I BETRAY The SPY NINJAS and SNEAK INTO The SAFE HOUSE! Project Zorgo Challenge In Real Life Vlog

– Hi Spy… Project Zorgo Members. I just want to let you know that I’m about to get promoted into a higher level of Project Zorgo. I did pay $10,000 to get to the higher level and this is what they gave me. This box here. Whoa! It’s a safe! It says Project Zorgo on it. Inside this safe is a key to get to the top of the black pyramid. Once I get there, I’m going to be one of the most powerful Project Zorgo members. Project Zorgo’s making me finish 3 challenges before they give me key to the safe. The first challenge that Project Zorgo gave me is that I have to go to the Spy Ninja safe house and take things from them. (door creaking) (door slam) – Hey did you see this? Look what I found on the street. They’re looking for a new Spy Ninja to replace you.– Wait, what? They’re already replacing me with another Spy Ninja? – What do you care? You don’t need to be with those losers anyway. You left them, remember? – I mean, it’s going to be hard for us PZ members if they have more Spy Ninjas. – Hey, why don’t we call this number and play a prank on them? Hello, Spy Ninjas? Why did the chicken cross the road? To take down the Spy Ninjas! Ah ha ha ha. – That was really funny PZ member … so funny. – I thought so. All right enough of this, it’s time for your first challenge. You need to go into the safe house. You gotta get the stun stars from Chad, the lie detector from Daniel, and place security cameras all over the safe house so Project Zorgo can always be watching the safe house.– Got it, got it! – Well get out of here, go! – Before I start the mission, I’m going to give this number a call right here and see what the Spy Ninjas are up to without me. That’s me! They block out my face! This could be you? No one can replace me. I’m going to leave them a voicemail now. Hey, my name is John. My skills are sleeping in late, I like to lie down and eat a lot, and I like to sleep. Can’t tie my shoes, I trip a lot. Oh, that kind of sounds like Regina. I can’t work computers really well.Okay call me back, bye. Let’s make our way to the safe house, guys. All right guys, I’m back at the safe house. My old door, welcome home! My former home. It’s kind of bittersweet being back here. Luckily, I have a key. Wait, this doesn’t fit? What the heck? My key doesn’t fit anymore! Did they really change the lock? I’m one of the original Spy Ninjas. I can’t believe they moved on already. It’s only been like a week. It really is over, isn’t it? But you know what? I’m still a spy and a good spy knows how to pick locks. Here’s my lock picking kit. I got in! I’m in you guys, I don’t see Daniel, Chad or Regina right now. I gotta go set up my … (dropping sound) No one heard me. They must be sleeping. In the day, though. Okay, I got to go set up my first camera. I see there’s still dirty dishes in the sink. Regina, Daniel and Chad, they don’t know how to do anything.See this plant is almost dying. No one’s been watering it. (footsteps) They’re here! I’m going to hide in this cupboard. – Guys, we need to talk about tomorrow. It’s Spy Ninja tryouts. – Did they say Spy Ninja tryouts? They’ve already found some candidates to replace me? – We’ve got three candidates coming. They left voicemails and a phone number. – We know who they are now? – Yes, I know who they are. We’ve gotta have some good challenges for them to really test them out. – Yeah we can probably do like a lie detector thing. – We gotta test their ninja moves. – And maybe we’ll do like a tiny Spy Ninja challenge. – Yeah. – Yeah. ’cause they’re replacing Vy, we need a new tiny Spy Ninja. – They’re going to have them do challenges? Whoever they found, I just know they’re not going to pass it. They can’t replace me! I’m irreplaceable. Look at all of them. Chad’s backpack is wide open. Regina, her shoes are untied. And Daniel, his shirt’s clearly dirty. – Have any of you guys seen my CWC wristband? – Uh…no, you need it? – I would like it but I’ll look for it.– Let’s just all get ready for Spy Ninja training tomorrow everyone do their thing. – Let’s do it! – I’ll look for my wristband. – Chad’s coming this way. – All right, my wristband. – He’s looking for his wristband? It must be the CWC wristband that’s in the Spy Ninja Essential Kits. He’s always misplacing things. He can’t find anything without me. – Hey Vy, where’s my … Oh nevermind. She always knows where I put my stuff. – I think he’s getting closer. I hope he doesn’t open this one. It’s gonna be kind of awkward. (dramatic music) – No, no, no, no … No, no, no, no Wait, I don’t hear him anymore. Maybe Chad left? His backpack’s open. That’s where he keeps his Stun Stars. That’s what I need to get. I think the coast is clear. I’m able to get the Stun Stars out of Chad’s pocket, I think I need to climb up into the vents I’m going to get to higher grounds, look down, and get a string, reel it up.I need to get to the vents inside of the laundry room. (gasp) I think that’s Daniel. – Is this a door? Oh … – He’s doing his laundry. I don’t think he knows how to do it because I always do his laundry for him. – Take this off. Ummmm. – Did I just see him put his white lie detector shirt mixed in with all the colors? I told him, you need to separate the colors from the whites. – Hello? Hello! Regina! Regina! I need help! – I don’t know if she’s going to know. I did her laundry also. – What, Daniel? I don’t know how to turn the washing machine on. Aw, this is the dishwasher. – No, Daniel, this is the washing machine. I think you just need to put it on, press this button, and then that button. – You’re messing up! It didn’t! Nothing happened, Regina. – I don’t know, I’ve never done the laundry. – I know, Vy always used to do it. I feel like a complete dweeb.– Well, I don’t know, I don’t know how to help you. – You’re going to have to help eventually. I don’t know, I just don’t know. – They’re leaving, I got to go get to the vents. Wait, this is my Spy Ninja backpack. I’m going to take my Spy Ninja backpack with me. It’s the shirt that Daniel always wears when he uses the lie detector test. Project Zorgo wanted the whole entire kit so I gotta take this with me.He left his phone in the washer! How’d Daniel miss this start button right here? I’m just going to help him out and start the load for him. Okay, got to put this down. The vents are up here. 3 … 2 … 1 … (screams) Back to these vents again. I gotta get those stun stars. Oh he’s not in this room. Wait, there’s Chad. Oh he’s practicing his ninja moves. He’s definitely the best ninja out of the group but not very good at closing things because his backpack is still open. – This used to be Vy’s. – The extendable will staff, that’s mine! Maybe he misses me! – She’d go hi-yah! – I’m going to lower this down. – Like that, I see. Little bit of this! Little bit of that! Little bit of hey Project Zorgo! Whack! – To the left a little bit… – Whack! Whack! – He needs to stop practicing his ninja moves. Yes, yes, good thing.The ninja stars are magnetic, so my magnetic end is going to attach the ninja stars. So I just need to be really precise about this. (dramatic music) Lift this baby up. Yes, got it! (ninja fighting sounds) All right guys, got the ninja stars. Mission is complete. Let’s get out of the vents. Let’s get out of here quietly and safely. – Hey Mister Bear, time to get your leg back together. Time to do surgery on you, Mister Bear. We’re going to be okay with Vy’s sewing kit. We’re going to get you back to life, bud. – She’s trying to sew Mister Bear back with my sewing kit. I left it for her so she can work on Mister Bear. – There’s nothing … ow! I don’t know really what to do with it. – But it doesn’t really seem like she knows how to do it. – Tomato? Why does she need a tomato? I don’t get it! – She thought it was a tomato! It’s actually a push pin, you know you can put your needles in it.– Maybe I’ll just do something with the needle. Just poke a hole or something? It’s working, it’s working! – (groan) that’s not how sewing works. You need some thread, not just needles. I mean, I sewed back his head last time and now he’s missing a leg. Mister Bear’s been through some battles. While Regina’s doing that, look where I’m at. It’s her secret room.The room that nobody knows how to get in. And nobody’s still asking her. I don’t know why they wouldn’t let me keep my secret alone. I’m gonna try and find out what’s in her secret room. – Get out of my stuff! – Oh my gosh! What was that? – Who’s over here? Hello? Chad? Daniel? I know one of you guys tried to get into my secret room. Hello? – Mister Bear, you poor thing. You’re still injured. Regina hasn’t taken care of you. I’ll take care of you Mister Bear. All right guys, I still need to set up this last camera here at the safe house. I gotta find a good place to do it. (camera drops) Luckily, no one’s in here right now. I’m in the bathroom. I’m going to place this up on top of the doorway in the bathroom looking outside of course not in the bathroom, gross. While I’m in the bathroom, I know where Chad usually puts his little wristband.Yeah, here it is. Wait, shh… I hear someone. It’s Daniel. He’s by the laptop. I can’t tell if he has his lie detecting kit with him or not I gotta get a little closer here. – Hey Spy Ninjas, it’s me Daniel, I am trying to upgrade my lie detector. Just in case I have to put the newest Spy Ninja member through a lie detector test, I want to make sure it’s working better than ever before. It’s that the lie detector? That’s what I need to get from him. He’s wearing it in his hand right now. That’s going to be really difficult to get it off of him. – You know what, I have an interesting idea here. In fact, maybe it’s an amazing idea. I think I can get the lie detector to predict the future. Watch this, you ready? – Did he say he’s turning his lie detector into a fortune teller? That’s impossible! That’s ridiculous, Daniel! You can’t do that! – I am going to have $5 million dollars one day.False? Must not be working. Let’s try another question. – Five million dollars? I hope you get that one day Daniel, just work hard, keep uploading YouTube videos, I think you’ll get there. – One day, I’m going to be the strongest boy in all of Las Vegas. – Oh geez, he’s asking another question? He’s probably going to have like a laundry list of questions. Gotta come up with a plan here. What does he like? Oh, I know … Fortnite. I still have Daniel’s phone. He left it in the washing machine. So I’m going to request to play a game with him. Request sent. – Let’s see what the lie detector said. (beep) Oh, what’s this? Multiplayer request for Fortnite. Someone wants to play with me on Fortnite. I guess I can hold off on this for now. I’m always down for a Fortnite battle. Let’s accept request. I’ll resume lie detector test later. Fortnite battle royale, no problem. – Ready? Okay, where’s Daniel. There he is, I’m going to take him down.Yes! It was so easy you guys! – I didn’t say I was ready yet! Ugh! I practice every day and I’m still not good. – He’s rage quitting right now. Look at him pouting around. – You know, I’m just too good in real life in battle royale. That’s why I didn’t do good in Fortnite battle royale. (buzzer) The washing machine is on? The dryer’s on too. What? – He’s leaving, he’s leaving. Okay this is my chance. I gotta go get that lie detector. Gonna take the whole laptop with me here. Okay, I’m going to give Daniel his phone back, I don’t need it. I have everything I need now. So it’s time to leave quietly and sneakily out of here. – Ohhhh … what? – Daniel. – It’s clean. Someone did the laundry for me. Chad! Hey Chad, Regina! Regina, did you? Look … it smells amazing! The laundry started working all of a sudden. Did you do it? – I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t do the laundry.Wait, wait! I just remembered something. Did you do this? – What? – Stay there! (door slams) Did you sew Mister Bear’s leg back? I mean, you didn’t do a great job but it’s back, it’s attached! – What the heck? I didn’t sew his leg back. – I didn’t do any of this. Maybe Chad did it? – Chad! – Chad! – Yeah! – Did you do the laundry? – No, I didn’t do the laundry. – Did you sew Mister Bear’s leg back? – No, it wasn’t me. Well speaking of finding things, did you find my wristband? Cause someone put it up there, and it wasn’t there before. – No I didn’t do that. – Nope, me neither. – That’s odd. Prepare for the Spy Ninja test. – Yes, I’ll get on it. – Everyone’s gone. I think I have everything I need. So it’s time to exit. Goodbye safe house. Goodbye Spy Ninja’s, it’s been real. I’m back at the basement in headquarters. I have everything they wanted. I’m ready to present it. Here! Everything you need is in that backpack. – Everything’s in there. – Yes. – Let’s check this out. PZ700, congratulations! You have completed a first challenge.For your second challenge. Go down the hall, take a right, and then your second left, go into the elevator, and go all the way up to the top. There you will reach, the next highest level of Project Zorgo. Okay, all right, I’ll do it. Guys here is the elevator right here. I hope Project Zorgo is not lying to me and this elevator is actually going to take me to the top of the black pyramid. (ding) It’s opening! It’s open! (ding) The elevator, it’s just going up! It’s going up! It’s actually going up! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it! We’re going to the top you guys! – Vy Qwaint, are you ready for your next challenge? Your 72 hours stuck in an elevator starts now. – What? I’m here by myself? .

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Which Store Makes The Best Custom Sandwich?

(suspenseful music) (fly buzzes) (flashlight clicks on) (glass bottle clinks) – Mr Kornfeld. – Leave me alone. – Who makes the best custom sandwich? (music intensifies) – What’s up party people? Welcome back to Candid Competition! We’ve decided to challenge five fast food sandwich chains to find out who makes the best custom sammy. The catch? They don’t know they’re competing. They don’t even know they’re in this video. We’re just gonna roll up to five different sammo spots, ask them to recreate my face using the ingredients of their choice.I’m wondering if you would be able to make an open-faced sandwich, and you would just be making my face. Oh yeah! – Wow! – In the end we will settle once and for all whose footlong is worth putting in your mouth? It’s Candid Competition, I’m amped, you’re amped, everybody’s amped, let’s fuckin’ do this! We’re never getting canceled. (Try Guys intro) – Our competitors today are Subway, Quiznos, Jimmy John’s, Jersey Mike’s, and Walmart. Uh, so Rachel’s on maternity leave so I’m gonna give her a call real quick guys.– Sorry, what video is this for? – Hey Rachel! How’s it goin’? – Good! – Well, I’m calling you ’cause, as you know, the network greenlit a couple more episodes of Candid Competition, so I just wanted to let you know what we were thinking. – Oh dear lord. – So, for this episode we’re going to be doing sandwiches, and so I’m going to be going into the stores and asking them to use ingredients to recreate my face. – No, no, no, no, no. – We’re gonna be doing them open face, that way the face is still intact, we’re calling it the Open Face Face Race. – You need releases. You can’t get people fired. – I know you were worried about us recording last time and getting in trouble so this time we’re gonna do it super secretly. – No, no, no! Just because you record people secretly doesn’t make it okay. – Right, don’t get caught. I went down to the county library and got full blueprints of all of the five locations to find out where are the best vantage points for filming.Sandwich spots tend to have only one entry point and very reflective windows, sandwich places love that. So for today we’re going to have spy gear. (bomb explodes) – All right, so we are back from the spy shop, we got our goodies here. I will be wearing this watch that uh, has a camera on the inside, but is broken. We can’t figure out how the watch works. Um, so this was a waste of $120. We paid $120 for this watch. This is a smiley face button, this has a camera in the eye of the smiley face. Dude, you’re like my key right now. I will be joined by my main man, Miles, who will be wearing this GoPro on his person, concealed in a way to be determined. How can we make this uh, a necklace? – I want it high up. – So you want, like, a choker? – A choker.We’re gonna need to give you a full makeover. – Why do we have to give me a full makeover? – Who wears choke collars? I feel like, like Hot Topic. (bouncy music) – Candid Competition. – So we are on our way to the first location, Subway, home of the eat fresh. Actually I love Subway. – Yeah. – Yeah. So we’re gonna be judging our competitors today on three categories. Taste, artistic expression, and finally, holiday spirit. How much cheer and joy do they put into their work? – What holiday are you- what holiday are you judging them on? – Uh, Candid Competition day.– Oh of course. – Yeah. Alright, I’m ready to eat fresh. Alright, so let’s get the hidden cam going. – Oh yeah that’s good. Now let me roll on my choker. – Oh I’m nervous. – I am rolling on this cam. – Alright let’s get a slate all around. This is Subway slate take 1. (claps) Alright, let’s do it. You look great, there’s nothing to be nervous, oh wait what about my watch? Not working? Okay. Oh boy it’s crowded. Okay, so I’m gonna keep looking as if I’m thinking about what to get. Oh my god, the smell of Subway bread. – It’s so good. – I forgot how good it is, this place smells amazing. – Yeah it’s pretty awesome. – Yeah, we are. How are you doing? – I’m good. I have a weird, unorthodox request for you.We wanted to see if you could make an open-face sandwich. So take bread, open, and use ingredients of your choice to kind of design my face. So basically you can do whatever you want and like this is me, I’m your model. (intense music) Yeah. You’re in? Alright great, that was easy. Yeah we’ll pay for it, for sure. – Do you want it open, or half bread? – Well I think if you do it open faced that’s like your canvas. – Yeah you’re right, but do you want a footlong? I think footlong, let’s go for it. I guess I have a turkey-like complexion. And if you need to reference it at any point, I’m right here. (chuckles) Oh you’re thinking about it, I like this.I am wearing green, I made it easy for you. Okay we got the mayo coming. – A lot of thought into that, I like that. – Are those my drawstrings? – Yeah. – Oh wow, wow. And then I guess I don’t want this wrapped up. So if I could just carry it out. That was amazing, what’s your name? (name bleeped out) – Zach, nice to meet you, thanks so much man.Wow, that was the most delightful experience I have ever had on Candid Competition. I feel like I’m carrying baby Moses. Up next is Quiznos. Quiznos I mostly just think of that fun song where it was the little horrific dog thing singing, “Eat Quiznos suuuubs!” You don’t know the commercial I’m talking about? – No. – You guys know what the fuck I’m talkin’ ’bout? I’m really the only one here that’s cultured? Oh, fuck it’s crowded. Actually I love Jersey Mike’s. It’s like probably my favorite. Jimmy John’s! Can we talk about the decor here? ‘Cause there’s a sign that says, “Bread so French, it must be liberated” It’s really fucking crowded in here, I don’t think they’re gonna do this.Hi how’s it going? How’s it going? – I’m good, how are you? – I’m doing all right. Hi there. I have a kind of weird question/ request for you. I have an unorthodox request for you We want you guys to make a sandwich of my face. Really of me, it can be, you know, my hair, my body, as much of it as you want. And you could choose any ingredients you want to decorate my face. – I can do that – Yeah? – Yeah, no worries. – Yeah, I can try. – All right? Are you able to do that? Yeah? And obviously you’ll just leave it open and then we’ll take it like that. Oh also he told me that he loves your tuna so if you could include tuna on it. – Yeah the tuna here is fantastic. – We have every employee at Jimmy John’s. They’ve all dropped what they’re doing and they’re all working on this. – I love it. – What would you say it like my most defining feature when you see me? What artistically are you drawn to? The eyes? Yeah, they’re the windows to the soul, I get that.Oh I forgot that Quiznos, you toast everything, right? Oh, that’s fun. Okay, we asked, I don’t know if they understood. But they’re making something. He’s using the spatula thing as like a paint brush. That’s what we’re hoping for. It’s difficult to capture my beauty in a sandwich. But if you can do it I’ll be so impressed. It is weird, this is the only custom sandwich place where you don’t see anything until the end. – I do have very meaty eyebrows. I think they’re cutting a tomato in half to be my smile.Which is brilliant. Someone used the tomato as a mouth and they were like no. Which means that they think what Jersey Mike’s did was not up to par. Oh I’m very excited. Whatever I tip is not gonna be enough. You guys are awesome! Is that my stubble? Do you have grilled onions? Did you just grill onions? They’re like molding it and the hair has texture. You’ve got little peppercorns in there.– It’s so cute, it’s so cute. (slow motion) It’s so cute. – Can I say, that we have just been spreading joy today. – People are having a better day because they’re making these sandwiches. – This is the best Candid Competition ever. We’re here in beautiful Burbank California. Why’d we drive a couple miles away? Well there’s only one reason: Walmart. We’ve been in Walmart in the past, we had them during our cake episode. – Did they hang up on you? – They’ve hung up on me so many (bleep) times. They don’t do custom cakes here. We tried to do back to school shopping, they don’t have mannequins. So, I’m excited to see what they’ve got today with sandwiches. Hi, do I take a number or do I just ask you? Do you guys do custom sandwiches? You don’t? – No. So you don’t, if I wanted to do a build your own sandwich there’s no option here? – No. – Okay, sorry to waste your time. Thank you so much. – You’re welcome – Have a good day.This is called the Supreme Sub. If my face ain’t on it, ain’t nothing supreme about it. I feel bad for dropping that, that’s someone’s food. – (distorted) Eliminated, eliminated, eliminated. – They do do cake, are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me, are you fucking kidding me? It’s right here, they have a whole book. These are amazing, are you kidding me? Like oh my god, there’s a half pipe. Are you kidding me? They would’ve won the cake episode. They would’ve won, they would’ve won! Are you kidding me! I am flustered. (beeping) I’m getting flashbacks, I think I gotta get out of here man. So cool. – (theme song) Candid Competition. – (gong sounds) Welcome home. We have our four sandwiches from Subway, Quiznos, Jimmy John’s, and Jersey Mike’s. And here to help us adjudicate the sandwiches, please welcome Keith Habersberger. – It smells like a college dorm room and I’m here for it. – Today we will be rating our sandwiches on three categories: artistic expression, taste, and holiday cheer.I don’t think we need to explain those, I think we get it, right? – Yeah, I’m on board. – So first up is Subway. This sandwich was made in record time. – That worries me. – Alright, here we go. I actually kind of forgot what it looked like. – I did too, yeah. – In three, two, one. Boom! (all gasping and laughing) – I got, whoa, that’s amazing! – I love that he decided, “I’m not just gonna make the face, I’m gonna make the bust.” – Is this the hoodie? – Oh yeah that’s the hoodie. – And these are the hoodie strings.– Wow, I like that attention to detail. Did he rip this apart to be more of a nose? – He sure did. So, turkey base, roast beef lips. Which sounds gross, salami eyes with grilled chicken pupils. In fact, this looks like someone who looked at my old Twitter photo, mhm. (camera clicks) Artistic expression, I think he was very clever here. The features are exaggerated in very fun ways. Almost like more of a Picasso. He’s cute, he’s like my son. – I like looking at his face – Right? – He’s very cute.– The more that you stare, the more you’re like, “Yeah, this is amazing!” Every time Ned talks about Wes, I was like, “I don’t get it”, but now, I get it. – Well should we eat the baby? – Okay, three, two, one. (all groan) – Oh god! – That sandwiched good! – That’s so sad. – It’s pretty passable – That’s good. – Yeah. – That’s the best you’ve ever tasted. – Thanks man. – Picnic lunch sandwich. – I’ve always had a soft spot for Subway. Like I don’t think their praises are sung enough. Going back for the second bite. – Oooh! – Yeah. Next up is Quiznos, home of the toast. – Oh do you remember Quiznos had that, “Eat Quiznos suubs – Yes – ’cause they are good to us!” – Yes, that’s why you’re my best friend. None of them know what I’m talking about. – It’s also just terrifying. – They’re called the Spongmonkeys.– And have you heard the original as – (both) “We Love the Moon”. Spongmonkeys. – In three, two. It’s Quiznos Subs! – It just looks like a sandwich. – Yeah. I wanna go ahead and say that Quiznos was very busy and I don’t think they understood what we were asking for, at all. They were totally polite. – Totally polite. – Totally nice, but they just didn’t quite get it. And then they fucking took the sandwich and they closed it right in front of me.– That was heartbreaking. – That was hard. – Really heartbreaking – What is crazy is that our minds look for faces everywhere. So if I stare at this long enough, I can see one. – Yeah I can see it, but it looks more like Garfield the cat. – Look, I know what we’re asking for. It’s crazy, I get it, it’s nuts. But this show is about greatness. And this design ain’t it, chief.– Mmm. – That’s pretty delicious. – It’s fucking good. – It’s pretty fucking good. – It’s fucking good. – I’m gonna say, Quiznos, I love that you toast your sandwiches, but unfortunately this was a miss. – (all laughing) Go! – Next up, Jimmy James. – I love Jimmy John’s. It is probably my favorite sandwich chain. – Do you know, this is gonna be my first JJ experience. – Really? – Yeah. We had about five artists collaborating on this sandwich. It was a full store experience. Actually Miles got to put one of his favorite ingredients on this sandwich. – Now Jimmy John’s is known internationally for their tuna. So I had them use tuna specifically. – In three, two, one. Aw! (all laughing) Oh look at that cutie. (Miles cooing) – This is awful. – You what? What are you talking about? – This just looks like straight vomit. – Okay now that you say that, it’s hard to unsee. – It’s a lot of mustard. – Yeah. – In the center of the sandwich.And why are the eyes, wait what? How hard is it to just put some olives for eyes. – Oh my god what if my eyes were red. – They worked really hard on this. – With the little, like, spatula thing. They were like intricately painting the way that the mustard was assembled on this. – I don’t know why they chose to put mustard around your eyes. – Maybe it was going for like a skin-tone vibe. But if that was the case, why do you have nine mouths. – I think you wanna bite into the middle. – I’m gonna bite right here. Oh god. It’s very creamy. – It’s mostly a cream sandwich. (they all laugh) – With pretty good tuna. – Mm, that tuna. – Why do you want tuna? – Oh you gotta clean your face, I can’t look at you.Next up! Jersey Mike’s. – This is one that really impressed me from start to finish. – So when we got there, the employees were really not sure about this. And they said, “Maybe this one guy can do it, but really you should come back at three, because he’s an artist and we’re not artists.” And we said, “No guys, we believe in you, just try.” By the end, they worked together and made something very memorable. Are you ready for Jersey Zach? In three, two, one. – Whoa. – Oho, yeah! – Wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow. – That’s what Candid Competition is all about. – That is originality. – Wow. – Look at the choices here. We’ve got ears on this bad boy. – Oh yeah, we’ve got ears, tucked into the onion. Eight different ingredients on here.I look so angry, let’s make him a little more sympathetic. – Now there’s Zach right there. The nose even has the center and two nostrils. – He took oregano to mimic the stubble, he started to hand it to us, looked at it, thought, “There’s not enough stubble there.” Pulled it back, more oregano. – So he put down the jalapenos, and then took them off and was like, “I can make the whites of the eyes”. – Wow. – They were laughing, they were having fun. Artistically, 10 out of 10. I’m not even going to pretend that there’s drama here. This is art. – Let’s eat the face. – I don’t want to. – You gotta. – Yeah it’s so pretty. – I think it might not taste as good as it looks. (all sniffing) – Okay. – Very pickle-y. – It’s similar to the Subway experience. It’s like an average sandwich. – I think they make really good sandwiches that have got good quality meat. I’m into this place. (Bell dings) – Now it’s time for us to think back on all the sandwiches that we’ve seen and tasted and decide who is the winner of this week’s episode of Candid Competition.– Let’s not forget that Subway didn’t just make a sandwich, they made a child. And there was Quiznos, who clearly had no idea what the fuck was going on. – And we love their old commercial. – And Jimmy John’s, perfectly cute, not the tastiest, but damn, they had fun doing it. – And great tuna. – And finally, Jersey Mike’s. A store that really doubted themselves from the beginning. But worked hard, came together, and made a monster. In the end, there can only be one winner. Gentlemen, I think we’re in agreement. And the winner of the Candid Competition, Open Face Sandwich Face Race is.(all pound on table for drum roll) – You didn’t go with Open Face-off? – That’s better. – At the end of the day, it’s not about the sammo chains, but the people who work there. – How’s it going? I don’t know if you remember me, I came in a couple of weeks ago and I did that face sandwich? – Sandwich designers looking to give you a mouthful of meat wrapped in love. – I just wanted to come in and say that you guys did the best of anyone that we went to. So you guys, you won our competition. (Employees cheering) – I believe, we’re all artists on the inside, sometimes, we just need a little push. (uplifting music) Well, way to fucking go Jersey Mike’s. You guys crushed it. Wow. And at the end of the summer, the world hadn’t changed. I had changed. – (all) Surprise! – You guys, what is this? – Congratulations Zach, the network has decided to greenlight, a full season of Candid Competition! (all cheering) (watch beeps) (suspenseful music) (Try Guys theme song) – Why am I the one being goth? Why couldn’t you be goth again.– Because, I’m too notable. – Okay. – Finish the sentence: When I was a young man, my father took me to the city – to see the marching band. – You’re ready. .As found on YoutubeTurn any video into eye candy. Turn your regular videos into blockbusters 2 Quick Questions Do you already have any video creation or editing app? Do you already have any old videos, new videos, or stock videos? Profit from selling revamped videos or video revamp services! This app solves the main problem marketers, entrepreneurs, and business have with their videos.

Talking to Strangers

Let’s pretend you get on the bus and it’s SUPER crowded, the only spot that’s open is between two strangers. ( don’t talk to them ) So you sit down between two people you never met and everyone is fine. Everyone’s keeping to themselves. ( or is it??) No one’s making eye contact, ( do they have glasses?) It’s perfect. ( nothings perfect) Sure, your shoulders are touching but that’s just what happens, that’s part of the bus going experience, ( and show your in hell) YOUPOORPERSON But then at the very next stop, Aisle Seat Guy to the fghfjcfcuc gets off. What do you do? Jump off the bus! So now you and Window Seat Guy are sitting right next to each other.( dont flirt) But since you’re in the middle, you have to be the one to decide… do you move or not? I honestly don’t know what the right thing to do in that situation is but lay on both seats I’m conflicted. Because if you move it would be silently telling the other person, “HEYYOURDISGUSTING “ICANTSTANDHAVINGOURSHOULDERSTOUCHINGANYLONGERANDIMGLADTHATIFINNALYGOTAWAYFROMYOUUGH!” But on the other hand, if I was the Window Seat Guy, I would want the Middle Seat Guy to become the new RU7DRNFJKFC Seat Guy. I wouldn’t see moving as rude, I would just want his gross, disgusting body as far away from me as possible. That’s not rude, but on the other, OTHER hand… Maybe I’m overthinking everything and most people don’t even mind being this close to another human and they aren’t struggling socially, I don’t know. Now imagine that same situation…but with urinals. If you’re in the middle urinal, ( GIRLS DONT KNOW DA HECH WAT DAT MEANS) Do you move halfway through to the other urinal? Because I would. Are you supposed to talk to people when you’re sitting two inches away from them? I always felt like I should say something like “hey, did you see the game last night?” …I didn’t– I was too busy drawing cartoons.But I realized that this is a two-way street. I’m worried about not talking to someone but they’re not talking to me either. (OF COURSE NOT.) We both agree that there’s this unwritten contract between us that we’re not even going to look at each other. It got me thinking about strangers and specifically, how I treat them. And how I can make money off of them and get famous. Heyo! — I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding. That was a joke. For most of my life, …I would go out of my way to avoid talking to people. I would stay in my lane mind my own business No eye contact if everyone’s using a urinal, I’d have to pee tomorrow. Yes, I’m lonely. (Sad.) But now that YouTube’s the thing, I’m interacting with strangers more often than I’ve had to in my entire life.So I’ve been thinking a lot about strangers and first of all, I think the word “sTrAnGeR” is already an insulting label for someone just because you don’t know their name. “Oh, I don’t know this person? They’re a ‘Stranger,’ they’re ~strange~. I’m the normal one. They’re the freaks. They probably murder people with an axe!” (bold of you to assume I murder people with an axe) That’s always the go-to profession of a stranger, an axe murderer.But, the people you see throughout your day are all humans with their own hopes and dreams and some of them may hope to kill you But, you’ll never know because you didn’t ever take the time to get to know them! (Become friends with people you know, kids.) So I think that the people you see throughout your daily life aren’t strangers. They’re potential friends. Except for the weird ones obviously, stay away from them. (EW) And yes, I’m telling you to judge people based on their appearance. They’re the ones that chose to wear anime(Thats mean 🙁 ) shirts in public, okay?! So, back to the bus scenario.I’m sitting right next to this fellow human being so far there’s not a single reason why I should dislike this person. But I don’t know why if you put him and me on a bus next to each other I want him as far away from me as possible. ( thats mean, James) Just stop touching my shoulder! So that was the last time I took the bus. Unfortunately, that’s not the only place you meet strangers… (You got Social Media.) One time, I was at Home Depot and I was looking for jumper cables And I couldn’t find them anywhere. And I don’t know if I’m the only human that’s like this But I will try everything in my power to not talk to a sales associate. (same James, same) I guess it’s cuz I know they get paid minimum wage and their life sucks and I just want to leave them alone and not make their job any harder than it has to be. But asking employees for help isn’t even bothering them that much. In fact, I think it’s part of their job? Like what’s the worst thing they’re gonna say? UGH! You don’t know where one specific item is?! Everyone else knows! Did you even look?! They’re in the jumper cable aisle! Idiot!” (OOF) (SLAP!) No one’s gonna think that.So feeling desperate I mustered up what little courage I had and swaggered up to someone wearing an orange vest and said “Excuse me. Do you know where the jumper cables?”– I don’t work here. Oh, you don’t work here…? And then he walked away… (To the tune of The Duck Song) And then he waddled away, waddle waddle. (MEMORIES) And then the very next day, BUM! BUM!! BUM! So I think the logical thing to do in that situation would have been to find someone who DOES work there? But I left the store because I didn’t want to run into that same guy again. But I also bought a hammer because I didn’t want people to think that I stole something. so… (starting engine) Oh yeah…And by the way, if you wear an orange vest to Home Depot, (Their construction workers.) Just expect people to ask you for help. Same goes for people who wear red shirts at Target. You’d think I’d learn from my mistakes, but no! I have a bunch more examples. When my book came out (I have the book and its the best book ever) My publisher said that it was going to be carried at Barnes & Noble.And I thought that was Super Duper cool and wanted to see my book in the wild. Not to buy or anything just to have a look at it. So I took my friend Adam from SomethingElseYT, and we went to the local Barnes & Noble and started our search. We looked in the humor section, didn’t find it. Then we checked the new release section, It wasn’t there either. Then we looked at the best-selling section then the religious section, but we couldn’t find the book anywhere. So either the publisher lied (NANI!?) or they had already sold out, but just to be sure I asked one of the workers Hey, do you guys have a book by…? TheOdd1sOut? He kind of looks like this.And the worker typed something out on his computer and said, oh, yeah We got those in the back. We just haven’t put him out yet So then he went to the back room brought out a copy and handed it to me saying here you go kid And I thought well, frick. I can’t just hand it back to the guy and say “oh, no, that’s okay, I didn’t want to buy it. I just wanted to have a look at it.” Do you know how inconvenient that would be? So the only less awkward option I could think of, was to buy my own book and you know what? (Awkwardly…) I’d get a couple cents back from this purchase.So it wouldn’t have been a total loss But Adam, being the more sensible one, said: Adam: Dude, this is ridiculous. You-you have to come clean. James: So then he went to the worker and said: Adam: So he actually uh, wrote this book. He just wanted to get a look at it like in the wild. James: And the worker said “Oh, that’s so cool,” (pen clicks) “Do you want to sign our copies?” And then I thought, well, hold on. You’re not even going to ask me for my ID? How do you know I actually wrote this book and I’m not some guy trying to deface someone else’s? And then the guy gave me a whole stack of my books and I signed them all. Last story before I go I was in the hallway of a building and me and this potential friend crossed paths, he said “Hello”, and I was going to respond with Hello, and how’s it going? But I combined the two and ended up saying, “How?” and then I jumped out a window and fell to my death (OOF) I can’t rationalize that behavior.Maybe I spend too much time on the computer I’m not used to looking at real people’s faces But I’m trying to change. Don’t get me wrong, going to conventions and meeting fans has helped me a lot with talking to people. Granted, those conversations are usually one-sided and a real stranger won’t already know who I am, but they’ve still helped me. Now, you might be expecting me to give you advice on overcoming social anxiety, but if you watch this video, you know, I’m not the most qualified to give that advice, but I’ll try my best. I know it’s hard to feel confident and I’m still working on it, But you have to understand that we’re ALL people and we ALL have things that were struggling with. And in reality, we’re not all watching or caring about every little thing that other people do. We’re all too busy worrying about what other people think of us. So with enough practice and believing in yourself, You can show the world your true colors. And, I think you’ll find that people are a lot nicer than you think.So if you’re the middle seat guy on the bus and you have to decide whether or not to move Do whatever you want. No one cares. Just stop touching my shoulders! End Card James: Hey everyone. I know it’s been a while. Thank you for being patient with this video. May has been a really busy month because some of you might… …know that May is my birthday month and I don’t work on my birthday month so… If there’s a lesson you should take away from this video, is don’t worry about being awkward. Because everyone is weird. And if anyone makes you feel bad for being awkward, then not only is that person… …more weird than you, but they’re also an a-hole. I have some events coming up very soon I have VidCon, and chessboxing. And then I’m also going on tour with a bunch of people that you might recognize Like Jayden, and Ross, and Domics, and Egoraptor…just uh, to name drop a couple people. So if any of these events look interesting, you can buy some tickets in the description……or through the event tab on my website. And if you’re yearning for more Odd1sOut content, I just wanted to remind you all that I have a second channel and either today or tomorrow I’m going to be uploading a video where I answer some math questions with my friend Pat. Please watch it. (please 🙁 ) As always, thanks to everyone who worked on this video and a big, big thanks to YOU dear viewer… for wearing your seat belt. (BUSSESDONTHAVESEATBELTS) .

As found on Youtube

Turn any video into eye candy. Turn your regular videos into blockbusters 2 Quick Questions Do you already have any video creation or editing app? Do you already have any old videos, new videos, or stock videos? Profit from selling revamped videos or video revamp services! This app solves the main problem marketers, entrepreneurs, and business have with their videos.

This Is What Happens When You Force Your Kids To Go Shopping With You. #7 Is DONE… LOL.

Taking your child shopping can be a rough experience. They can be loud, rude, tired or grumpy. It’s a gamble every time you strap your toddler into a basket and walk into a Target. But the next time you’re with your child and they’re throwing a tantrum (or you see a kid about to melt down), have some compassion. Because the odds are they don’t want any part of this experience, either. These 23 kids were absolutely (and hilariously) defeated by their mortal enemy: the shopping trip.

1.) It may not be safe, but it’s definitely fun.

2.) I think you forgot something in aisle 3…

3.) The HORROR.

4.) We’re sorry, kid.

5.) This shopping trip was 30 minutes too long.

6.) This baby just can’t unsee those horrors.

7.) Uh-oh, someone broke their kid.

8.) Punishment: a shopping trip.

9.) Peaceful shopping protests.

10.) What you’re seeing here is a psychological break.

11.) I see what you did there, kid.

12.) He is dreaming of freedom.

13.) Not bad…

14.) But this is expert napping.

15.) Defeat, he has seen it.

16.) The best way to shop is to bring entertainment.

17.) Dragging yourself, the less peaceful form of protest.

18.) Sometimes you have to get creative when you entertain yourself.

19.) Practice your gymnastics? Why not.

20.) He has seen things, man.

21.) Someone got a little confused (it happens to all of us, kid).

22.) At this point, he doesn’t know what hope looks like.

23.) And eventually, they ALL give up.

(H/T BuzzFeed) Parents, you may have won the battle… but you have yet to win the war. Sooner or later these kids will find a way to be victorious when it comes to shopping trips. They’ll most likely get their revenge when they’re finally teenagers. Then they’ll be asking for spending money left and right, it’ll come full circle. Share these hilarious kids by clicking below!

Read more: http://viralnova.com/kids-dont-want-to-shop/

21 Hilarious Tweets By Celebrity Parents

Kids don’t care if you’re a rock star but they do care if you packed a snack.

1. When Olivia Wilde welcomed her son into the world:

2. And when she learned what it’s like to change a baby boy:

3. When Hilary Duff had “one of those days” while shopping with her kid:

4. When Jim Gaffigan spoke the truth about snow days:

5. And when he got a little philosophical:

6. When Jenny Mollen struggled with the idea of her son growing up:

Struck by the horrific realization that my son might not want me to be his prom date. Hopefully, I can at least go with one of his friends.

— jennyandteets (@Jenny Mollen)

7. When Snooki “handled” this breast-feeding nightmare:

To my fellow BF moms- do you ever forget your pump & have to manually pump yourself?! ✋I just did. #milkservice #thirstyanyone #humancow ðŸ„ðŸ„ðŸ„

— snooki (@Nicole Polizzi)

8. When Conan O’Brien embraced his role as his children’s first teacher:

Just taught my kids about taxes by eating 38% of their ice cream.

— ConanOBrien (@Conan O’Brien)

9. And when Joel McHale probably regretted giving his kids sugar:

My kids & friends r playing in a fake grocery store scaled 2 their size. Mayhem. Its like that scene in Red Dawn right b4 they leave town.

— joelmchale (@Joel McHale)

10. When Mario Lopez articulated this all-too-real struggle:

Trying to explain to Gia that farts aren’t polite or funny. But I feel like a hypocrite because they’re totally funny… #StruggleIsReal

— MarioLopezExtra (@Mario Lopez)

11. When it was (or wasn’t) nap time at Alyson Hannigan’s house:

Why don’t kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?

— alydenisof (@alyson hannigan)

12. When Pink reflected on how her life has changed since becoming a mom:

my life was once whiskey, tears, and cigarettes… now it’s snot, tears, and the color of poop. #bliss

— Pink (@P!nk)

13. And when Kelly Clarkson marveled at the fact that she IS a mom:

I still can’t believe I made a human. #topthat #firstglassofwineintenmonths #pump&dump 🙂

— kelly_clarkson (@Kelly Clarkson)

14. When Neil Patrick Harris shared this “we’ve all been there” moment:

Up until 2am constructing a table with wooden trains for Gideon and all he wants to do is play with a broom. #MerryXmas

— ActuallyNPH (@Neil Patrick Harris)

15. When Busy Philipps was finally able to stop stressing over preschool admissions:

Guys, with GREAT pride I tell you this: Birdie got into preschool. So, our job as parents is done, right? Right?

— Busyphilipps25 (@Busy Philipps)

16. When Michael Ian Black suffered from Frozen fatigue:

Watching “Frozen” again with my daughter because we paid $19.99 to download it so she’s going to fucking watch it every day until college.

— michaelianblack (@Michael Ian Black)

17. And when he decided he wasn’t one of those parents who let their kid win:

Currently kicking my daughter’s ass at Piano Tiles. I am her superior.

— michaelianblack (@Michael Ian Black)

18. When “the sickness” hit Tori Spelling’s house:

The sneezing in my house began at 6am. Must be the morning after Halloween. They always get sick. #AtLeastWeHaveConsistency

— Tori_Spelling (@Tori Spelling)

19. When Mel B was deep in the school drop-off grind:

After all the #morninghayhem this just happened on the drive to school,I mean really

— OfficialMelB (@Melanie Brown)

20. When parenting kept Anna Faris humble:

245 pm. My son just told me I had a mustache like daddy’s. #ThanksgivingThrowdown

— AnnaKFaris (@Anna Faris)

21. And when Christina Applegate tweeted the kind of thing we’ve all thought, but kept to ourselves:

Only one plug working in my house. Do I charge the baby monitor or my phone. Asshole dilemma

— 1capplegate (@christina applegate)

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/21-tweets-by-celebrity-parents-that-are-hilariously-relatabl