. He vows: 
The unrescued I will rescue The unliberated I will liberate  The uncomforted I will comfort Those who have not yet reached [final]nirvana,   I will cause to attain [final]nirvana Mahayana Buddhism recognizes its project can never  
succeed if even a single sentient being remains  in ignorance and suffering. Is this an intuition   of what Jung called the collective unconscious? I believe all the world’s mystics teach us that   on some deep level we are all like leaves on a  tree. The many leaves create the illusion of many  
beings. But in the end, there is only the one,  only the tree living itself through each of us.   We must credit Jung with his serious attempt to  give a scientific expression to this idea. No   wonder his critics accused of mysticism. We’ve covered lots of ground here, but really,  
we have just scratched the surface of both  Jungian and Buddhist theory of mind. We’ve   not even mentioned the Jungian archetypes  and complexes or explored Buddhist karma   and rebirth. I leave these for future videos. I hope you walk away from this knowing your  
mind is much more mysterious and complex  than it seems. And what you call ‘I’ is but   the tip of an iceberg that goes so deep  it might end up being what we call God.  Thank you for spending your time here with me!  This video took me weeks to write and edit and  
if you’d like to support my work please  consider becoming a patron on Patreon or   a member here on YouTube. And do share this  video with anyone you think would enjoy it.  In any case, I wish you all the best, and  remember, ‘What you seek is seeking you’. 
Source : Youtube

5 Things Never Share With Anyone | Albert Einstein Quotes | Quotes | Einstein| Quotes_Change_life

Five things you should never share with anyone  Albert Einstein everyone has a problem but if   yours become so alarming others will leave theirs  and debate yours there are things you should share   with people and there are things you never share  with people no matter how close they are to you
Albert Einstein summarized those things  into just five because if you are able   to keep these five things private  other things will fall into place let’s look at the five things you should  never share with people by Albert Einstein
number one The Secret of your success this does   not mean that you cannot motivate  and inspire people with your success   going about sharing those secrets to your  success with everyone is not advisable
in this world we live in you don’t actually know   what people are really made of  we still have good ones no Dot it will be an advantage for you to go about  your normal business without having to  
share how and the things you do in secret  that make you more successful than others   if you tell someone The Secret of your  success people will try to do the same   thing but if they fail they will accuse you of  not telling them the truth so never tell anybody  
The Secret of your success [Music] number  two don’t share your problem with anyone sharing our problems makes us feel lighter and  less burden but instead of solving the problem   telling it to people can actually increase it in  fact 70 percent of people are happy to hear about  
your problem and 10 percent really care so think  twice before telling someone your problem [Music]   when you go about sharing your problems with   people you open yourself up to  be used as an objective gossip
so many people don’t really care about your  problems some of them are happy that you have them best thing you can do for yourself is to   find a way to solve your problems  without opening yourself to people
no matter how much you trust them your  problems should remain private unless you   are sharing it with your doctor therapist or other  Professionals for professional advice and help number three don’t share your dreams with anyone
if you have already set your goals and your  dreams in life it is best to keep them to yourself   because sharing them can affect your point of view  and your purpose and you can get caught up in it always remember that you cannot  get the same advice or opinion  
from others because everybody  has a different point of view talking about point of view your dream  may seem like a joke or even worthless   to so many people you might be seeing  light while they are seeing Darkness
point of view differs everyone must  not agree with you but that is not   a problem keep it to yourself and work on  it consistently until it becomes a reality number four don’t share with  anyone how much you earn
your income is definitely something that  others should not be aware of if you go   about sharing everything about your income  and personal finance with people you will   soon attract unnecessary hatred for yourself  [Music] your income and personal finances  
should be between you and yourself if  you need advice concerning your money   you should channel the questions to the  appropriate Authority not to your friends number five don’t share your  family problems with anyone
there is no family that dong have a problem  some have big problems while some have small   ones but sharing the problem with someone  would never solve these problems sharing   with others only aggravate the problem  [Music] it is called family problems  
and it should remain within the family and its  members no third party should take part in it every family has its own different problem but if   yours becomes too alarming others  will leave theirs and debate yours
Source : Youtube