I once read a story about a woman who adopted a
stray dog that she found wandering the highway. He was a sweet mutt. He was good with kids, he was
well behaved, and he didn't make messes in the house. The only downside was that every time
they got into the car he would get worked up into a tizzy, he would run back and forth across
the back seat frantically panting with anxiety, and if that wasn't bad enough he would then
throw up all over the back seat. This happened every time they got into the car. Now you can
imagine the dog owner was about at her wit's end. In desperation she decided to take
the dog to a trainer and ask for help. The trainer taught the woman to teach the dog to
be calm by having the dog lay down in the car.
She explained that when the dog's body is in a calm
position it sends messages to the brain that he's safe and triggers him to relax. The woman started
working with the dog every day putting him in the car, gently making him lay down, and before long
he stopped throwing up in her car. Problem solved. In previous videos in this course we learned
that our emotional reactions are much deeper than our thoughts, they show up in the body and are
powered by the fight-flight-freeze response in our limbic system. Now we're going to talk about
how to soothe anxiety in your nervous system through the skill of self-regulation. Basically
this means calming down your nervous system and creating the physiological response
of feeling safe when we are actually safe. This video is sponsored by Take 2 Minutes. Take 2 Minutes is a non-profit dedicated to helping improve your happiness. They use text messages to
send you a positive message every day and you can just text them to get sent a custom activity
designed to help improve your mental health. They have guided meditations, an easy gratitude
journal, and some great resources to help with anxiety, sleep, and improve your mental health.
Their service is free. Sign up now. Just go to their website at take2minutes.org, or text the number on
the screen to start getting positive messages and activities today. Is it possible to have an anxiety
disorder or ptsd if your body is calm? I've worked with many professional trauma educators who say
that you cannot have ptsd or anxiety disorders in a relaxed body. Anxiety and ptsd are the
outward symptoms of having your nervous system stuck in high alert, when when your amygdala is
sending the message that you're in danger and it's triggering that fight-flight-freeze response.
So this is why anxiety is something that you feel in your stomach, or ptsd locks you into hyper
vigilance, you know, jumping at the slightest threat. This is because your nervous system gets
stuck in that sympathetic response. People often feel helpless to change their stress response
and it can feel impossible because this fight-flight-freeze response is an autonomic
reaction, but we have more influence than we realize.
So for example, when stressed, our muscles
get tense without us consciously thinking about it, however, we can control our muscles when we think
about it, or when we feel nervous, our breathing gets shorter and shallower, but if we consciously
take a deep breath, we can slow down our breathing. These are two autonomic reactions that we can
influence. We can change how stressed our body feels by doing simple techniques. The coolest
thing about this is not only does your brain send a message to your body about whether to be
stressed or calm, but your body sends a message to your brain about whether to be stressed or
whether to be calm. So when we choose to breathe deeply or slowly, we choose to turn on that
parasympathetic response, which fosters calm.
So in this video I'm going to teach you a half
dozen ways to regulate your nervous system and turn on that parasympathetic response. When
you practice this, you can transform your nervous system from being dominated by the stress response
to being dominated by the rest and digest response. Now a quick side note, many people are familiar
with relaxation skills. With relaxation skills we stop doing a task, we step away, and we engage
in an activity that takes a lot of our attention. So for example, watching tv right? Relaxation skills
really are important, but again they are hard to practice daily, I mean the healthy ones are hard
to practice daily, obviously watching tv is really easy, but um they can be a form of avoidance that
leads to problems in the future. So we sometimes have this idea that if we're working, we also have
to be stressed right? If we're working- we have to be stressed- these are fused, and that the
only way to be relaxed is to be away from work. Seeing a situation this way creates a dependence
on avoidance and if you remember back in section 4, avoidance makes us anxious.
When we think of
situations as the cause of our stress, we create helplessness around our stress levels. So if you
have the belief that 'I'm stressed because of my job', then you may feel like the only way to escape
that stress is to quit your job or just grate your way through it. Now there's another way to think
and act, we can train our minds and our bodies to separate the situation from the response. So let
me give you an example, if instead you recognize- 'I'm stressed because I constantly believe that I'm
in danger when I get feedback at my job', this can help you reduce that stress response at work. Now
we're going to talk a lot more about this, this way we think about danger, in the sections on Perceived
Danger and Creating Safety, but when we acknowledge that it's the belief that we're in danger, when
we're actually safe, that's making us anxious, then that opens up a little space to change how you see
your job.
So if you have a massive stress response in the face of your job evaluation, you could
change your thinking by reminding yourself- 'this is not a threat to my physical safety,
I don't need to fight off a tiger right now, I'm safe.' So in this way, relaxation skills can
sometimes backfire, they're helpful and important, but self-regulation skills are things we can
do while we're still at work and while we're changing our thinking right? Unlike relaxation
skills, self-regulation skills are things we do while performing a task to keep our nervous system
balanced. We can practice them throughout the day and while doing almost any activity. They keep our
nervous system calm while active, and they decrease stress and exhaustion. So basically the goal of
self-regulation is to pair the type of thinking that says 'I am safe right now', with a relaxed
body which keeps us calm, clear-headed, and focused. So when we're calm, we're better able to make
value-based decisions instead of being reactive, and practicing this creates relaxed vigilance.
me tell you a story about how I learned this right. I used to work at a treatment center for teenage
girls. I really liked the job, it was very rewarding, but for me it was also really stressful. Each of
these girls faced many challenges and I cared a lot about them. I always wanted to do my very best
to help them. One of the most stressful parts of my job was parent weekends, when the parents of these
girls would fly out and visit for three days and we would cram as many individual family and group
therapy sessions into the weekend as was humanly possible.
For my first two years working there
these weekends were times where at work I felt like I was sprinting right, I didn't sleep well, I
was high strung, I was stressed out, I was trying to almost frantically cram as much intensity into
my day as possible. I didn't know any other way. I thought that in order to perform under
pressure, I had to be worked up and wound tight. That if I cared about my work it was natural
that I was going to be stressed and that the only alternative was to choose a job that was boring or
not important.
I really didn't know any other way. So I just kept going through this like stress
and exhaustion cycle. Then one January, I attended a conference on treating trauma that changed my
perspective. Using many of the activities that I'm going to teach you in this chapter, the facilitator
trained us to foster a calm body while engaging in an intense activity.
As I practiced these
skills, I developed the ability to facilitate a parent weekend without having to be completely
stressed out. I still cared, I still brought my A-game, and I was excited to be there, and we
still did a million sessions in a weekend, but by monitoring and relaxing my body's stress
response, I was able to stay more regulated in my body, I was able to think more clearly, and I was
able to go home at the end of the day feeling more energetic and less exhausted. It was still hard
work, but it became enjoyable and sustainable again.
The ability to be busy, engaged, even vigilant,
without our nervous system freaking out, is a skill that can be learned. Eric Gentry, who trained
me in this, he trains ER doctors and Policemen and Special Ops and Soldiers with ptsd, and he teaches
them how to be active, how to actually create safety, this experience, this felt sense of safety,
even in genuinely life-threatening experiences. How to do it without being
dominated by the stress response? We create this state by pairing the belief that
we're safe- 'okay, I know that no one is killing me right now', with mindful awareness and physical
self-regulation, and when we do this we perform the same tasks that we previously found to be you
know, exhausting and stressful, we do this instead while keeping a calm body.
Now in a previous video
I taught you four skills that send a message from your body to your brain to calm down. They are deep
belly breathing, the valsalva maneuver, peripheral vision, softening your gaze, and the yawn. And in
my last video I taught you the shake it off skill. Many of these are simple things you can do
throughout your day to regulate your stress even when you're facing stressful tasks.
I think
it's pretty cool that your phone or your smart watch can also remind you throughout the day to
take a deep breath or to pause or to go for a walk. Now all these skills can help your nervous system
calm down, and it's like they're strengthening your calm muscle. The more you practice, the better
you'll get at getting calm. Now there are lots of other activities that help stimulate
the vagus nerve and its calming effects, so I'm gonna teach you four more right now.
So go ahead and write down your anxiety level right now on a scale from zero to ten. This
first skill is an interesting one, it's called the emotional freedom technique or tapping. So
go ahead and just gently tap on your forehead seven times, and now do that
again right here next to your eye, and then right here under your eye, right here above your lip, below your lip- one two three four
five six seven, your collarbone, right here under your arm, and then right here on the karate chop
area- one two three four five six seven.
Okay, now that the activity is over, write down your
anxiety level again on a scale from zero to ten. Now for most people, their
anxiety goes down a little bit. Now here's the thing about this technique,
there is no scientific evidence to back this up. Proponents of tapping say that you're doing work
with your energy or your meridians or your chi, but there's really no research to back this up.
What we do know is that it tends to take the anxiety level down a notch for most people. In my
opinion, almost anything we can do to get grounded in the body can help the body remind the brain
that you are safe right now, so that's why I think this works for some people. Just look around your
room right now, open your eyes, look beyond to the screen you're looking at right now and just notice
you're safe in this room.
You're okay right now. This is how we calm the brain and the body.
Okay, number two is a lot more fun. Laughter triggers that parasympathetic response. Have you
ever noticed how when someone has a near miss, like they nearly get hit by a car or something,
they have this instinctive laugh? That's the body's way of relieving that pressure, that built
up fear response. So when you can, take the time to laugh throughout your day. Another way to do this
is getting upside down, getting inverted right? So you could do a headstand or you could use
an inversion table. What this does is this sends blood to the heart, it slows down its beats, and
that can trigger a relaxation response. Another way to trigger that parasympathetic response is
washing your face in cold water.
This triggers the dive response which slows heart rate and breathing.
There's a couple of other really good ways to um foster that balanced nervous system, one of them
is monotasking right? I mean just do one thing at a time. The reason this is important is because
your brain perceives multitasking as a threat, so whenever possible just do one thing at a time.
Another thing that's helpful is mindfulness, this is a big word for saying- be where you're at,
be present doing what you're doing, and that's because 99.9% of the time, we're actually safe, we're
physically safe.
We're going to talk more about this in the next video, but we have the perception
of danger when we don't notice where we're at. Something else that's helpful in triggering
that parasympathetic response is just doing one slow thing a day, so stop to pet a dog, sit and
drink cold water without doing anything else, just one slow thing a day. You know what else
is good for the parasympathetic response sex. Sex takes you through these natural cycles
of the parasympathetic response, and then the sympathetic response for orgasm, and then the
parasympathetic system rebounds afterwards. So sex can take you through these healthy cycles
of nervous system activation and relaxation. If you want to foster a healthy nervous system
it's also important to pay attention to your biorhythms.
That means eat when you're hungry, sleep
when you're tired, you know exercise when you feel that need inside of your body. Here's another
really great way to trigger that parasympathetic response- hug someone you care about. So hugs
send a sense of safety to the brain, which then releases oxytocin, which lowers blood pressure
and heart rate, and turns down that stress response. And stretching can also turn down that stress
response, so when we release muscle tension it sends a message to our brain to calm down.
So go ahead and try one of these right now.
I'm gonna just do a quick stretch, my shoulders
get really tight, and if I do this little (exhale).. let's do the other arm (slow breaths)- ahh. Now, I hope you're
feeling a little bit better. Please remember from skill number five that if we try to
force, control, suppress, or avoid our emotions, these attempts tend to backfire. If you're feeling
anxious and you try to force yourself to calm down, it can make you feel more anxious. So instead,
practice willingness, allow yourself to feel your emotions and then expand your awareness to the
calm and content areas that are already in your body. Gently lean into these sensations of calmness
instead of trying to force your anxiety to go away.
You should have plenty of opportunities
throughout your day to feel a little tense, notice it, and actively work to soften while still
doing your activity, your work or whatever it is. Practice this act of self-regulation every day, it
takes almost no extra time, just a little bit of awareness. We should be doing self-regulation
every couple of minutes throughout the day. So this practice of checking in, regulating
your muscles and your response, it just takes a second or two to do, but if you can
if you do it consistently throughout your day, this can completely change your
nervous system to be dominated by calm. In the next video you're going to learn how to
soothe your mind and create that felt sense of safety. You're going to learn about perceived
danger and actual safety. Thank you for watching and take care. This video is one skill from my
30 skill course- How To Process Your Emotions, where I teach 30 of the most essential skills for
resolving depression, anxiety, and improving mental health. Emotion processing is an essential skill
for working through intense emotions, but most people have never been taught how to do it.
putting every single main video lesson on youtube for the world to access for free. You watching
these videos, sharing them, contributing to my Patreon, and my sponsors make this possible. If
you would like to access the entire course in one place, ad free, with its workbook, exercises,
downloads, extra videos, live Q&A's, additional short readings, and links to extended resources, the link
to buy the course is in the description below. .
Hi, I’m Emma McAdam, a licensed therapist, in this little Nugget of Help we’re going to apply some tools from adoption and commitment regiman to help with school and social anxiety. This activity is meant to help build an increased ability to face anxiety eliciting status like institution or social locates The purpose of this activity is not relaxation but resilience meaning the ability to experience uncomfortable perceptions with strong empathy and pacify. So during this activity You may feel a couple of spirits, some comfortable and some unpleasant Please stick with the activity through the end and I predict you’ll develop a greater ability to experience your excitements without them limiting you So first check in with yourself, a be engaged in a comfortable locate close your eyes and Take a depth breath Let it out gradually Take a moment and notice your feet wiggle them Now, press them against the floor.Just feel what the flooring feels like pressing back up against your feet Now move your awareness up your legs clench your calves and then soften those muscles Then clench the big-hearted muscles in your thighs for a moment Now relax them and breathe in and breathe out Now move your awareness up to your belly You may feel some hostility here and that’s okay Pretend you’re scientist who has never noticed what that feeling is like Explore that feeling in your stomach and describe it in your psyche. What does it definitely sounds like? Allow it happening there while clenching your stomach muscles as tightly as you can Now breathe out and then take a big inhale Expand your stomach out as far as it becomes Hold that gulp and notice what that feels like Let that air out and move your awareness up to your chest and back Tense, those muscles attract your shoulders up to your ears and hamper them there tightly, clenched hard Then softened those muscles and breathe out gradually Now clench your biceps your upper arms and then liberate Now clench your fists and liberate Move your awareness up to your face and seize your face muscles tightly And now lightened those muscles in your face Now we’re going to do a speedy check of your bodily awareness, what do you notice in your figure? There might be some places in your organization that feel warm soft and comfortable notice those And there might be some residence that feel tighten or pain notice these areas You don’t need to label these even worse or be discouraged, but merely notice them Notice yourself breathing what does it feel like to breathe? Take one more deep breath in and give away very slowly What feelings or sensations are you knowing right now? Some of them may be painful and that’s okay Just notice them, be curious.What does it feel like to feel those sentiments without needing to escape them? Send each of your feelings a bit mental hug. It’s okay to have feelings. Notice if there are any more spirits, perhaps quieter emotions that “youre gonna” feeling too what else are you noticing? Be puzzled. You don’t need them “re going away”. You can treat feeling them. How would you describe each of these sentiments? Take one more deep breath and notice yourself breathing Now let’s envisage yourself going to the first day of clas The bus pushes up to the front of the school and as you get off the bus you feel your gut tighten a bit Perhaps you feel a lot of energy coursing through your torso You may feel a little tense or jumpy and that’s okay It’s perfectly normal to be having these feelings and superstars Most of the other adolescents are feeling a little anxious and aroused extremely You can administer feeling this action Anxiety and fervor are the same physiological response in our body Both of them prepping us for action to perform well, and it’s okay to have this feeling in your person Your old-time habitual suppose is I need to escape or I can’t handle feeling this way But now you remind yourself I can administer feeling this course and be okay.I Don’t need my agitations to go away for me to be alright, I can feel them and notice them and While they are uncomfortable, they can’t trauma me. I is in fact safe in this moment You look around and remember that probably most of the other children are also feeling a little watchful or stimulated right now It’s perfectly natural to feel this way, and it’s not going to harm you You alter your attention back to your breathing and as you step toward the school you notice something beautiful What is it? Perhaps the clear sky or the light-green grass Take a time and notice that one pretty thing You hear lots of adolescents are running noisily toward the school some are meeting up with their friends some are alone suddenly you were supposed to meditated What if no one will be my friend? or You worry that people are looking at you in a funny way.For a moment You have visions of a catastrophe run through your psyche. You’re afraid of being rejected being alone being a loser But you rapidly notice those remembers they are distressing and loudly judges, but they are just supposes Just as you can notice yourself listening to my expression at this moment. You can notice yourself having those designs They aren’t truthful They don’t help you be the person that you appreciate Because you appraise being style, you be concerned about connecting with people You want to be a good friend. You can act on those qualities and good things will happen People will want to be friends with you when they get to know you because of who you are You notice those frightening thoughts and you imagine them written on the side of the bus and the bus begins to pull away You remember that you’re okay You have some inner endowments to share with the world. Even if you are quiet or observant instead of a thundering idiot. Take a time and think of one of the talents that you have One thing that you are good at like has become a good listener or noticing others needs for example You remember some of the people who love you and looks just like you, your friends your parents You remember that you are safe right now.It may feel uncomfortable But you can handle that You may feel a bit of distres But you can open up some opening for that suspicion inside of you. You don’t need to represent that nervousnes go away to be okay. Imagine that your anxiety is a little child saying What if no one likes me? and you say Come now little tension. I want to give you a hug See it’s awkward, but you can experience it and it doesn’t trauma you. You walk through the figurehead entrances of the school and there’s a lot of noise and commotion Not your favorite So you thoughts over to your locker, You previously know where it is because you went to the open live And you open your locker and a gentle float of your favorite flavor comes out of it You waste a minute.Just bask that fragrance Breathe in deeply Now you walk to your first class, you know Right where it is and you arrive a few minutes early you take your seat and look around There’s a few other adolescents sitting down and you say hi to the girl sitting next to you She says hi back, and then suddenly you feel so awkward You start worrying that you should have said more or maybe you shouldn’t have said anything or that maybe you didn’t determine fairly nose contact and unexpectedly you’re hyper aware of how you’re sitting in your chair and you can feel Your heart thrashing a little faster and your hands sweating a little bit and then you notice yourself Tensing up a little and you can notice your thoughts Now in this moment notice what’s going on in your person and in your mind.You retain what your mentor said you don’t actually act tricky you only feel clumsy No one else has even paying attention to you. They’re all anxious and elicited about their first day of school And they’re too busy worrying about what parties “ve been thinking about” them to notice you You can still feel that tight feeling in your tummy and your sweaty palms and you tell yourself.That’s ok It’s ok to have uncomfortable perceptions sometimes. I can let myself feel this experience without needing to escape it or make it go away You know that it never helps to beat yourself up so instead you precisely testify yourself a little compassion You going to go to noticing for a while and you sifted through your experience in this moment. So Sift is an acronym S is for agitations Notice your physical perceptions precisely notice them both cozy and disagreeable. I is for epitomes What do you envisage in this moment? Can you notice those portraits and then bring yourself back to center with the wheeze? Can you notice those portraits in your manager And then bring yourself back to center by acknowledge your wheeze F is for feelings, what ardours are you knowledge? Are you having more than one? What is one thing you’re elicited about And the T is thoughts Notice, what are you thinking? You don’t need to duel or change your thoughts. Just notice yourself having them You take another deep gulp and you’re feeling kind of proud That right now you’re experiencing a little anxiety But you’re okay with it It’s a little embarrassing But you’re beginning to develop the skill of letting yourself feel it You give yourself a little imaginary pat on the back for being indomitable For letting yourself do hard things and feel hard things and stick with it The bell sounds and the coach starts class he goes through the roll.You Pay close attention waiting for him to call your name.And then when he does you say here and Maybe you wonder a little if you did, okay, but no one even looks at you They’re all exactly paying attention to their own stuff right now You remind yourself that you can do hard things You take another deep gulp and tell it out gradually Then the teacher extends out a sheet of paper to everyone on it is an icebreaker activity You detest these. you have to go around the room and find someone who has broken their arm and someone who’s lived in another state and someone who Has a baby reptile Maybe you’re afraid that you’ll be awkward You might worry that no one will ask you questions or that you’re afraid that people will ask you questions You press your feet into the floor feeling the flooring pulping back up at you You notice your panic It’s telling you to run away, to avoid, to hide to be silent and you notice that fear You be recognized, you say hello fear.I’ve noticed you’re trying to hang out with me today I know I can’t meet you go away But you’re not the boss of me and I still get to decide what matters to me so fear You can restrain constructing suggestions, but I know what’s more important You is a well-known fact that you don’t like these icebreaker works But you also know that you wishes to be oblige some friends and you don’t want to isolate yourself on the first day So you look around and consider another minor who seems kind of hushed and is standing by himself You walk over to him and you feel a little awkward, but you don’t actually seem touchy from the outside. You look perfectly normal When you get to his desk, you look down at your article and you ask him.What’s your favorite notebook? He seems a little shy so you been listening while he says you about the book series that he likes then he looks at his paper and asks you What’s your favorite journal? You tell him about your favorite work and what you like about it and you can see in his smile that he’s speak that one And he likes it extremely. He must be a special type of nerd like you You stand around and other adolescents comes down to you and ask their questions you ask yours and pretty soon your newspapers all filled out The teacher gets back up. He seems nice and also a little funny and you think you’ll like his class The rest of that class leads somewhat smoothly you only sit in your chair and predict the syllabus while the educator tells you the class Rules and talks about what you’re going to learn so far so good You feel proud of yourself after your first day of clas There were hours “thats been” awkward, but that’s okay and there were experiences that were good You learned more about what to expect and although you felt some anxiety.You didn’t let it boss you around You were gentle with yourself Patient with your sentiments and whizs and you two are heroic to show up and feel lots of things today Excitement beauty anxiety hope for new friends and a sense of confidence in your ability to do hard-bitten things Now come back to the present moment Notice your feet on the floor notice your wheeze Think back over this exercise Was it unpleasant at times? But you fastened with it.You chose to do something challenging because something else mattered more than avoidance Take a deep breath and give yourself a little pat on the back for letting yourself experience your passions You are on the pathway to growth an emotional strong Keep up the good work.

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What's the difference between stress,
anxiety, and worry? And why does it matter? Most people talk about stress, anxiety
and worry interchangeably as if they're the same thing. For example: "my test
really stressed me out. I was so worried about it." or "I'm so worried about this
upcoming performance that is making my stomach hurt." Now the lack of
differentiation between these different aspects of anxiety leads to difficulties
in knowing how to resolve the effects of them so today we're going to talk about
the difference and why it matters.
Worry is the thinking part of anxiety
it happens in our frontal lobes the part of our brain that plans and thinks and
uses words and it has to do with thoughts like "Is she mad at me?" or "what's
going to happen at my upcoming performance?" Now we humans have developed
this part of our brain for important reasons. Worry helps us solve complex
problems by thinking about them, perhaps over and over again. But if worry becomes
distorted, compulsive, or stuck into a repetitive cycle then we can develop
disorders like depression and anxiety. Now stress on the other hand is the
physiological response to fear- so it's what's going on inside of our bodies
when we're reacting to something that's perceived as threatening or dangerous.
It's the fight, flight freeze response.
It's rooted in the reptilian brain. It's instinctual and unconscious. Stress serves a perfect function in helping us
to escape real threats for example the sweating that comes along with stress
helps us stay cool or the adrenaline helps us perform in situations where we
have to run away or fight off a physical threat. However if stress becomes chronic
and remains unresolved it can have serious consequences in our body: high
blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and chronic illness are all associated with
stress. Anxiety is the intersection of these two reactions the thinking and the
biological response. It's rooted in the limbic system and it
has to do with this feeling of foreboding or dread like something bad
is going to happen. Snxiety helps people be watchful for
danger but if it dominates our lives it can make it hard for us to feel joy and
to move forward in the direction of our values. If we want to learn to manage our
anxiety we need to learn to tailor our interventions to the different aspects
of stress. So in order to manage our worry we need to target those thoughts
with cognitive interventions-changing how we think and changing what we're
constantly imagining and visualizing in our minds.
And if we want to change the
stress response we need to take a bottom-up approach incorporating our
body's reactions and responses into interventions that change those
reactions and responses into a healthy way. The first step of emotion management
is awareness. Start to pay attention to what it feels like when you're having an
anxious response. Is it rooted in your mind? are you having thoughts or
imagining some future catastrophe? or is it rooted in your body? are you having
these physiological reactions like an upset stomach or a sweaty hands? As
you start to pay more attention to these reactions and gain more awareness around
them you'll develop greater abilities to learn how to respond to these these
instinctual reactions in a more helpful way. See if you can distinguish between
the two aspects of anxiety- the worry and the stress maybe even spend some time
writing about it.
And stay tuned to this channel for my next videos on how to
regulate each of those aspects of anxiety. I hope this was helpful and thanks for watching Take care!.