What is the link between joint hypermobility and anxiety? | Dr Jessica Eccles

In this short interview, Dr Jessica Eccles explains her research into the connection between joint hypermobility and anxiety.People with joint hypermobility are much more likely to suffer from anxiety and enhanced ‘fight or flight’ responses. Dr Eccles was the first person to connect this knowledge to structural changes in the brain, showing that the amygdala, associated with emotional processing, is larger in people with joint hypermobility. By clarifying the nature of this connection, she hopes to help develop more personalised and effective treatments.Dr Eccles is a psychiatrist and clinical research training fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.This clip was filmed as part of the Academy of Medical Sciences Spring Meeting, 2016. To read more about the Spring Meeting, visit https://acmedsci.ac.uk/grants-and-schemes/events/spring-meeting/competitions/past-spring-meetingsWe are the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society.Find the Academy of Medical Sciences online: Website: http://acmedsci.ac.uk/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/AcMedSci Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/acmedsci Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/acmedsci/