The Awesome Foursum @ 1 day old

THUMBS UP for newborn puppies 🙂 ★ facebook: twitter: my site: myspace: TO SUPPORT ME ★- Favorite My videos. ★- Comment on My videos. ★- Post My videos to your blog, MySpace, and other sites. ★- Post video responses to My videos. ★- Check daily for updates. ★- Subscribe to both GirlQld & Tgirl Queensland ★- Make your own GirlQld Puppy fan page.To everyone who supports me and this Channel’s future, thank you! I appreciate your kindness and the inspiration your support brings.REMEMBER TO ★ Respect both humans and animals. ★Treat others with as much as or more kindness than they give you and others. ★ Peacefully stand up for what you believe is right. ★Be whatever you wish to be.

Newborn Development Month 3 (Baby Health Guru)

At three months (9 weeks) of age, your infant may start to learn what, and who, she likes, responding differently to different people. Watch this to learn more!

Newborn Development Week 8 (Baby Health Guru)

At eight weeks, your baby’s brain is developing and your infant is interacting with the world around him. Watch this to learn more about your baby’s development!

Newborn Development Week 2 (Baby Health Guru)

A newborn should sleep on his back, but let him play on his stomach to work his neck muscles. Also, get a lot of face time, he can’t see very far yet, but your baby wants to see you!

Newborn Development Week 3 (Baby Health Guru)

Feeding and changing remain the top activities for your newborn in week 3. Crying is her only way to communicate and cuddling your crying baby can help.

Newborn Development Week 6 (Baby Health Guru)

Week 6 is crucial to help establish a sleep routine. Your baby is starting to grab everything, and tummy time routine is paying off as your baby may now be able to lift up his head.

Newborn Development Week 7 (Baby Health Guru)

In week 7, your newborn’s senses develop and she’ll start reacting in new and different ways to sounds, sights, and even smells. Watch this to learn more: