Newborn Development Week 4 (Baby Health Guru)

Your newborn baby is probably still sleeping a lot, but week 4 may bring a treat – your baby’s first smile. That ought to help ease your fatigue and bring a smile to your own face.

Newborn Development Week 3 (Baby Health Guru)

Feeding and changing remain the top activities for your newborn in week 3. Crying is her only way to communicate and cuddling your crying baby can help.

Newborn Development Week 6 (Baby Health Guru)

Week 6 is crucial to help establish a sleep routine. Your baby is starting to grab everything, and tummy time routine is paying off as your baby may now be able to lift up his head.

Newborn Development Week 5 (Baby Health Guru)

After a month with your newborn, hopefully the pains of pregnancy and childbirth are just a memory. By week 5 he or she will smile, laugh, and coo at you regularly.