How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety into Calmness

(whooshing) – [Narrator] This program is a presentation of UCTV for educational and non-commercial use only. (upbeat music) – Marty is a delight to have here and a delight to introduce, especially to a room full of people who are interested in learning about mind-body medicine. Marty Rossman has probably done more to bring integrative medicine to where it’s at, especially regarding mind-body medicine than any other person I will ever get to introduce or perhaps even get to shake hands with. Marty was very early on was one of the proponents of medical acupuncture. He was a founding board member of the American something or other. American Board of, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, he tells me. He has been instrumental in developing guided imagery to the robust field that it is today. He works as well a great deal with hypnosis, with many different techniques to help calm us down to help us get to a point of relaxation. Using hypnosis, health hypnosis, biofeedback, bodywork, but especially guided imagery. He is a member of the advisory board for the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and I was interested to discover he’s also a member of the advisory board for the Rosenthal Center for Complementary Medicine at Colombia University in New york. I’ve known Marty for several years now. I’ve been privileged to attend several talks that he’s given. I know that he’s a great speaker. – Well, thank you very much. That was very kind of you to say. Good evening, everybody. So how many of you have ever worried about anything? (audience laughing) Has anybody here ever worried about anything? Okay, good, that’s our topic tonight. And of course, everybody worries sometimes, and some people worry all the time. And if you’re one of those people who finds themselves worried all the time, I think that you might get something very useful. I hope that you get something very useful out of tonight’s talk. If you just worry intermittently, I hope you get something useful anyhow, but you don’t probably don’t need it quite as much. So I’m calling my topic tonight Worrying Well, and I’m still looking for a subtitle, but tonight we’ll call it how to use your brain to relieve anxiety and stress and turn it into more desirable things like calmness and confidence. Worry, I think, gets a lot of bad press because we don’t use it very well, and so when I call it Worrying Well, it’s really about what is worry? How do we do it? What’s the purpose of it? Is it possible that worrying has a positive function, which it does? Worry basically is an adaptive function. It’s something that allows us to go over and over something in our minds in an attempt to solve a problem or resolve a situation, so I think that that’s adaptive. We, humans, have been born with faculties in our brain that as far as we know don’t belong to any other creature on Earth, and it has allowed us to come from being a pretty vulnerable prey animal on the African savanna to becoming the dominant creature on Earth. We don’t have many tools for survival if you look at a human as an animal. We’re pretty vulnerable. We don’t run very fast. We don’t have big teeth. We don’t have big claws. We can swim a little bit but not very well. We can’t fly very well. So out there, without a lot of technology and on the African savanna, we are meat basically. And we’ve got systems built into our system that we inherited from the development of other prey animals that lead to things like fight and flight response, which are adaptive in some situations and maladaptive in others. But one of the things that are, that one of the qualities that we’ve developed is, or one of the mental abilities and functions is imagination. I could really make a strong case that imagination is one of the key things, and maybe the key mental faculty that separates the human from all other forms of life. Imagination lets us remember things from the past. It lets us project things into the future and think about how things would be in the future if we did something this way or that way. And everything that exists on Earth that wasn’t made by God or nature, take your pick, or some combination of the two. Everything else that exists, everything that humankind has created started in somebody’s imagination. That’s where it made its first appearance on Earth, as somebody’s imagination. “Ooh, we could do that. “Could make it round, it’ll roll. “We could chip these.” They noticed that two rocks chipping together make fire and they figured out a way to do that. So imagination, you could make a case that outside of God or nature, the human imagination is the most powerful force on Earth. And the thing is, very few of us have ever really been taught how to use it. Most of our education, especially all the way through to higher education, is on using other mental faculties, which also have made us very powerful. The ability to analyze. The ability to calculate. Linear, logical, rational, scientific ways of thinking have also contributed to us being very powerful because they allow us to take the things that we imagine and make them real in a certain way, but a lot starts in the imagination. Worry is a function of imagination. If you didn’t have an imagination, you wouldn’t be worried. That’s what lobotomies are about. (audience laughing) And that’s what a lot of certain medications are about. So we used to joke at our academy for guided imagery that if we could find a simple, non-toxic way to do a vaginectomy, we could resolve everybody’s worry and stress problems. You just wouldn’t be very worried. You wouldn’t do much, either. You wouldn’t be creative, but you wouldn’t be worried if we could do that. So I think rather than taking the imagination out, what we wanna do is learn how to use it better, and so a lot of what I’m gonna share with you about Worrying Well or worrying more effectively has to do with how you use your imagination. So worry and stress have a lot of overlap, right? And we often use them interchangeably. I’m gonna spend a little time to differentiate these things a little bit, but they do overlap quite a bit. And then anxiety also overlaps with worry and stress. They’re all a little bit different, and they’re very interrelated. They share in a lot of different kinds of ways. The reason this is important is that our consciousness and our ability to become self-conscious is potentially the greatest tool that we have for improving our lives. And it also, if we don’t know how to use it, can be something that can make our life miserable. So I like this Ashleigh Brilliant quote. “Due to circumstances beyond my control, “I am master of my fate and captain of my soul.” So you’re it. If you wanna do something about your anxiety, your stress, the way that you think, the way that you create your life. You are the captain whether you like it or not. So we might as well learn how to use these capacities ’cause there’s really no going back. I think sometimes unconsciously we try to go back with other ways of managing anxiety and stress like drinking too much or taking drugs, medications, or eating too much. All the millions of ways we have of going unconscious and kind of trying to just put our head in the sand and maybe it’ll go away, which it frequently does. So it’s not that it’s not a good strategy in the short run, but as a total life plan, it’s kind of lacking, okay? It won’t take you where you want to go. So how are worry, stress, and anxiety different? So worry is a type of, this is how I think about it, and I can be argued with. I’m not sure that any of this is actually true. I’m kind of throwing it out there. I’m writing a book on it. So if I’m wrong, please tell me before the book is written. But it seems to me that worry is a type of thinking, okay? And our friend here Ziggy says, “The figments of my imagination are out to get me.” That’s kind of the most common use of the imagination is just letting your imagination kind of go to the worst scene scenarios, getting kind of entranced or hypnotized by your worries and letting your imagination scare you. ‘Cause I think in a sense, the most common unconscious use of the imagination is to drive ourselves crazy or worry ourselves sick. So the bar is set pretty low. That’s the good news. We can learn to use it more on purpose and do better than that. So worry is a type of thinking. It’s a repetitive kind of thinking. Sometimes a rumination, it’s generally troubled. It often has to do with things that are either in the past or the future, okay? It’s the opposite of being here now. It’s the opposite of the present center. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, and that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a function. But we’re in our brain, we’re thinking about something. We’re going over and over it. And again, I think that’s because of the adaptive function of worry, I always assume that something is there is an attempt by nature or by life to solve a problem or to give us an advantage. So if you think about what could the advantage be of being able to go over a problem over and over in my mind? Well, I think it’s kind of like if you have a big, tangled ball of yarn or thread. And you’re trying to untangle it and you find a loose place and you pull it for a while and you get some looseness, and then it gets stuck again so you turn the ball over and you find another loose place and you free up some more stuff, and you turn it over again and you free up some more stuff. And if you keep doing that, turning it over and over, looking at it from different angles, finding the loose places, finding where things are knotted together. Excuse me, if you persevere with it, more often than not, you’re gonna get that whole thing untangled and then go on to the next tangled mess that you find, okay? But you are likely to get that one untangled, and I think that’s the function of worry. It lets us, it makes our concerns transportable so you can think about it at any time, and that can be an advantage or a disadvantage. And I think that that depends on whether you’re using your brain or you’re being run by it. That your brain is an incredible organ. Your mind has something to do with it. And at least in certain circumstances, your mind can learn to use your brain in better ways. That’s what this is about. So it’s very easy though for this adaptive function of problem-solving and turning things over and over to become a habit or to become repetitive and to become ruminative and just kind of become its own thing. And I think there are a couple of reasons for that. One is that worry can serve kind of a magical function. There’s a magical, the unconscious function of worry. A couple of ’em actually. So one is that most things that you worry about never happen. Most things that you worry about never happen, and if you, that’s an old rubric that we’ve all heard and I found myself wondering, “Well, is that really true?” So I’ve been teaching this as a six-week class, this Worrying Well class. I’ve taught it a few times now, and I’ve asked people at the beginning of the class to list all the things that they find themselves repetitively worrying about. And then sometime later on, we’ve just checked in with the first class, which was about nine months ago, to see how many of those things have happened, and not very many of them have happened. So I don’t know if anybody’s ever studied that really before, but you could do it yourself by writing them down and then checking it in about six months or a year. Now the interesting thing about that, the way that the brain works is, at some unconscious level of the brain, the brain could conclude that the thing didn’t happen because you worried about it, right? (audience laughing) That’s the function, and there’s an old story about a woman who walks around her house. She’s an old woman. She’s walking around her house every day. Mumbling, walking around her house. She walks around her house all day long until she’s curved a rut around her house, and that goes up to about the middle of her thighs. And finally, one of their neighbors can’t take it anymore. He goes over and he says, “I hope you don’t mind if I ask you “why you walk around your house all the day, every day.” And she says, “Well, I’m keeping it safe from tigers.” And he says, “Well, we’re in Indiana. “There aren’t any tigers here.” And she says, “See?” (audience laughing) (laughs) So we may get rewarded for worrying because so many of those things don’t happen, and at some magical, unconscious primitive level of thought, those two things could be connected. The other thing that has been researched is that sometimes, worrying about things distracts us from things that are actually bothering us. So that worrying about little things and do-lists and so on, always fussing and always worrying and always having something to fuss up about and to worry about actually distracts us from something that might be deeper and more emotional and actually be harder for us to take. So, and we know that that’s a function. That’s actually been studied. So that worry prevents deeper, richer, more emotional-laden thinking, which typically comes in images and comes in the quiet times. So if there’s a lot of feeling there that’s hard to process or hard to feel or that’s unprocessed and that we’ve never dealt with, it’s in a sense useful to keep the mind very busy. Because if you get quiet, your emotions will come up. And ultimately, we think that that’s a good thing. Emotions are natural, they’re healthy. They have the wisdom to them that most of us have not also been educated in. But they can be hard to feel. Nobody, very few people have very much trouble feeling joy. Although a lot of times we’re blocked from feeling joy because we are unable or unwilling to feel other emotions. When you start feeling one emotion, the others go, “Hey, the door’s open.” And they might wanna come up and be felt. So there are functions of worry, and again, some of them unconscious, magical, maybe not in our best interest over time. Others adaptive, problem-solving, go over the problem. So it behooves us to kind of learn what we’re doing with the worry, and that gives us choices in terms of what we’re doing with the rest, okay? So worry’s a thinking function, whereas anxiety, anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling. It’s usually in the chest or the upper abdomen. Not always, but it’s most often up in this area or this area. It’s an uncomfortable feeling of fear or apprehension or dread. Dread is, it’s that feeling, “Oh my God, something bad is going to happen, I know it. “Something bad is going to happen.” You don’t know. It may be attached to something or it may be free-floating and not attached to anything. And anxiety often comes with physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest, sweating, shortness of breath. There’s often a feeling of anxiety if anxiety is very strong, like panic attacks. There’s often a very characteristic feeling that comes with panic attacks and the feeling is of impending doom. People with panic attacks feel they’re about to die. And it’s often, again, since the symptoms are often in the chest or the abdomen, we see these things in medicine all the time. And you could really make a case for one of the maybe the primary functions of a primary care doctor is seeing if there’s anything else but anxiety going on because anxiety can cause so many symptoms in so many systems of the body and make us afraid. A sense that something bad is gonna happen. Anxiety is a function of a part of the brain that is the emotional part of the brain. It’s called a limbic system or the emotional brain, so worry belongs to the thinking part of the brain. And there’s a lot of interaction, but worry belongs in the thinking part of the brain, the cortex. Anxiety typically comes from the limbic or emotional part of the brain, and I’ll show you what that looks like. And stress, which is the third leg of our uncomfortable stool here, is actually a physical response to a threat, real or imagined. And in modern life, most of the threats are either perceived or imagined, but they’re not. So somebody’s probably told you the story of the saber-toothed tiger and the fight-or-flight response and so on. That this was a response we think was designed by nature. So when you walked out of the cave and you ran into a big predator like a saber-toothed tiger, part of your nervous system fires off and you get a big shot of adrenaline and your heart beats faster and your blood clots faster and your blood pressure goes up and your muscles get supercharged and you’re ready to run, or run the fastest two miles you’ve ever run in your life or fight the tiger to death. And then it supercharges you. It’s that kind of thing we hear about when a mother moves a car to save the baby. The thing is that this response can go off in response to threats that are not predators. That is not, it can go off in response to stock market movements, economic changes, thinking about aging, thinking about whether you can meet your responsibilities. All kinds of stuff, and all kinds of stuff that is, that unless you know where the off button is on your television or your radio or your computer, that you can just literally pump into your brain 24/7 if you stay up. All the bad news of every bad thing that has happened around the world to anybody, or if it’s a slow news day, what could happen, okay? As the H1N1 flu, ’cause it’s not a terribly, doesn’t look like a terribly dangerous flu right now, but it could become really dangerous. And that’s what’s got everybody scared and everybody freaked out and standing in line. What could happen, so? And yes, there’s a balance between, again, being able to predict the future and take measures to prevent things happening that don’t need to happen, and freaking out for months about something that probably will never happen. It’s a yin-yang kind of relationship. So stress is, the important thing here is that stress is a physical response. It’s not stuff that happens to you. It’s a physical response that your body has to survive short-term stress. And if you survive that short-term stress like fight like the saber-toothed tiger, you’ve either killed it or you’ve run away from it. And run as fast as you can, climb the highest tree that you can. You’ve burned up all these stress chemicals, and when the tiger goes away, you kind of limp back to the cave and breathe a big sigh of relief and tell everybody about how you killed the tiger or ran away from the tiger. And your body rested and compensated and recharged itself and replaced all the chemicals that it used during that intense 20 to 30-minute flight. Or else the tiger has eaten you and you don’t have any more stress. (audience laughing) But one way or another, it’s all over in about 20 or 30 minutes. (audience laughing) Okay? So there’s none of this year of stress that goes on if you’re a good worrier, where you wake up in the morning and the first thing on your mind is, “Oh my God, what’s gonna happen with this? “Am I gonna be able to do this? “Am I gonna be able to beat that?” And so forth. And of course, the really good worriers are not only doing it during the daytime. You’re up at night, too, because you can’t sleep, right? And so it’s taking you, and that takes your resilience away, and it becomes a real negative, vicious cycle. So, to review. Worry is a type of repetitive, circular thinking. Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling of fear or dread. Stress is a physical response that prepares you to meet challenges so it’s interesting to look at. This is sort of a somewhat dated model of the brain. It’s called the Triune Brain, but it’s good enough for government work. We can work with this model, okay? This is that there is what’s called the cortical brain or the neo-cortex. The big, gray matter, wrinkled, the big brain that we’re so proud of that allows us to speak and add and calculate and reason and so forth. And imagine, and do all these things that again, as far as we know, no other creature on Earth does, and that is really the most adaptive thing that’s helped us survive and dominate. Lower down, limbic system, midbrain, okay. The basic brain, we call it the reptilian brain. That’s the brain we share with lizards reptiles and amphibians. That’s the oldest part of the brain. That part of the brain basically concerned with survival. It basically sorts things into two or three categories. “Can I eat this? “Can it eat me? “Can I mate with it?” That’s basically what it’s concerned with, okay? (audience laughing) It sorts down all the information that you receive into those three things, okay? And it acts like that. It acts reflexively and instantaneously. Just like if you come across a lizard on the path and you make a move towards it, it’s gone like that. It doesn’t go inside. It doesn’t do a Woody Allen thing. “Should I move? “Should I not move? “Would it be better for me? “Is this dangerous? “Is it not dangerous? “How dangerous is it?” It doesn’t do any of it, it’s just gone, okay? If there’s any indication that there’s a threat, it sets off the stress response and it’s gone. The thing is, this developed evolutionarily from the bottom up, okay? This was, this part of the brain developed first. And then as animals developed, the limbic system pretty much developed in mammals, and others, in warm, furry creatures, who characteristically have social relationships. And for mammals, for most mammals, not all mammals, social relationships like feelings of pride of lions and packs of wolves and families of people and things like that have adaptive value. We do better when we’re connected to groups. We have more strength. We have more problem-solving ability. We have emotional support. We are social creatures, and our social positions mean a lot to us. And all that emotional processing happens mostly in this limbic system, and then on top of it, the big, smart, intellectual brain. Every layer added new possibilities and new complexity to our ability to understand our world and to navigate our world. And part of the problem when we look at this whole issue is that the new guy is very entranced with himself, okay? The thinking brain thinks that nothing was important before he came along. And I saw he kind of deliberately. It could be she too, but it’s a kind of, it’s not that there aren’t tremendously bright and intellectual women, but it’s kind of thinking analysis, logic, that kind of thinking on a yin-yang scale we typically characterize as a kind of masculine thinking. Not that it doesn’t belong to women too. Whereas the feeling, the intuitive, tends to be more kind of receptive, softer. It has its own logic, but it’s not the same as the logic of mathematics and science, okay? So this brain is very good at, especially the part of the brain, the part that’s suited for verbal and mathematical skills, which typically is in the left hemisphere of the brain. And there’s some variation, but that typically is in the left brain, which is called the dominant hemisphere. Speech capability, mathematical capability, and so on. Whereas on the right side of the brain in the same area, lie areas of the brain that have to do with the body image, with emotional recognition and facial expressions, tone of voice, and those kinds of skills. So they each have their place. I mean, logical skills have to do with building buildings like this and building MRIs and doing the kind of incredible science that goes on in a university setting like UCSF and looking through electron microscopes and doing chemical analysis. And these are tremendous Fats, don’t misunderstand me. They’re completely useless in a relationship, okay? It doesn’t matter how many Nobel prizes you have. You may not be able to maintain a marriage. Would be if that’s the only kind of intelligence you have, right? And you may not be able to maintain good relationships with people. Whereas somebody who emotionally, and in terms of social networking and understanding and compassion and empathy, may have a different kind of intelligence, as well as an intellectual kind of intelligence. So my point is that these are different kinds of intelligence that are useful in different situations. What has happened since the the advent of the age of reason and which is, and the the advent of discovering the immense power of our intellectual capabilities, I think has been a devaluing and ignoring of the earlier kind of intelligence that has to do with our relations with each other and with other living things and with our environment. And I think that a lot of the crisis we’re seeing is we’re trying to come back to that and own those relationships while still maintaining our ability to be technically creative and help solve those problems that way. I think that these have been around a lot longer. This guy’s really fascinated with himself and sometimes thinks he’s the only game in town. So the reason we used to say when we’re talking about left and right hemisphere, and I don’t wanna go into it’s too deeply tonight, but the reason that the left hemisphere is called the dominant hemisphere … Can anybody guess? It does dominate, but the main reason that it’s called the dominant hemisphere is that it’s the one that names things. It’s the verbal hemisphere. It’s the one that gives people, thinks, “I’m the dominant hemisphere, “and you’re the subdominant hemisphere. “I’m the major hemisphere, you’re the minor hemisphere.” And it’s kind of a joke, but I think it’s also true, and we have valued that. Think about your education. How many hours of emotional education did you get? How many hours of education in using your imagination did you get? Or your intuition? So your education, and I’m not saying that it was, hopefully, at least when I went to school, it was reading, writing, arithmetic. It was that left-brain, analytic, logical skills. Tremendously useful, but not all of us. And this other kind of intelligence, I think we need a lot more education experience with it. Learn how to communicate with it, and that’s why in a little while I’m gonna talk about imagery, which is its coding language in a sense of this more emotional and intuitive brain. So here’s a kind of a picture of a real brain cut in half this way. And I don’t know how well you can see this, but there’s the wrinkled cortex, neocortex. It goes all the way around. And then in the center, this area here more or less is the limbic or emotional brain. And you can see that there’s an, and then this would be the reptilian, reflexive, survival brain. And you can see there are lots of connections between the two, so that this brain could send messages into this brain and create an emotional reaction, which would send messages down to this part of the brain and sent it out to the body and vice versa. Like for this guy. So this guy’s having a, he’s not having a good day. He’s having a rage reaction, and without going through all of these things, just if you want to study this, you can, but something didn’t match up with his expectations, okay? That’s where most anger comes from. He had an expectation. Something didn’t come up to it. It sent some kind of a message of danger or threat to this emotional brain. It’s signaled his lower brain that to get ready for a fight, and this thing sends out, through all the cranial nerves and spinal cord and so on, messages to every organ in his body and your physiology changes very dramatically. When you’re angry, when you’re frightened, when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you’re calm, you are physiologically different than, okay. So there are plenty of connections and this is basically just to show yes, there’s a real wiring diagram and a real chemical messaging system. So anxiety, stress, and worry are interactive, they’re bidirectional. If you tend to be anxious, that emotional brain is gonna be pumping out more messages of, “Lookout.” It may not know what it’s looking out for, but it’s gonna be more vigilant. It’s going to raise the, it’s gonna send more messages to the cortex to be on guard for problems. And then the cortex is gonna be able to imagine all the problems that there could be out there, and it’s gonna send messages back and they can get into a real, kind of a reverberating circuit. All these parts of the brain are chemically sensitive, and of course in medicine, typically we try to chemically manipulate these things if somebody’s got a real anxiety disorder. We’re not talking about anxiety disorders which where the anxiety level is just cranked up high despite the thinking here. But we try to manipulate that with medications. Those of us who have studied nutritional medicine know that there are naturally occurring molecules. That there are molecules in our foods that can be used as nutraceuticals to modify how active or upregulated the nervous system is or downregulated, so we try to do it through more natural molecules, but the other thing to know about this is that they’re also thought-sensitive. That thoughts become chemicals at a certain level and those chemicals stimulate the physical mechanisms that underlie our reactions, so. And that’s gonna be our focus tonight, is about thinking. For any of you who have any doubts that the mind and body are really connected and create physiology, just real quick, this is biofeedback data. And to make it simple, this is muscle tension. This is an electrical response in the skin. This is fingertip temperature, which is a sign of either stress or relaxation. This nice, even white line here is respiration. So this guy is sitting in a biofeedback therapist’s office with a bunch of sensors hooked up to his muscles and his fingertips to measure the way that his circulation responds to stress. And he’s got a belt around his chest, and he’s just breathing nice and around his abdomen, this is actually his abdomen. And he’s breathing nice and normal, even. He’s just sitting there relaxing. There’s not much going on, so. You won’t be able to read all this stuff. Just watch what happens here. So he’s a guy. This is an actual patient who has a phobia about driving over bridges and he lives here. (audience laughing) Okay. Bad combination, right? So he’s sitting, so he goes to the biofeedback therapist. Here he’s just sitting there relaxing. Then the biofeedback therapist asks him just to think about, just imagine approaching the Golden Gate Bridge. And all of this goes in the same direction. There’s an immediate fight-or-flight response. Just goes off from imagining driving across the bridge. You can see it best here, what happens to his breathing. It just goes to the pod. It’s just very shallow, very irregular. Stops breathing into his abdomen. His skin temperature, actually this reversed. It should go decrease. His muscle tension goes up. He’s physiologically ready to defend his life by imagining going to the bridge. Now, if he can learn to get his breathing under control again his therapist can guide him to think about some other things that are more relaxing. They typically break it down. “Just think about coming down the stairs “and seeing your car keys.” In a person who’s developed a phobia, that would be enough to stimulate a huge reaction. Now, if the person then can learn to breathe more deeply and to induce a relaxation response, which most people can, while he’s imagining that, go back to the calm physiology. By the time he gets to the place where he can actually imagine driving across the bridge and staying calm, he’ll be able to go across that bridge. That could take months to get to. There’s a lot of practice in here, but it’s a good example of a mind-body connection and how much we respond to just thinking about things. So there’s a lot, how many have heard the term neuroplasticity? Has that been talked about here? So it doesn’t mean your brain is made of plastic. It means that your brain is changeable, and there’s been a lot of literature lately about how changeable the adult human brain is. Up until very recently, the dictum was we have an adult brain, that’s it. Your cells die off, but that’s about it. And you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and all that kind of stuff. And we know now, how many of you have read this book by Norman Doidge, “The Brain That Changes Itself?” It’s an astounding book on brain science. A couple of, an example, there are researchers now that have developed techniques, sending, taking people who have been blind since birth. Hooking up a little video camera to an electric device that kind of draws a picture on their back by poking ’em. Kind of a thing that puts multiple little pokes and gives them a picture on their back, and they start to see. Okay, they can see so that they can walk around. Now they have it where a little video camera and glass goes to a little wafer on the tongue that sends out little electrical signals. And they start, and they can see. Probably not like most of us who can see naturally and normally, but they can see. They can walk around the room and not bump into objects and so forth, okay? And what happens over time, what they found was, in these people, that watching a device called a functional MRI, which can show us what parts of the brain are active while people are thinking, that it was the part of the brain in the occipital cortex that processes visual information, that took all of this data from their back or their tongue and started putting pictures together. So the brain’s taking this data and putting pictures together ’cause that’s what it does. Normally it gets the input from your eye, but if we can get the information some other way, it can create new pathways that create these abilities. Isn’t that astounding? So part of Jeffrey Schwartz at UCLA, his research has been with people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which has been traditionally a very difficult condition to treat, and finding very structured, repetitive exercises, which, fortunately, obsessive-compulsive people are very good at. (laughs) (audience laughing) By focusing their mind in a certain way, they literally can change, not only their behavioral patterns but that their brains change after a decent period. We’re talking about months of practice so that you can actually lay new hardwiring down, as well as change your mind. You can change your mind in a nanosecond, but it seems to take weeks to months to change your brain. But when you change your brain, now you’ve got a new default position installed, and you don’t have to be the same way that you were before. Louann Brizendine, who’s a professor of psychiatry here at UCSF, wrote this, how many have read this book, “The Female Brain?” If you never read another book in your life, and if you’re either male or female, (audience laughing) you should read this book. This is an astounding book. A really astounding book about the brain how it’s organized and what different capabilities there are. Both genders have similar capabilities, but it’s a bit of a digression, but it was tremendously useful to me to learn from this book that all fetuses as they’re growing in the womb are female, are male at the beginning. And at eight weeks, yeah, they’re all female. They’re all female. At eight weeks, the fetus with the Y chromosome gets a wash of testosterone, and do you know what that testosterone does to the brain? You’re gonna love this. (audience laughing) It explains so much. (audience laughing) It kills 80% of the neurons in the male brain that process emotional communication. (audience laughing) This is apparently brain science. And when they get it again when they’re 14 or 15, I don’t know how many of you remember being 14 or 15, or if you have a 14 or The 15-year-old son who sits at the table like this and looks like a cretin and spends all of his time in his room and is barely human, and he was a brilliant, loving little kid. He’s got testosterone poisoning, which is again, seriously, (audience laughing) is again, killing neurons in his brain that have to do with emotional communication. And increasing the parts of his brain that have to do with sexuality and aggressiveness, okay? While the female’s brain is still maintaining this big part about four to five times as much brain area is devoted to emotional communication. To talking about sensing emotional nuances. This is why in general you ladies are so much better at it than we are and you like to talk to each other about all that stuff. You like to talk to us about it. You don’t understand why we don’t understand. Okay, this would be like, and this is no offense. I need a better archetype, but this would be like my dog who has 20,000 times the smell neurons in his nose than I do. This would be like my dog asking me, “Why don’t you smell that Jake was here earlier? “I’m sniffing his book. “Why don’t you, I’m living in a world of smell. “Smell is all around us.” It’s a world of smell to the dog, right? I don’t smell any of it. I don’t hear the high-pitched sounds ’cause his brain is tuned differently, so. This is has saved my marriage. (audience laughing) This discover. And when you wonder, and when the guys, these are all overgeneralizations and I’m playing it up a little bit, but your guy may not be able to tell what you’re feeling as easily as you can tell what he’s feeling. It’s a different world. He just may not, he’s just like, and this is what guys always say to each other. “Why is she mad? (audience laughing) “I don’t get it. “Why is she mad? “I asked her out to lunch on Tuesday. “She got mad at me. “I don’t know why.” So one mystery is not exactly solved, but the brains are organized differently. It’s really fascinating. That is a great read. All right, I’m gonna go ahead and go on before I get stoned here. The brain changes throughout life and here’s the basis of my interest in thinking about how we think. Thinking about how we worry. What if the blind can learn to see, then the anxious should be able to learn to relax. I would think it’s much easier to learn to relax than it is to see when you’ve never seen it before. I may be wrong, but this is kind of at the center of it. If our brain is capable of that kind of learning, then what do we need to do to teach it? And this is a great term that comes from Jeffrey Schwartz’s self-directed neuroplasticity, which is fascinating because you’re using your own mind to change your own brain. Really an interesting concept. As one of my favorite Gary Larson cartoons that have to do with this, this is the ultimate self-help technique. And the guys here are reading these books, like “Do It By Instinct” and “Dare To Be Nocturnal.” (audience laughing) “Predator-Prey Relationships.” And the best one of course is “How to Avoid Natural Selection,” which is (mumbles). (audience laughing) So this is ultimate, I mean, our greatest self-care tool. So let’s talk about how we can think about this, and this is how I’m thinking about it now. I’m thinking that there’s good worry and bad worry. And by that, I mean good worry is functional worry. It’s the worry that’s trying to solve a problem and that has some potential to solve a problem. And that, and if we separate our worries into good worries and bad or futile worries, okay, we can treat each one of them differently. We can use our brains differently. So good worry is, “I’m worried about this project. “I’m worried about where to go to school. “I’m worried about whether I’m gonna be able “to pay for my kid’s education.” Real stuff to worry about. It’s not that there’s any lack of real stuff to worry about, but stuff that, if you asked yourself, “Is it likely “that I could actually do something about this?” That you would say either yes or maybe? As opposed to, when you actually write out the stuff you’re worried about, a lot of times you find out, you look at stuff and you say, “Well, “I can’t do much about that, ‘2012.’ “Gee, I’m worried that the world’s gonna end in 2012.” What are you gonna do about that? Okay, are you likely to be able to do anything about that? You might wanna put that on your bad worry list, okay? And just enjoy the movie as a great roller coaster ride. So good worry anticipates and solves problems. Bad worry, circular, habitual, magical. Doesn’t go anywhere. Doesn’t lead to solutions, scares you. In a sense, it starts to become a type of auto-suggestion, right? ‘Cause you’re thinking about this thing all the time, you’re scaring yourself. You’re sending out those fear pathways and that makes it harder to use your brain when you’re feeling that way. And so, how many of you are familiar with the Serenity Prayer? How many of you have heard of it before? Okay, now I wanna ask how many of you are in 12-step programs? (audience laughing) The 12-step programs adopted the Serenity Prayer. The Serenity Prayer goes back probably as far as Roman times, and then in modern times was attributed to a theologian in WWII, but the 12-step programs have adopted it. It’s a brilliant prayer thought. If you don’t like prayer, just take off the God word, okay? But the Serenity Prayer goes, “God,” or whatever, “grant me the serenity “to accept the things I cannot change, “the courage to change the things I can change, “and the wisdom to know the difference.” Okay, so if we use the Serenity Prayer as kind of the skeleton of our Worrying Well practice, we wanna think about separating things we’re worried about into things you can change, things you probably can’t change. And then if some are leftover that you’re not sure of, where you need the wisdom to know the difference, I’m gonna talk to you at least about ways that you can use imagery to help with all three of those things. So the first question is if you’re not sure about something and you need more wisdom, how do get more wisdom? Besides living another 30 or 40 years, okay? By which, I mean that’s not all that useful when you’ve got an immediate problem. So there are ways, ordinary ways to access more wisdom. Talk to people that you think are wise. If you have wise friends, if you have wise teachers, see if they’ll talk to you and you can share your problem, listen to ’em, consider what they say. That’s one good source of wisdom. This stands for what would Jesus, Buddha, Dalai Lama, or Yoda do? (audience laughing) So if you don’t have access to a wise friend or teacher, this is a type of imagery technique. Think about what would somebody that you imagine is genuinely wise, what would they say in that situation? Remember Hillary Clinton got all kinds of flack from people when she was the First Lady ’cause she said she was in a circumstance where she wasn’t sure what to do and she thought a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt and what Eleanor Roosevelt would have done in that situation, and of course, all the kooks got up on her. “She’s into spiritualism,” and so on. She was conjuring the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt. She was imagining what a wise, ethical, role-model would do in that situation. It’s a perfectly natural and very intelligent thing to do. What would somebody with class and wisdom and caring and morals do in this situation? And if you took it another step and you do it guided imagery where you actually relax, you go into a meditative or relax, just a relaxed state, and you kind of daydream that you were walking in the garden with Eleanor Roosevelt, and you told her what was going on and you imagined that she spoke back to you. That’s not spooky. As long as you know that it’s not really Eleanor Roosevelt, or if it is, that she’s, that you’re not identifying with her. You’re not the person in the crazy house who thinks that they’re Jesus, but you could imagine what Jesus would say. What Jesus would do, if Jesus is important and meaningful to you. Or if what the Dalai Lama would do or what your wise grandmother would do, or what your wise grandmother would do if you had a wise grandmother, right? So you start accessing, what would it be like if I were to approach this from a wise place and you take the time to quiet down and take the time to get deeper inside. And that’s what we do with imagery we sometimes call inner wisdom imagery or inner advisor, inner guide, inner ally, inner whatever. You can have your higher power, guardian angel. People have called this by different names throughout history, and some people feel like, “Well, you are calling on on a spirit.” And other people feel like, “It’s just a way to get to the part of my brain “that has this wisdom.” Because there is a part of all of us that has a lot of wisdom. Do you know when it comes out? It comes out when your friend’s in trouble. When your friend comes to you for advice ’cause they can’t figure it out, right? And have you ever noticed how easy it is to advise your friends? Good advice, usually. And if it’s a serious thing, you take time to think about it. You don’t just give them a glib answer. You take some time and you think about it. You go down as deep as you can inside yourself and you give them that wise advice. The thing is, it’s probably easier for you to get to your wisdom than your friend if your friend is really frightened. Because when we are frightened, when we’re anxious, when we’re worried, there’s a psychological phenomenon called regression. We tend to regress. We tend to feel like we’re too little, we’re too weak, we don’t have the resources, we don’t know what to do. We’re wishing that somebody bigger, wiser, stronger were there to tell us what to do. And we feel more childlike and that blocks our access to our own wisdom. And that’s why taking the time to go to actually do a relaxation practice, relax your body, shift your mind, imagine that you go to a place that’s beautiful and peaceful and safe so that you get out of that fearful loop. You imagine, or you invite an image, of someone or something wise and loving, and that cares about you, whether it’s someone or something you’ve ever met or something you just make up. You just imagine you imagine what it would tell you or show you or do with you, and it’s quite remarkable what can come from meditation like this. Does that make sense to people? And so it’s easier to do that for your friend because as much as you love your friend, you’re probably not gonna be as freaked out as they are if it’s a serious situation. We see this all the time. The most commonplace that I see in my practice is with people who’ve just been newly diagnosed with cancer, and they’re just shocked and freaked out as most people are. And in the meantime, they’re visiting all these different doctors and oncologists and trying to become an oncologist in two weeks and learn the whole field of oncology and figure out their best option. While emotionally, they’re feeling like a three-year-old. So, it’s very difficult for them to make decisions that way. These kinds of techniques, if you start early and help them connect to a deeper level enough that scared child can really make a difference in terms of wise decision-making. So sometimes they give, your inner advisor will say something like this. “The secret of living without frustration and worry “is to avoid becoming personally involved in your own life.” This is definitely a good treatment for worry, okay? But usually, and that’s not bad advice. Here’s how I think this thing kind of works. So if we go through this process of thinking about the worries, I actually have people in class write them down and then go through and separate them. I mean, it sounds mechanical. It’s just using our ordinary intelligence. Separate them into three columns. Things you think you could change if you wanted to, things you think you couldn’t change if you wanted to, and things that you’re not sure about. And people rarely do this, so we carry it around in our heads. Just writing it down is often very helpful for people in sorting it out. And then where we want to get to is down here, either if it’s something you can’t change, basically what you wanna do is get to a place where you either get to a place of some kind of acceptance. Some kind of coming to terms. Or you turn it around into an intention or a prayer. So in other words, you’re worrying about something. That something’s gonna happen, but it’s not something that you can physically do something about. It’s interesting to see what happens if you take it and you turn it around and you put it into a positive visualization of what you would rather have happened, okay? So, I’m gonna skip the whole argument here about whether or not that has a physical effect and the secret. Whether we just make something happen by changing our intention, sometimes it seems that we do and sometimes we don’t. But what does happen when people, in other words, some friend gets diagnosed with cancer and you are overcome with worry because you are just worried that she’s gonna die, okay. Or be sick or go through some horrendous thing ’cause you care for your friend. That’s a typically normal reaction. But you find yourself losing sleep and you’re thinking about and you’re just getting obsessed with it and so on. Well, and there’s nothing more that you can do. You’re bringing her food and you’re a source of support and so on, but you aren’t personally going to be able to cure that cancer, okay? But now you start to say, “Okay, instead of constantly imagining “what I don’t wanna have to happen, “I’m gonna think about what I would rather have happened, “so I’m gonna start to imagine that she gets great treatment “and that her cancer responds “and that she comes through that treatment “and she survives it and she comes out being “an even stronger and healthier person. “That if it’s up to, if it was up to me, “if I was God, that’s what would happen.” And I don’t know if that’ll make any difference, but that’s where I’m gonna put my energy, instead of putting my energy over here. And whether it changes the outcome or not, way beyond me, but what it does do is that when people start focusing on that image, they become less anxious. You become less anxious because you feel like, “I’m doing what I can be doing “and I’m putting my energy into what I wanna see happen.” Does that make sense? And there’s a lot of principles of suggestion that are at work there. There are a couple of analogies I use for people. One is, I’m not a skier myself. A mountain biker and I skied. I don’t know how many of you are, but you can imagine being a skier. So imagine that you’re up on the top of a very steep, very challenging ski run. What you wanna do when you’re up there at the top before you start, before you push off, you wanna check it all out. You wanna see, “Hey, there’s a big rock over here. “I don’t wanna bump, hit that. “There are big trees over here. “I don’t wanna hit those.” Then what you wanna do, and any skier will tell you, that you wanna see what the line is that takes you through safely through those things. And once you start skiing and you’re going fast or riding your bike downhill or any other thing that’s like that, what you wanna focus on is you wanna focus on where you wanna go, not on where you don’t wanna go because if you fixate on that rock, you will crash into it. Because that is how your body-mind is put together. It tends to go where you look. The other example I use for people is if you wanna hit a bullseye in a dartboard, it helps if you look at it, okay? If you look at it, you’re not guaranteed to hit it but you’re much more likely to hit it than if you close your eyes or your attention is just all over the place. And if you keep looking at it, even if you keep missing, your whole nervous system is wired to recruit resources and to control your body so that you get closer and closer to it and that you hit it more and more often. So it’s goal-setting, it’s focusing your intention on what you wanna have happened. Does that make sense? Without doing that, I was talking to a psychiatrist friend of mine the other day about this and he says, “I think you’re talking about intention deficit disorder.” (audience laughing) ‘Cause a lot of this comes down to whether how much control we can have about where we put our attention. So we put our attention in this case on a, if you’re a prayer, if you’re a religious person and you have a way of praying, then you pray for the outcome that you desire. If you’re not a religious person, if you don’t pray, you visualize or you intend it. You say, “If it’s up to me, “I’m worried that my friend will succumb. “I don’t want that to happen.” “But the way that I’m gonna put my energy “into her getting better, “into imagining that she gets better.” And if nothing else, it’ll help you. It’ll help reduce your anxiety level. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. So the other thing is, is that on the other side is if something that you can change, there’s a couple of processes for doing this. One of the questions is sometimes people don’t act on things that they can change because they feel like they don’t have enough creativity. They haven’t been able to solve a problem. They don’t have the guts, the courage to act on it. They don’t have the assertiveness. They don’t have the confidence. So imagery, and I’m gonna hopefully share with you imagery that you can experiment with yourself is a fantastic way of both accessing and building these kinds of personal qualities in yourself so that you can be more effective in making changes that you want to, okay. And leading to an action that can actually resolve these problems. So imagery is a type of thinking, people often say that it involves your senses. Thoughts that you can see, hear, smell, feel, daydreams. It’s a language, it’s an emotional language. It’s a synthetic, just thought language. It’s a language of the arts. It’s all the visual arts, drama, poetry, painting. Even music, dance, images that bring, convey a lot of information, but not in the same way that an equation conveys information. That makes sense. It’s the difference between listening. I think Einstein once said, “You could break a Beethoven sonata down “into wavelengths and frequencies, “but you’d be missing the point.” So there’s that linear, scientific part. There’s that experiential part. We’re after that. So imagery, it’s a natural way that we think. It’s very closely linked to emotions. It’s natural, if you think about it as a coding language, it’s a coding language of the emotional, intuitive gray. And it’s just that we haven’t had much education in using it, and runaway imagination is probably the primary source of modern stress. It’s not just what’s happening, it’s what you think will happen to you, and how it will affect you that sends the signals down into your body. On the other hand, developing a skillful imagination is one that you can use to send messages of calmness, confidence, creativity, and there are a lot of different ways to use it. Your most potent tool for stress relief, but you need to learn some skills to use it on purpose. So the imagery, what the imagery does is if we’re having a problem that we can’t solve in that cortex, the imagery brings the limbic brain into it. It brings the emotional, intuitive intelligence to that issue or problem, so it just brings a whole other big area of the brain to bear on whatever the problem is. So it doesn’t take anything away. It adds intelligence to your problem-solving. So you can calm your brain with imagery, just like you can make it anxious. I could take you through a little imagery, just ask you to imagine the scariest thing you’ve ever been through. Don’t do that right now. If we went through it and had you really, “What do you see? “What do you hear? “What do you smell? “Imagine you’re there again.” You could work up pretty good anxiety. If I asked you instead to imagine that you go to a place that’s peaceful and beautiful to you and that you just loved to be in, we have nothing to do and it’s safe and it’s the right temperature and notice what you see and hear and smell and immerse yourself in that daydream. Your brain will send messages down through the limbic system, down into the lizard brain. It’ll say, “It looks beautiful, peaceful, and safe. “It sounds beautiful, peaceful, and safe. “It smells nice. “It’s peaceful here, it’s safe. “Hit the All Clear button.” And your body will shift into that. So there’s that place is, “Where right now do I wanna focus my attention? “What train of thought do I wanna put my attention on?” And again, few people have ever really been taught this, so we have got … I’ll get to the commercial aspect later, but it’s one reason that I’ve devoted as much time as I have to write books and doing audio CDs and downloads to teach people these skills. They’re very, they’re simple skills. Your imagination is your birthright. It’s built into you. Nobody ever really just taught you how to do some fairly simple, but potentially profound moves with them that can literally change your life depending on what you’re doing. It can certainly improve your life. So rather than talk with you more, I wanna offer you a chance. Let’s do it, would you like to do some imagery? Some guided imagery instead. We’ll rest your left brain. We’ll fan it off, cool it off. So I wanna share with you fairly simple imagery that we call evocative imagery. How many of you have used guided imagery on purpose before? So a fair number. Maybe half or a little more than half. So this is a way to use imagery to help you access particular quality that you might wanna have more of. Okay, and that could be, it could be courage, it could be confidence, it could be created, it could be patience, it could be humor, it could be assertiveness. Any quality that you wanna think about. And the way that we usually use this, and you could do this is to think about the situation that you’ve got going on, that you have had difficulty solving or resolving. And you just feel like you just haven’t been able to resolve it and it seems like something that you could potentially solve or resolve. Well, you just don’t feel you have enough fill-in-the-blank to do this. You need a little more, again, courage, assertiveness, patience, humor, whatever it is, okay? If you can’t think of one right off the bat, just think about a quality that you would like to experience more of in yourself. Joy, calmness, again, confidence, self-love. Whatever floats your boat. Just some quality you’d like to experience more of. And give it a name. Think about the name of it, and you could do a couple of qualities. I wouldn’t do more than, sometimes it’s unclear what you need more of. I feel like I need more, I don’t know if it’s courage or I need more strength, so you could do them both kind of together. Kinda know what you’re after. But think about a specific quality or a couple of qualities that you would just like to feel more of in yourself, okay? And then let yourself be as comfortable as you can be in your seats. You can close your eyes. You don’t have to. But it’s usually easier to pay attention to your imagination and your inner world if you do. And then just let yourself take a couple of deeper breaths in your breathing. Let your breathing get a little deeper into your abdomen, and- (exhaling) let your out-breath be kind of a letting-to-go kind of breath. Without forcing anything or straining anything, just, again, drawing a deeper breath into your abdomen and to your belly, letting the out-breath be a letting kind of a breath. Just inviting your body to begin to soften or relax. And just another time or two as you welcome the breath into your body. Just notice that you’re literally bringing fresh energy and oxygen into your body. You can invite it to circulate and flow around your body in the bloodstream to every cell of your body. Brings fresh energy. And as you let the breath out, if you like, just let it be an invitation to your body, your mind, even your spirit, to just let go of any tension or discomfort you don’t have to hold right now. And you don’t even have to worry about whether you need to hold or what you can let go of. Just invite the body to soften. The mind begins to quiet. And invite your body to continue to soften and relax. Perhaps to become a little more spacious without worrying about how it does that. Feel free to shift or move to be even more comfortable. And if you haven’t already let yourself go inside to a place that’s very beautiful to you, let yourself daydream yourself to a place that’s very beautiful, peaceful, safe. And that might be a place that you’ve actually been in your life. Either in your outer life or even in your inner life. Or it might be a place that just comes to mind right now, an imaginary place, or some combination. It doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s a place that’s beautiful to you and peaceful and safe. And if more than one place comes to mind, just pick whichever one attracts you the most right now. And imagine in your own way that you’re actually there. And take a few moments to just look around and notice what you imagine seeing in this beautiful, peaceful place. Notice the colors and the shapes and the things that are there, and don’t worry about whether it’s very vivid and clear like your usual eyesight or whether it’s kind of vague or it comes and goes, but just notice what you imagine is there in this peaceful, beautiful place, safe place. And notice what you imagine hearing in that place, or if it’s just very quiet. Notice any sounds you imagine hearing. Notice if there’s an aroma or a fragrance or a quality of the air. And notice what time of day or night it seems to be. And I wonder if you can tell what season of the year it is. Just notice, find the spot in that place where you feel most comfortable and at ease. And just trusting your instincts just like a dog or a cat will circle and find the most comfortable place to be and let yourself get comfortable there. And then think about a quality that you think you’d like to feel more of. The name of a quality, a particular quality or feeling state that you’d like to feel more of. And then let yourself go back in your memory to some time when you experienced yourself having that quality in yourself. Just let your memory go back to some time when you felt that quality in yourself. And some of you may not have a memory of having that quality, so let yourself go to some time when you witnessed somebody else expressing that quality or embodying that quality. that could be a real person a fictional person, or a historical person. And if you found a time when you yourself had this quality, imagine that you’re there again now. And notice what you see, what you hear, what you feel as you’re feeling that particular quality within you. And if you’re imagining somebody else embodying that quality, imagine that you bring them inside you so that you can feel what it feels like to have that quality inside you. And then notice where you feel that quality most strongly in your body. You might want to just gently scan through your body with your attention from head to toe and back up as if your attention were a sonar beam or a radar beam, and just see if you, where do you feel that particular quality most strongly in your body? Strongest in your feet or your legs? Your pelvis? Abdomen? Chest? Your neck and shoulders? Arms and hands? In your face? Just notice wherever it seems to be strongest. And let it grow a little bit larger. Imagine that you can just allow it to grow a little bit larger and stronger, just a little bit. And notice how it feels to feel that quality in yourself. And notice what your posture wants to be like as you feel that quality more strongly in yourself. And if you’re comfortable with it, imagine that you turn up the volume on that quality like you had control, like a volume control on a radio or television, and you turn it up so that it radiates out from wherever it’s centered in all directions. Radiates out and fills your body with that particular quality. And as you feel that in your face, notice how your face feels. And as you feel that quality, notice what you imagine your voice would be like if you were in touch with that quality when you spoke. And if you like the feeling of this quality, go ahead and turn it up even more so that it overflows the space of your body and fills the space around your body for a foot in every direction. And imagine that it radiates inside your body and touches every cell in your body with that quality. From the deepest part of your bone marrow to your bones. To your connective tissues, your muscles. The organs and your pelvis. In your abdomen. In your chest. Especially in your brain. Your spinal cord and your nervous system. As if every cell of your body were touched by a ray of this quality. As if you were a sponge and you were bathing in this quality and could soak up as much as you’d like. And if you like, you can turn it up even stronger and bigger, fill the space around your body for several feet in every direction. You can experiment with that. Never turn it up so strongly that you’re uncomfortable, but if you like the way it feels, imagine you can turn it up. That there’s an abundant source of this quality, and you can turn it up so that you fill the space around your body for 12, 15, 20 feet around. Fill the room with it. Fill the bay area with it. Fill the world with it. Just experiment, and then let yourself turn the volume into whatever’s most comfortable for you right now. No matter how strong or weak, how big or small that is, just permit yourself to let it be like listening to music when you’re all by yourself. Whatever volume is most comfortable for you right now is exactly the right volume. And just let yourself rest in that for a few more minutes. And just take a moment before you bring your awareness back into the room. Just take a moment to review what’s happened in this brief imagery experience. What quality you were looking to experience more of. Whether you have or not. What it was like. And if there’s anything in particular that you want to bring back from this experience and remember when you come back to the outer world. And before you come back to the outer world, take a moment. If there’s a particular situation that you wanted more of this quality to address, imagine addressing that situation while being in touch with this quality. And just notice whatever you notice. Notice whether it seems the same or different in any way. Whether bringing more of this quality into the situation seems to change anything about it or your relationship to it. And before you come back to the outer world, just remember that you can recall this quality, access it, feel it, built it more strongly in yourself anytime you like just by going through this process again. And so when you’re ready, just let the images go back to wherever they came from and become aware of the room that we’re in together. And just gently start to bring your awareness from your inner world back out to the outer world. Us in this room here together. And if you like, just very gently stretch your body and feel your fingers and toes and everything in between. I wanna give you just a few minutes to write or draw anything that you wanna remember about this experience. This is just for you. I’m gonna give you about three or four minutes just to write or draw anything, and I would recommend that you do it, whatever happened. Even if nothing happened. Let’s take three or four minutes and write about the experience, especially about anything that you want to remember that you thought was important or that you thought was interesting about this experience. Let’s just have some discussion. Comments, questions? Did everybody hear that? Sometimes you get into such a stressful state and an anxious state, it’s just. She’s had experiences where relaxation, guided imagery have been very useful. And other times when she’s been so stressed and so anxious and upset that she couldn’t even get into it, or if she did, it just didn’t even touch it. And yes, that can happen. This is not a magic panacea. So sometimes that’s a place where you can use somebody else to help you or to take enough time or to do some things that are, get a massage, take a hot tub. Talk to a friend. This is a place where medications may come in. I find a double shot of Jack Daniels works really well. I wouldn’t recommend it as a daily diet, but it certainly helps really get your anxiety level down, and you may be able then to relieve enough of the anxiety that you can pay attention to these things. So there are many other things we can do, from medications to nutrients to other relaxants to doing whatever you need to get to that place, where you can focus. One of the qualities of imagery thinking is that it can help you connect with the bigger picture and how things are connected in kind of a bigger picture, so that can include your faith. Or you may find, “Well, if that happens, “I don’t want that to happen. “But maybe there’s a good part of it, “or maybe I’ll just deal with it the best that I can.” So that’s just to expand the picture and let yourself kind of go out to what the consequences might be. Because that’s part of really sorting it into things that you might be able to do, something about things you can’t do something about, is to let yourself run it out. Does that make sense to you? Yeah? So sometimes when people are making treatment choices that are very difficult, I’ll invite them to imagine that they’re at a crossroads. Again, this happens when, and if they go down this road, they choose this kind of treatment, and just imagine walking down that road and just imagine it going as far as you can and see what you imagine go down this road or go down as far as you can see what you imagine. Along the way, you’re just gonna flesh out the picture, and part of that’s gonna be able to see, “Is there something I can do about that? “Is there not something I can do about that? “Which one do I imagine “is gonna ultimately be better for me?” And kind of make that choice. What’s the difference between imagining going to the beach and being at the beach? So imagining being in a quiet, peaceful, safe place is the next best thing to actually being there. And it has certain advantages in that you can go anytime you want. And it’s, you can be there very quickly, and it’s very inexpensive. So you can go, so I’d like to go to the beach in Hawaii a lot. But I can’t go every day ’cause I work and I have responsibilities and so on, and I’m lucky if I can go every couple of years. But, I can, when I decide, “I’ve had enough, I need a break.” I can take a few deep breaths and I can close my eyes and I can be back in a particular, floating in the water just off of a beach. And I can immerse, when I do immerse myself and take the time to notice the different sensory qualities. What we know now from looking at brains on the functional MRI, is that if I make an effort to notice what I imagine seeing and hearing and feeling in the weightlessness of my body as I’m floating and the lapping of the waves on the surf and the smell of the plumerias and the humidity in the air, and I go through all that sensory stuff, that when I’m noticing what I’m seeing, the part of my brain that processes vision is active. When I’m noticing the sounds I’m hearing, the parts of my brain that process sound is active. When I’m noticing the sensory details, that part of my brain’s sensory cortex is active. So what you have is you have more and more parts of your cortex sending messages down to those lower, more reflexive parts of your brain and they’re saying, “It looks like I’m in Hawaii, sounds like I’m Hawaii. “It feels like I’m in Hawaii. “It smells like I’m in Hawaii.” And that part of your brain just goes, “Okay, all clear.” Sends out the All Clear signal, and a lot of things in your the body starts to go to work in a more effective manner that haven’t been able to work as well when you’re constantly reacting to messages of, “Lookout. “What’s next? “How am I gonna get that done? “Danger, threat, problem.” So on and so forth. Which is where we spend so much of our time, and that, so this little lizard brain is sitting there, “Lookout.” Right? And it’s constantly getting the body prepared for that and that’s exhausting. So if we’re spending 98% of our waking time and half our sleeping time dealing with those kinds of things, we see why we get exhausted. We get wired and tired. We have trouble sleeping. The body starts to signal that it needs something. So finding a way to get to those deeper levels and plug in a couple of those relaxation places as just a basic tool is I think one of the real fundamental benefits of guided imagery, which is a type of meditation at that level. And I really appreciate your attention. Thank you very much. I hope it was useful. (audience clapping) (upbeat music).

Recognizing and Treating Problematic Fear & Anxiety in Children | John Piacentini, PhD | UCLAMDChat

Hi, I’m John Piacentini. I am a Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the Semel Institute at UCLA. I also direct the Cares Center at UCLA, which is the Center for Child Anxiety Resilience Education in Support, and this is the center where we work with the community to develop programs to prevent child anxiety and promote resilient children. Today, I’m going to be talking about how to recognize and treat problematic fear and anxiety in children. And you can ask questions on Twitter using the hashtag #UCLAMDChat, and I’ll be answering–have a few minutes at the end of the talk to answer questions for you, and it’s a pleasure to be here to be doing this for you today. So, what I’m going to talk about today is how to describe and distinguish between normal, mild, and clinically problematic fear and anxiety, to describe some of the signs and signals that your child might have an anxiety problem, and to describe effective strategies for helping your child to manage his or her fear and anxiety. So, first is, what is anxiety, and how do I know if my child has a problem? Well, anxiety is an expectation of something bad happening. So, children that are anxious look a lot like adults that are anxious, and anxiety is really worrying about things that might happen in the future. “Am I going to get sick? Am I going to get a bad grade on this test? Is something going to happen to mom or dad? Are kids going to tease me now?” This is a little different from fear, which–we think a lot about children being fearful and anxious– what fear is, fear is an immediate reaction to an actual threat or a perceived threat, so fear is really in the moment, I see a bee flying at me and I’m afraid I’m going to get stung, I hear a dog barking I’m afraid I’m going to get bitten. So it really is something that’s more immediate. Anxiety is really worrying more about things that might happen in the future. When we think about anxiety or fears, we think about normal and developmental fears. So, anxiety and fear are really important aspects of us and of animals as well, and anxiety and fear are really nature’s early warning system, kind of our burglar alarm, or our alarm to let us know when something might be dangerous or harmful and to avoid it. So, when we think about different kinds of normal fears at different ages, we can think about infancy–so we know about infants, stranger anxiety or stranger fears–when the infant’s first able to differentiate between different people, they recognize that somebody is new or different from their parent, to their mother, and that will make them anxious–loud noises, also. Early childhood, you tend to see the normal fear is changing a little bit, and that becomes separation anxiety, becomes much more common. So, children are really attached to their parents or other important figures in their life, and they can certainly be afraid about something bad happening to them or getting separated, and you can see that in little kids, 2, 3, 4, and even older, worrying, always wanting to be with mommy or know where mommy or daddy are. You also start seeing fears of things like monsters, things that kids really aren’t aware of or don’t understand that can also be scary. We’re going to talk a little bit more about what this means just in a minute. Middle childhood–as children are in school, they’re meeting other kids, they’re more broadly engaged with the world. The fears also morph a little bit or change to reflect that. So they start worrying about real world dangers, kids start hearing about earthquakes or floods or droughts or fires, and they start getting worried about that or kidnappers, and new challenges that come up to them. They may start worrying more about school or how well they’re doing in school because all of a sudden school and academics are becoming more more difficult in adolescence. We all know adolescence is a time where children really–and adolescents and teens–focus their attention more on their peers and how they’re doing relative to other to other kids and others in their social group. So it’s not surprising that the most common normative fears or normal fears in adolescents relate to social status, social group performance to other people like me. “How well am I doing at these different kinds of activities?” These are all completely normal fears that people have kids have. What I want to talk about in just a second is how do you distinguish these typical fears, or these the normal developmental fears, from problematic fears and problematic anxiety? But first, let’s talk about a couple just general points about anxiety in general that characterize anxiety in children. As I just said, mild fears are very common in children, everybody has fears or worries at different points, and again, these are quite typical. The number of fears tends to decline with age, so young children have a lot of worries about a lot of things. As you get older, you tend to have fewer specific fears, and some of this is because as we get older, we have a better understanding of how the world works, so one, you think about young kids that worry a lot about monsters, or there’s something under my bed at night, when kids are afraid to sleep, or there’s somebody outside my window, and for children, when they hear noises like floorboards creaking or a tree branch blowing against the window, they really want to understand what’s going on, what’s going on with that, so the logical explanation for a lot of kids is that there’s a monster under my bed, or there’s something under my bed, and that actually helps them try to understand what’s going on. As we get older, we realize it’s not a monster under the bed, it may be the wood creaking, or it may be the wind blowing, so specific fears tend to reduce in frequency over the course of age. Overall, girls report a greater number of fears than boys, but this is age-related, so prior to puberty, boys and girls tend to report the same numbers of fears and have the same kind of the problem with anxiety. It’s pretty similar across boys and girls. Once adolescence occurs and into adulthood, the number of fears and the rates of anxiety disorder are higher in females than they are in males. The manner in which children express their fear, anxiety, and sadness–also which, oftentimes you do see sadness or depression associated with anxiety problems in children is really related to their level of cognitive and emotional development– so young children are more likely to express their fear or anxiety by clinging, by crying, maybe by tantruming, by stomachaches and headaches, a lot of physical symptoms. As you get older, the fear may be –children, they become more cognitively mature, they may be more likely to express their fears to worries and thoughts and things like that. As I said earlier, fears often change as children grow older. For example, from concrete things like the monsters in the dark, fear of getting sick, to more abstract fears, will others like me, what about my future, what’s going to happen with the world? And again, this just really reflects children as they mature into teenagers and eventually into adults, just the ability to think more abstractly, to think about the future. They have a broader perspective on topics that are on their minds, and their anxieties are going to reflect these topics, and again, the focus of fears tends to change over time, as I said. So, more specific fears for younger children; typically more social anxiety or social fears as kids get older. That’s not to say that social anxiety or shyness doesn’t occur in young children–it does quite a bit, and specific fears also occur in older kids, so you can have phobias or specific fears of dogs or the dark or things like that, but in general, if we look at the population as a whole, the specific fears tend to be more common in younger kids, and social fear is more common in older kids. So, let’s start thinking a little bit about–so all these normal fears that kids have, and this is what fears look like in children at different ages, so when do we start talking about problematic anxiety or an anxiety disorder? Well, again, even short episodes of anxiety are pretty common in kids, so your child may have a meltdown or maybe be upset about the first day of school. Being nervous or anxious about that–again, the anxiety that your child expresses is going to be above average, it’s going to be typically more than he or she might express in other situations, but this, again, this is probably relatively normal, and when we think about these anxiety episodes that aren’t really problematic, we think that they’re typically associated with some kind of a circumscribed event, or a specific event. So, going to a new school for the first day, which can be stressful, loud thunder, or a thunder and lightning storm, having to give an oral report in school, maybe experience some teasing at school, or being in new situations where they have to go to their first, say, piano lesson or soccer practice–these kinds of situations are typically associated with some anxiety or some worry. And some kids may not want to go, or they may refuse to go, they may get upset, but in most children, these are relatively short-lasting, that once they get over these first day jitters, they feel more comfortable, and then the activities that they’re doing may be positive for them and the anxiety will go away. So a child that’s new in school and maybe nervous about going to a birthday party for a classmate because they don’t know anybody– that’s pretty common, but once the child gets to the party, if there’s other kids that are friendly and they’re having fun, their fear is quickly going to go away. Same thing with child going to their first soccer practice–could be pretty frightening for them, but once they are able to get more comfortable with the team and what’s to be expected of them, then they’ll do fine. So the short-term episodes of anxiety, there’s little outbursts that are predictable, that are related to specific events, again, are pretty normal, usually not something to worry about. So when do we need to start worrying about anxiety? What’s the difference between these normal episodes and more problematic anxiety? Well, there are a couple of things to look for. The first is the intensity of the fear. So, is the child’s fear response or anxiety response within expected limits? For example, being nervous on the first day at a new school, or is it really out of proportion to the actual threat? Is the child expressing some nervousness, and saying, “Mommy, I don’t know, I’m scared, I don’t want to go to school.” Maybe a little extra clingy, maybe a little bit of crying, again, would probably be considered normal in most situations. But throwing a full-blown tantrum, screaming and yelling, trying to break things, trying to run out of the school, again, that’s a little bit of a greater intensity. A lot of children may be afraid of dogs, you know, walking in the park. If a big dog walks by, the child may cling a little closer to mommy or to somebody, the babysitter, or to somebody else–again, that’s not that unusual. However, if a little dog walks by and walks up and starts sniffing the child, if the child gets really upset or runs away or starts to cry again, that’s probably out of proportion to the potential threat of that dog. So we’re looking for intense fears that are surprising in, kind of, the degree or intensity of the response to the situation. The frequency of fears is another important thing to look for. So, again, the first day of school– even the first few days or the week or two of school might cause some nervousness in the child. If these fears or nervousness lasts longer than that, if it’s going on for several weeks or month or longer, again, that may indicate some kind of a problem. If the child is starting to get upset about things, tantruming, clinging, crying multiple times a day or multiple times a week over the same situation–again, that may indicate that there’s some kind of a problem. Is the context of the fear focused on an innocuous situation? It’s one thing to be afraid of a bulldog that’s barking or snarling–that’s actually appropriate. It’s another thing to get really upset about a cartoon dog, cartoon that has a picture of a dog in it, or a picture of a dog in a book, or a small little dog. Or a child going to the birthday party of somebody that they know well, or a friend, or visiting cousins– again, if the situation–if you look at the situation and it’s hard to figure out why the child might be afraid in that situation, that might be an indicator of more problematic anxiety. And does the fear occur spontaneously? So when we think about about normal fear or normal anxiety, typically, it’s triggered by something that we can understand–as I’ve said, first day of school, seeing a scary dog, trying something new for the first time, having to give a report in class, for example–some children may express fear, panic attacks, or just crying or upset or clinging or worrying for no apparent reason, it just comes on out of the blue, and in these situations, again, we’re looking, thinking that this might be something that could indicate a problem. So we have normal anxiety, we have problematic anxiety. When is anxiety actually a disorder? So, we’ve heard of anxiety disorders, and this would be something that probably would warrant intervention, and there are a number of factors that we’re going to be looking at. When the anxiety leads to significant avoidance– so if the child refuses to go to school, the child refuses to go to piano lessons or to go to play in the soccer games or baseball games for their team, the child refuses to go to birthday parties, the child may even refuse to want to be around their cousins or other people that they’re familiar with, the child refuses to go to the park because they’re afraid that there are going to be dogs at the park– when we see the anxiety resulting in the child starting to avoid important things or things that they should be doing, again, that’s when we think that it might be time to talk to somebody about getting help. Similar to avoidance is interference–when the anxiety really starts interfering in with important aspects of the child’s life. And, again, this would be the same thing. School–if the anxiety is causing the child to be so upset in school that he or she can’t do their work or be involved in other activities, or if the child is actually missing a lot of school because of anxiety, again, that’s a problem. We see a lot of children oftentimes will go to the school nurse or go to the office and ask to call their parent to be picked up, complaining of like stomachaches or headaches or other kinds of things. When we see patterns like this, again, that suggests to us that there probably is something that needs to be looked at. In terms of other types of interference, we can think about interference in terms of social functioning– so if we think about the job of being a child, what’s the job of being a child? The job is to go to school, to learn, so to prepare them for the world, and also to develop social relationships so that they can have friends, they can learn how to get along with others, how to negotiate with others, how to plan, how to organize things. And when children that are anxious–especially children with social anxiety–start avoiding social situations, or if the anxiety interferes with their ability to have friends or to keep friends, again, that’s a problem, and that’s something that we’re going to think about, it’s time to maybe look for treatment. Distress is another thing that we’re looking at, so–it’s one thing for the child to tantrum or get upset before school, the first few days of school. If they become really upset, if the anxiety is really distressing, really troubling, or upsetting to them over longer periods of time, that’s something we’re thinking about maybe problematic, and it’s not only distress for the child, it’s also distress for other family members. If the child’s anxiety begins to interfere with the functioning of other family members–all of a sudden, the family can’t go out to dinner, they can’t go to the park, or can’t do fun things that they like to do because the child is too upset or anxious, again, that could be a problem. And that can really be distressing to parents or to siblings as well. If siblings aren’t able to have a friend come over to play because it will upset their brother or sister who’s anxious about being around other people, again, that can be both upsetting, distressing, and interfering. And finally, duration. So, we talked about duration. It’s okay to be nervous the first few days of school. If the anxiety lasts, you know, for weeks or months or longer, again, that’s something that we would look at as potentially troubling. So if your child has anxiety that isn’t really interfering, it’s a little bit upsetting but it usually goes away or resolves, that child may be okay, that might be fine, the child may grow out of that anxiety. If the anxiety is leading to avoidance of important activities, if it’s leading to interference with the child’s ability to make or keep friends, with their schoolwork, or kind of typical family functioning, if the child is is overly distressed, or other family members are distressed by the child’s anxiety, or if the anxiety is lasting for longer periods of time, these are all signs that the anxiety may be problematic enough to look for help. So how common are anxiety disorders in children and adolescents? So we’re talking about children that actually have anxiety that meets these prior criteria that is sufficient enough to cause interference in their life and to possibly trigger on treatment. Well, it’s really the most common child psychiatric disorder in the country. If you look at all the different anxiety disorders combined, up to about 12%-20% of children, based on large-scale surveys–and this isn’t surveys of just kids in clinics, this is surveys of kids in schools and in the community–up to 12%-20% of kids in the community suffer from anxiety that may be interfering with their lives in one or another ways. So, let’s think. If you look at a typical classroom–I mean, that may be 3-5 kids or more in every classroom on average would suffer from some significant anxiety disorder, and when we think about the different types of anxiety disorders, some are more common than others, and I’m going to talk just a little bit about some of these more common disorders, but separation anxiety social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder are typically the most common disorders that we see. Also, specific phobia. So a specific fear of dogs, heights, the dark, etc. can be quite common. Other disorders that we see in children are obsessive-compulsive disorder–it’s also reasonably common, less than the others, selective mutism–when children are afraid to talk or unable or refuse to talk in school or in social situations although they’re able to talk at home– we see is about 1% or 2% along with OCD, and then agoraphobia, which your children are afraid to leave home, or panic disorder–children that have recurrent panic attacks for no reason–these are less common in children. So, let’s talk about some of the more common disorders and what they really look like. So, separation anxiety disorder is basically a disorder in which the child is afraid to be apart from parents or other major attachment figures, such as a grandparent or somebody else that’s really involved in taking care of the child because they’re afraid that if they separate or are separated from their parent or this other major attachment figure, something bad is going to happen to them or to the parent, and they’ll never see each other again. So they worry a lot about bad things happening to others. They worry that something bad is going to happen to them, they’re going to get lost if they go out to the store, or that when they go to school, they’re going to get kidnapped, or something’s going to happen to the parent when parents go out at night or parents are out running errands, or at work that something bad might be happening to them and the child will be left alone. These children are afraid to be home alone. They oftentimes will follow mom or dad around the house. They may be very clingy, they may not want to be left in the room by themselves, difficult sleeping alone at night. Separation in children are the children that always want to get in bed with the parent or have a parent sleep with them, and they also complain a lot of physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches, and these–often it’s headaches or stomachaches– are used an excuse to stay home from school, and this is a reasonably common disorder. You know, we think about separation anxiety occurring in younger children, and it does, but we also see separation anxiety in teenagers, and actually, now we recognize that separation anxiety can also occur in adults, so we can have maybe a spouse or an adult child living with parents that might be worried about bad things happening to another family member. So you tend to see the separation anxiety in terms of the different symptoms that you would look out for in young children. They’re just pretty explicit. They’re worried about something bad happening to Mommy or Daddy. There’s–something bad might happen to them. They may have nightmares about being separated, they may refuse to go to school or not want to go to school. Children, when they get a little bit older, they get extremely upset when a parent tries to go out. They’re going to be left with the babysitter. That can lead to tantrums and screaming and yelling, and a lot of cases, parents are stuck staying home. And then older kids, even teenagers and in high school, tend to also want to stay home from school and describe a lot of stomachaches and headaches and other physical complaints. Another common disorder is social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, and what social anxiety is, it’s a marked and persistent fear of social situations in which the child or the teen is going to be exposed to new people or possible evaluation. So really, what this cuts down to is a child or a teen saying I don’t want to talk to people, I don’t want to go to parties, I don’t want to give book reports, I don’t want to be in public because I’m afraid I’m going to do something really embarrassing or humiliating and it’s going to be really, really upsetting. So this is like an extreme, extreme form of self-consciousness, and in being exposed in situations in public, the child or adolescent can become extremely anxious. They will try to avoid these situations as much as possible. It really leads to a lot of interference in functioning, and to give this as a diagnosis, the symptoms need to be present for at least six months. So when we think about that, how social anxiety looks in different children, maybe can begin as inhibited temperament. So these are the really clingy, shy children that you tend to see, even as very, very young babies, may be associated with selective mutism–as I said, children that are afraid to, are unable to talk in public settings, although they can talk at home, and then rates of social anxiety disorder tend to increase with age, so it’s more common in adolescents. And it’s also quite common in adults, and a lot of adults who have social anxiety disorder report that the symptoms first began when they were in adolescence. What are some of the commonly avoided situations we see with social anxiety disorder? Parties, meeting new people, entering a group of peers, talking one-on-one, dating, certainly, being assertive, standing up for themselves, having to do a performance like a book report, a piano recital, a soccer game, or baseball game– extremely difficult for youth with separation and social anxiety disorder–and even eating in public or using public restrooms, writing in public at school, can all be signs of social anxiety disorder. So the third disorder I’m going to talk about is generalized anxiety disorder, and as the name suggests, these are children that are worried or afraid about just about everything, so it’s excessive anxiety and worry that it is almost always present, and it’s worry about a number of different things. So, kids with generalized anxiety disorder worry about how well they are at other things, am I as good as other kids, am I good enough in sports, am I good enough in school. They worry about being on time, they worry about the family running out of money, they worry about parents getting a divorce even when there’s no problems at home, they worry about the Middle East, they worry about world events. These are kids that really worry about just about everything. The worry is really difficult to control, and the worry is oftentimes associated with physical symptoms like fatigue, restlessness, difficulty thinking, difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, as you might expect, because these kids are always tense or anxious. So kids with generalized anxiety are very self-conscious. They require frequent reassurance, so one of the tell-tale signs of generalized anxiety disorder is constant reassurance seeking. “Am I going to be okay? Is this okay? I’m worried about this bad thing happening.” A lot of what-if questions. “But what if this happens? What if I get lost? What if I run out of lunch money? What if a burglar breaks into the house? What if something bad happens at school?” What if, what if–they really worry a lot about the future, and they’re trying to get reassurance that things are going to be okay. Unfortunately, the reassurance doesn’t work, and the kids continue to worry. So how does anxiety interfere at school, which is oftentimes where the symptoms may be maybe initially picked up? So, when we think about generalized anxiety disorder, we think about excessive worry about schoolwork, friendships, schedules, procedures, things that they need to do, health, and they’re asking the teachers or other people at school for reassurance or repeatedly asking questions to make sure that things are going to be okay. Social phobia, or social anxiety, again, has significant impacts at school because children try to avoid school, or they try to avoid participating in class or speaking in class. I mean the socially anxious child’s worst nightmare is getting called on by the teacher, even if they know the answer, so they oftentimes tend to shrink down and try to be unnoticed. Very worried about doing something embarrassing in front of other kids. They may avoid the lunchroom. They may avoid recess and go in the library or hideout somewhere because they’re afraid, again, of doing something dumb or embarrassing or being humiliated in public. And then separation anxiety disorder also–worrying about something happening to parents. So if a child is in class all day worried about being separated from Mom or Dad, they’re not going to be able to concentrate on their schoolwork. They also oftentimes will go to the nurse with stomachaches or headaches to get picked up, and they will try to avoid school whenever they can. So, these anxiety disorders really do have significant impacts in school, and looking at this list, you know, it’s easy to imagine the kinds of impacts or impairments that these disorders can cause socially or also cause at home or with or with family. Now, we’ve talked about school refusal and children not wanting to go to school because they’re worried about social anxiety, they’re worried about something bad happening to Mom or Dad, and those are really common reasons why children refuse school, but school refusal is much broader than that, and there are a number of factors that need to be looked at if your child is refusing to go to school or only goes under extreme distress, and there are a number of things in addition to anxiety. So, separation fears are something that we would need to assess. Is it because the child is afraid of bad things happening to child or to mom? Social anxiety, they’re afraid they’re going to have to talk to other kids or be called on in class. Some children have test anxiety, they get extremely nervous when they have to do a test, even if they know the material. Even if they’re really smart and well-prepared, when they sit down to do the test, they get so anxious that they don’t do well. Other children may be bored or demoralized they have learning problems, ADHD, that may make school hard for them. Bullying or teasing at school should also be something that would be looked at, and as I said, learning problems may be another issue. So if your child has a problem with school refusal or doesn’t want to go to school, anxiety, is it may be that there’s anxiety underlying this issue, but there may be other issues as well that need to be identified? What are some of the warning signs for problematic child anxiety? So we’ve gone over a number of factors, but there are a couple of more specific things to look for. When we’re thinking about trying to identify anxiety, extreme shyness is certainly a marker or risk factor for social anxiety disorder. Isolation–again, if the child is afraid to be around other people because of social anxiety, they want to stay with parent, they’re going to avoid doing things with friends, going on playdates, and other kinds of things like that. Avoiding social situations, extreme discomfort when the center of attention, avoiding schoolwork, not wanting to do schoolwork or doing other kinds of activities for fear of making a mistake– this is something common in generalized anxiety, sort of, the kids are afraid of making mistakes– children with anxiety expect bad things to happen. They worry about upsetting others, often ask questions or ask for reassurance a lot more than other kids. Perfectionism is something that we see in anxious children. Excessive worry about failure–again, this fear of making mistakes or bad things happening, and you can also see children that are nervous or tense, that they may be jittery, shaky, high-strung, unable to relax. That may also indicate that there’s an anxiety problem, and then children with anxiety often lack self-confidence. Physical symptoms we’ve talked about–physical symptoms like trouble catching breath, stomachaches, or headaches, nausea, sweating, dizzy, faint, or lightheadedness, increased heart rate–if you’re anxious, your heart’s going to beat faster– maybe harder catching your breath, you may be more likely to sweat, and we want to look at the functional role of physical complaints. So what does this mean? Well, that would be, if the child complains of these symptoms, what happens? Does something good happen? Or does something bad happen? So, children that complained of stomachaches or headaches on school mornings, or they complain about the day that they’re going to have a test or have to do an oral report in class, they complained of stomachaches or headaches and they get to stay home–that serves to reinforce these headaches because the headaches or stomachaches or physical complaints will keep them from being in anxious situations, and that’s a good thing to the kids, so a lot of times when children do develop these these physical symptoms as part of their anxiety, over time they may learn that the symptoms are able to get them out of doing things. So if they don’t want to do something, if they’re afraid to go to the soccer game or the piano recital or go to the birthday party, they complain of feeling sick, and they’re allowed to stay home. That’s important to look out for when we’re screening anxiety. If you’re thinking about, “Does my child have a problem with anxiety?” there are a couple of questions that you can ask. Does your child worry or ask for reassurance from you almost every day? Does your child consistently avoid certain age-appropriate situations or activities or avoid doing these things without a parent? Does your child frequently have stomachaches, headaches, or episodes of hyperventilation? And does your child have daily repetitive rituals that we might find an obsessive-compulsive disorder? Things like repetitive hand washing, or needing to organize or arrange things in certain ways. Now, if you can say yes to any of these questions, that doesn’t mean that your child has an anxiety disorder, but it means that it’s something that you should watch out for, some of the other things that we’ve been talking about, and if so, then that may be the reason to contact a mental health professional to get some advice on what to do. So we’ve talked about what anxiety is. I just will have the last couple of minutes. I want to talk about what are some ways to manage child anxiety and are some things that you can do to manage your child’s anxiety. Well, first of all, we need to understand a little bit better about how anxiety works, and when we think about the anxiety we think about anxiety being expressed in 3 different ways, we call these the 3 channels of anxiety. The first channel is thoughts, so children with anxiety tend to worry, they have negative or biased thoughts. So people with anxiety–children and adults–tend to see the world as a more dangerous place. They tend to see neutral things, or even positive things sometimes, as potentially dangerous. For example, going to a birthday party, going to Six Flags with friends–that would be fun to most kids– but to an anxious child, they might worry about getting sick or getting hurt or getting lost at Six Flags, or they may worry about not having any friends or people making fun of them at the birthday party. So this negative or biased thought is very characteristic of anxiety. And poor concentration–if the anxiety is making them worry, they’re going to have less ability to concentrate on the other things that are going on, like at school. Feelings or emotions or physical symptoms are the second channels, so physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, sweating, heart racing–are another way that anxiety is expressed, physically through the child’s body. And we can also add emotions here as well, so feelings of fear, worry, or feelings of fear, for example–and then behaviors. So the third channel is children with anxiety express their anxiety through some behaviors: avoidance– trying to avoid things or staying home, clinging, crying, tantrum, and the like, so we want to pay attention to both the thoughts that are associated with anxiety, the physical feelings associated with anxiety, and the behaviors. And in treatment, and what you can see–I guess this slide didn’t come out exactly right– but you can see that each of these circles–thoughts, feelings, and behaviors– all interact with each other. So if my thoughts get worse I start thinking about anxiety or something bad happening, that’s going to make my body, my heart rate starts racing faster, maybe I’ll get more short of breath, and that may lead me to start crying or clinging to Mom or avoiding things, and that they will lead my thoughts getting even worse and my feelings getting more pronounced and my behaviors getting more extreme, and you can see how that’s going to roll into a tantrum. And as an example–here we go– you can see this a little bit better here, the circle goes round and round and round, and the more scared I start getting in my thoughts, the more my body’s going to react in becoming more extreme, in terms of heart beating, etc., which is going to lead to more anxious behaviors, and again, that goes around and it gets worse. So as an example, for a child, giving an oral report in class is going to say the kids are going to think I’m stupid, and that’s going to lead to sweating and shaking and heart flushing. It may lead to avoidance or freezing, the child’s up in front of the class not being able to say anything, shaking– now they’re going to think I’m stupid, and that’s going to lead these physical symptoms to get worse, and that’s going to lead to even more avoidance, and the child’s really paralyzed now, and it goes around and around and around and it gets worse, and worse so in treatment, what we want to do is break the connections between the thoughts, the feelings, and the behaviors. And the way we do that is through something called cognitive behavior therapy, and in children, when we’re working with cognitive behavior therapy, oftentimes we will work on changing the thoughts and the feelings first by giving the children–so in terms of doing work with the feelings, we’re going to teach the children how to use deep breathing, muscle relaxation strategies, stress management strategies to reduce their heart rate, to calm their bodies, and then we can work with them to generate more positive thoughts, coping thoughts, how can they cope and turn these negative thoughts into more positive thoughts, and once we have them calm, and once we have them thinking more clearly, then we can work on the avoidance behaviors by helping them give book reports or playing soccer games, etc. So, it’s a very systematic type of treatment that we’re doing with these kids. The other thing that’s incredibly important to know about anxiety is something we call the anxiety cycle, and what we typically see when children are anxious is–it’s time to get up for school, say, for a child with separation anxiety, and the child starts worrying about something bad happening to Mom, or I have to give a book report in school, they start getting worried, and they get a stomachache, and they get upset, and they don’t want to go to school, and they may tantrum, and finally Mom or Dad just says forget it, just stay home. And what happens when they stay home? The anxiety goes away because the dangerous situation is gone. What this does is serves as negative reinforcement, and what negative reinforcement is, is if I do something and it makes a bad thing go away, I’m going to do that more and more, because it’s like a reward, and the bottom line is the more you give in to your child, the worse the anxiety gets. So if I let my child stay home when she’s anxious about going to school, that’s going to teach her that she can stay home from school by just tantrums, and every day, if she tantrums and I let her stay home, then she’s learning that tantrums are good, tantrums keep me home, tantrums keep me safe. So the more we give in to the tantrums, the more we’re teaching the child to use tantrums to stay home. In treatment, we want to break this cycle, and we want to–even if the child is upset, she still needs to go to school, or he still needs to go to school, we don’t give in to the tantrums, and again, this is something hard to do on your own if your child is having significant tantrums, but in treatment, this is what we would work on. But there are a couple of things, as my last two slides– there are a couple of things that you can do to try to break these cycles, and they are as follows: reward your child’s courageous behaviors–so as parents, we oftentimes tend to the things that worry us, so we pay more attention to the anxiety or to the negative behaviors than we do to the positive behaviors. We want to catch our children being courageous and encourage our children to be courageous. We may start with little things. It may be too much for the child to go to the soccer game, but maybe we can go to the playground with the child instead. Avoid giving in to your child’s fear behaviors. This is what I was just saying before. Don’t give in to their attempts to avoid things they should be doing. Children need to go to school. Children need to go to piano practice and soccer practice, because the more they go, over time, again, with the appropriate, you know, coping strategies and support, then the activities should become more familiar, should be more fun for them, and their anxiety will decrease. Teach your child how to communicate, how to cope, and how to problem-solve, and you can model this, you know, “Some things make me afraid too, but I just know that I can get through it, and I want to go see, so you may assume that something bad is going to happen, but let’s go see because the chances are that nothing bad will happen.” And again, for parents, the Most Important thing that you can do is to control your anxiety. It’s so important because as parents– and I’m a parent–and when our children are upset, we worry about those things, and the children see that anxiety. When they see us worrying, that makes them even more worried because now they think there’s something real going on, so we want to be brave, we want to control our anxiety even if we’re worried about our children. That doesn’t mean we can’t worry about our children. It just means we have to worry about them where the children can’t see that. So we’re being anxious, we’re being brave, and we’re encouraging and supportive of our children. It’s going to be important. That’s going to be helpful in terms of treatment, and then the final thing is when you get in these situations with a tantrum, the child is trying to avoid, what can you do? Well, the important thing is you want to disengage from the tantrum at the earliest possible point. If the child’s going back and forth, the worst thing you can do is get into a screaming match because the kids usually win the screaming matches, or if they don’t, by the time you’ve escalated to the point screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming, whoever winds up here, it’s going to be a pyrrhic victory because everybody’s so riled up about this. So what you want to do is avoid engaging in back and forth arguing. “You’re going to school,” “You’re going to soccer, here are your clothes, I’ll be back in a minute.” And try to avoid the back-and-forth. Now, when you try to disengage in this way, typically the child’s behavior is going to escalate, it’s going to get worse, but it’s important to wait that out. You want to avoid it, maintain a calm and non-emotional reaction. If you’re getting upset or angry, that’s going to make the child more upset or angry. We want to be neutral, we want to just avoid punishment and stay calm, and the calmest participant in these activities is going to win. If you can keep your calm, the child will eventually give up. If you get upset, then the child is is is more likely to win. As soon as the child calms down, even for a second, even for a moment, then you can engage him or her in a different activity. The child’s tant truming, you’re screaming, and if they just stop and settle for a minute, you can say, “Great. Let’s go get breakfast,” or “Great. Let’s do something else.” You want to take them out of the moment and engage in something that’s maybe a little bit more positive. And then you can work with them from that sense. And it’s okay to include a discussion of the event, to talk about what happened, but you don’t want to do it at the moment. You can’t do it at the moment when the child’s upset. The goal is that the child needs to calm down, and then you can talk to them about the event. These are all things that are done in cognitive behavioral therapy, which is an evidence-based treatment for anxiety. It’s the most well-tested treatment for anxiety, and it is what’s recommended for children with this problem. So I’m going to stop here, and I want to thank you for your attention, and I hope this was helpful. So I see we have a couple of questions here from Twitter. The first is “Is anxiety a genetic disorder?” Well, there’s been a lot of research showing that anxiety does have a genetic basis in some, but not all, cases. So we know that anxiety tends to run in families. Parents of anxious children are more likely to have anxiety, and there has been some research identification with anxiety, we’re not quite there yet. But yes, anxiety does have a genetic basis, but that doesn’t mean that all anxious children have this genetic basis. We know that genes or genetics accounts for a proportion of children with anxiety, and in terms of treating children with anxiety, it doesn’t make a difference if we’re using treatment, for kids, whether or not they come from an anxious family or not, so the fact that it might have a genetic basis in one child doesn’t make treatment more difficult with them. It is important, though, to include parents in the treatment of anxious children regardless of whether there’s a genetic relationship or not because parents are so important in helping children manage anxiety, as I just said in the last couple of slides. “What are the long-term effects of child anxiety?” Well, untreated, anxiety can stay chronic for a long time, and most adults with anxiety have the onset of their anxiety at some point in childhood. So it doesn’t necessarily go away by itself in all cases. In many cases, it will get better, it will resolve, but in a proportion of cases, it will stay and maintain for long periods, which can be significant because if you think about an adult with social anxiety disorder, again, they may not be comfortable in social situations, which may limit their ability to maximize their education to get the best possible job that they can get, and we do see there’s a higher risk over time, with untreated anxiety, for the individuals to develop depression and even use alcohol or other substances to help manage your anxiety. So there are some considerable risks. In severe cases of anxiety, a lot of children with treatment, they’ll go on to lead normal lives. “Does the brain of someone who suffers from social anxiety differ from a normal brain?” Well, there have been some studies looking at different areas of the brain, I mean, social anxiety–and there are some findings from neuroimaging studies and from similar kinds of studies suggesting there are some specific parts of the brain or circuits of the brain that may be overactive in individuals with anxiety, and this is really exciting work, and we’re hoping that we’re going to be able to develop better treatments as a result of this. And, “What literature can I read about anxiety?” Well, there are some great places to get more information about anxiety. One place is the website, where we have information on that. There are some other great books and sites, as well. If you go on Amazon, there are some books on the anxiety that you can look at on child anxiety and about how to parent children with anxiety, so there are a lot of really great resources out there, and websites that you can find. And I think that is it. So, our time is up, and thank you very much…

OCD and Anxiety Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #29

Ever heard a really good joke about polio? Or made a casual reference to someone having hepatitis? Or maybe teased your buddy by saying he has muscular dystrophy? Of course you have never done that, because you are not a terrible person. You’d never make fun of someone for having a physical illness, but folks make all kinds of offhand remarks about people having mental illnesses and never give it a second thought. How often have you heard a person say that someone’s psycho, or schizo, or bipolar, or OCD? I can pretty much guarantee that the people who used those terms had no idea what they actually meant. We’ve talked about how psychological disorders and the people who have them have often been stigmatized. But at the same time, we tend to minimize those disorders, using them as nicknames for things that people do, think, or say, that may not exactly be universal, but are still basically healthy. And we all do it, but only because we don’t really understand those conditions. But that’s why we’re here, because as we go deeper into psychological disorders, we get a clearer understanding of their symptoms, types, causes, and the perspectives that help explain them. And some of the most common disorders have their root in an unpleasant mental state that’s familiar to us all: anxiety. It’s a part of being human, but for some people it can develop into intense fear, and paralyzing dread, and ultimately turn into full-fledged anxiety disorder. Defining psychological disorders again: a deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional pattern of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that interferes with the ability to function in a healthy way. So when it comes to anxiety, that definition is the difference between the guy you probably called phobic because he didn’t like Space Mountain as much as you did, and the person who truly can’t leave their house for fear of interacting with others. It’s the difference between the girl who’s teased by her friends as being OCD because she does her laundry every night and the girl who has to wash her hands so often that they bleed. Starting today, you’re going to understand all of those terms you’ve been using. We commonly equate anxiety with fear, but anxiety disorders aren’t just a matter of fear itself. A key component is also what we do to get rid of that fear. Say someone almost drowned as a kid and is now afraid of water. A family picnic at the river may cause that anxiety to bubble up, and to cope, they may stay sequestered in the car, less anxious but probably still unhappy while the rest of the family is having fun. So, in clinical terms, anxiety disorders are characterized not only by distressing, persistent anxiety but also often by the dysfunctional behaviors that reduce that anxiety. At least a fifth of all people will experience a diagnosable anxiety disorder of some kind at some point in their lives. That is a lot of us. So I want to start out with a condition that used to be categorized as an anxiety disorder but is now considered complex enough to be in a class by itself, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD. You probably know that condition is characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts, which become obsessions, which are sometimes accompanied by actions, which become compulsions. And it is a great example of a psychological disorder that could use some mental-health myth busting. Being neat, and orderly, and fastidious does not make you OCD. OCD is a debilitating condition whose sufferers take normal behaviors like, washing your hands, or double checking that you turned off the stove and perform them compulsively. And they often use these compulsive, even ritualistic behaviors to relieve intense and unbearable anxiety. So, soon they’re scrubbing their hands every five minutes, or constantly checking the stove, or counting the exact number of steps they take everywhere they go. If you’re still unclear about what it means for disorders to be deviant, distressful and dysfunctional, OCD might help you understand. Because it is hard to keep a job, run a household, sit still, or do much of anything if you feel intensely compelled to run to the kitchen twenty times an hour. And both the thoughts and behaviors associated with OCD are often driven by a fear that is itself obsessive, like if you don’t go to the kitchen right now your house will burn down and your child will die which makes the condition that much more distressing and self-reinforcing. There are treatments that help OCD including certain kinds of psychotherapy and some psychotropic drugs. But the key here is that it is not a description for your roommate who cleans her bathroom twice a week, or the guy in the cubicle next to you, who only likes to use green felt tip pens. And even though OCD is considered its own unique set of psychological issues, the pervasive senses of fear, worry, and loss of control that often accompany it, have a lot in common with other anxiety disorders. The broadest of these is Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. People with this condition tend to feel continually tense and apprehensive, experiencing unfocused, negative, and out-of-control feelings. Of course feeling this way occasionally is common enough, but feeling it consistently for over six months – the length of time required for a formal diagnosis – is not. Folks with GAD worry all the time and are frequently agitated and on edge, but unlike some other kinds of anxiety, patients often can’t identify what’s causing the anxiousness, so they don’t even know what to avoid. Then there’s Panic Disorder, which affects about 1 in 75 people, most often teens and young adults. It’s calling card is Panic Attacks or sudden episodes of intense dread or sudden fear that come without warning. Unlike the symptoms of GAD which can be hard to pin down, Panic Attacks are brief, well-defined, and sometimes severe bouts of elevated anxiety. And if you’ve ever had one, or been with someone who has, you know that they call these attacks for good reason. They can cause chest pains and racing heartbeat, difficulty breathing and a general sense that you’re going crazy or even dying. It’s as awful as it sounds. We’ve talked a lot about the body’s physiological fight or flight response and that’s definitely part of what’s going on here, even though there often isn’t an obvious trigger. There may be a genetic pre-disposition to panic disorder, but persistent stress or having experienced psychological trauma in the past can also set you up for these attacks. And because the attacks themselves can be downright terrifying, a common trigger for panic disorder is simply the fear of having another panic attack. How’s that for a kick in the head? Say you have a panic attack on a bus, or you find yourself hyperventilating in front of dozens of strangers with nowhere to go to calm yourself down, that whole ordeal might make you never want to be in that situation again, so your anxiety could lead you to start avoiding crowded or confined places. At this point the initial anxiety has spun of into a fear of anxiety which means, welcome you’ve migrated into another realm of anxiety disorder, Phobias. And again this is a term that’s been misused for a long time to describe people who, say, they don’t like cats, or are uncomfortable on long plane trips. Simply experiencing fear or discomfort doesn’t make you phobic. In clinical terms, phobias are persistent, irrational fears of specific objects, activities, or situations, that also, and this is important, leads to avoidance behavior. You hear a lot about fears of heights, or spiders, or clowns, and those are real things. They’re specific phobias that focus on particular objects or situations. For example, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland is a seven-thousand meter span that crosses the Chesapeake Bay, if you want to get to or from Eastern Maryland that’s pretty much the only way to do it, at least in a car, but there are thousands of people who are so afraid of crossing that bridge that they simply can’t do it. So, to accommodate this avoidance behavior, driver services are available. For $25 people with Gephyrophobia, a fear of bridges, can hire someone to drive themselves, and their kids, and dogs, and groceries across the bridge in their own car, while trying not to freak out. But other phobias lack such specific triggers, what we might think of as social phobia, currently known as social anxiety disorder, is characterized by anxiety related to interacting or being seen by others, which could be triggered by a phone call, or being called on in class, or just thinking about meeting new people. So you can probably see at this point how anxiety disorders are related and how they can be difficult to tease apart. The same thing can be said about what we think causes them. Because much in the same way anxiety can show up as both a feeling like panic, and a thought, like is my kitchen on fire, there are also two main perspectives on how we currently view anxiety as a function of both learning and biology. The learning perspective suggests that things like, conditioning, and observational learning and cognition, all of which we’ve talked about before best explain the source of our anxiety. Remember our behaviorist friend, John B. Watson and his conditioning experiments with poor little Albert, by making a loud scary noise every time you showed the kid a white rat, he ended up conditioning the boy to fear any furry object, from bunnies, to dogs, to fur coats. That conditioning used two specific learning processes to cement itself in Little Albert’s young mind. Stimulus Generalization, expanded or generalized his fear of the rat to other furry objects, the same principle holds true if you were, like, attacked by your neighbours mean parrot and subsequently fear all birds. But then the anxiety is solidified through reinforcement, every time you avoid or escape a feared situations, a pair of fuzzy slippers or a robin on the street, you ease your anxiety, which might make you feel better temporarily, but it actually reinforces your phobic behavior, making it stronger. Cognition also influences our anxiety, whether we interpret a strange noise outside as a hungry bear, or a robber, or merely the wind, determines if we roll-over and keep snoring, or freak out and run for a kitchen knife. And we might also acquire anxiety from other people through observational learning. A parent who’s terrified of water may end up instilling that fear in their child by violently snatching them away from kiddie pools or generally acting anxious around park fountains and duck ponds. But there’re also equally important biological perspectives. Natural selection, for instance, might explain why we seem to fear certain potentially dangerous animals, like snakes, or why fears of heights or closed in spaces are relatively common. It’s probably true that our more wary ancestors who had the sense to stay away from cliff edges and hissing serpents were more likely to live another day and pass along their genes, so this might explain why those fears can persist, and why even people who live in places without poisonous snakes would still fear snakes anyway. And then you got the genetics and the brain chemistry to consider. Research has shown for example that identical twins, those eternal test subjects, are more likely to develop phobias even if they’re raised apart. Some researchers have detected seventeen different genes that seem to be expressed with various anxiety disorders. So it may be that some folks are just naturally more anxious than others and they might pass on that quality to their kids. And of course individual brains have a lot to say about how they process anxiety. Physiologically, people who experience panic attacks, generalized anxiety, or obsessive compulsions show over-arousal in the areasof the brain that deal in impulse control and habitual behaviors. Now we don’t know whether these irregularities cause the disorder or are caused by it, but again, it reinforces the truism that everything that is psychological is simultaneously biological. And that holds true for many other psychological disorders we’ll talk about in the coming weeks, many of which have names that you’ve also heard being misused in the past. Today you learned what defines an anxiety disorder, as well as the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and phobias. You also learned about the two main perspectives on the origins of anxiety disorders, the learning perspective and the biological perspective and hopefully you learned not to use “OCD” as a punch line from now on. Thanks for watching, especially to all of our Subbable subscribers who make Crash Course available to them and also to everyone else. To find out how you can become a supporter just go to This episode was written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake de Pastino, and our consultant is Dr. Ranjit Bhagwat. Our director and editor is Nicholas Jenkins, the script supervisor is Michael Aranda who is also our sound designer and the graphics team is Thought Cafe..

The Power Threat Meaning Framework

The Power Threat Meaning Framework is a new perspective on why people sometimes experience a whole range of forms of distress, confusion, fear, despair, and troubled or troubling behavior. It is an alternative to the more traditional models based on psychiatric diagnosis. It was co-produced with service users and applies not just to people who have been in contact with the mental health or criminal justice systems, but to all of us. The Framework summarizes and integrates a great deal of evidence about the role of various kinds of power in people’s lives; the kinds of threats that misuses of power pose to us; and the ways we have learned as human beings to respond to threats. In traditional mental health practice, these threat responses are sometimes called ‘symptoms’. The Framework also looks at how we make sense of these difficult experiences, and how messages from wider society can increase our feelings of shame, self-blame, isolation, fear, and guilt. The main aspects of the Framework are summarized in these questions, which can apply to individuals, families, or social groups: ‘What has happened to you?’ (How is Power operating in your life?) ‘How did it affect you?’ (What kind of Threats does this pose?) ‘What sense did you make of it?’ (What is the Meaning of these situations and experiences to you?) ‘What did you have to do to survive?’ (What kinds of Threat Responses are you using?) In addition, the two questions below help us to think about what skills and resources people might have, and how we might pull all these ideas and responses together into a personal narrative or story: ‘What are your strengths?’ (What access to Power resources do you have?) ‘What is your story?’ (How does all this fit together?)


Don’t Take It Personally

Who hasn’t felt the sting of rejection? It doesn’t take much for your feelings to get hurt—a look or a tone of voice or certain words can set you ruminating for hours on what that person meant. An unreturned phone call or a disappointing setback can really throw you off your center. It’s all too easy to take disappointment and rejection personally. You can learn to handle these feelings and create positive options for yourself. Don’t Take It Personally! explores all forms of rejection, where it comes from, and how to overcome the fear of it. Most of all, you’ll learn some terrific tools for stepping back from those overwhelming feelings. You’ll be able to allow space to make choices about how you respond. —Understand the effect that anxiety, frustration, hurt, and anger have on your interactions with others. —De-personalize your responses and establish safe personal boundaries that protect you from getting hurt. —Practice making choices about the thoughts you think and the ways you respond to stressful situations. —Understand and overcome the fear of rejection in personal and work relationships. Elayne Savage explores with remarkable sensitivity the myriad of rejection experiences we experience with friends, co-workers, lovers, and family. Because her original ideas have inspired readers around the world, Don’t Take It Personally! has been published in six languages.

Bad Religion – Anxiety – Drum Cover by VE Drums

Bad Religion – Anxiety – Drum Cover by VE Drums …taken from the Album `No Control` (1989) Equipment I use: DDrum Hybrid Kit DW 7002PT Double Bass …

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Stop having panic attacks now: exposure, coping, and grounding

The Psych Show
Stop having panic attacks now through exposure therapy, creating coping skills, and using grounding skills. Topics discussed: 0:28 – What are panic attacks and why am I experiencing them? 2:18 – What does exposure therapy for panic attacks look like? 8:06 – What are effective coping skills for panic attacks? 13:14 – What are the grounding skills for depersonalization and derealization? 16:57 – What do I do if this doesn’t help me? 17:36 – Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Weekly Challenge Want to talk to Dr. Ali Mattu? Join the call-in show by filling out this form:… Join The Psych Show Office Hour Friday on Instagram: Special thanks to Elizabeth S., Tyler D., Anna H., Arnt J., Collin P., Evan A., Imran M., Sam D., Ryan L., Sophie Y., Ahmed Y, Israel P., Neuro Transmissions, Eric E., Eve P., Lauren K., BrainCraft, Aaron F., Samuel H., Marisa H.,Tae T., Steve M.,, Bryan T., Nicky C., Samuel A., Anton T., Jennifer C., Shanda W., Saleem H. P., Sri S., Alex N., Denise J., Emily W., Samar, Lars B., Pipitchy, Emily, Troy C., Alexandre V., Jose, Julie, H., Rebecca E., Mariana D. M., Karl S., Cesalie S., Greg M., Christy, BobC, and Sam for making this episode possible! Learn how you can help me make The Psych Show and get exclusive behind-the-scenes access in return at Watch more: * Should I get a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in psychology? * How to start overcoming anxiety with exposure | 7 step guide: * How to do deep breathing: * How to immediately calm down in 30 seconds | diving reflex d.b.t. tip skills: * All of my anxiety videos:… Learn more: * Understanding panic attacks and panic disorder:… * Interoceptive exposures for panic:… * Coping skills versus safety behavior:… * 30 Grounding Techniques:… * Medications for panic disorder:… Connect with Ali: Instagram ► Twitter ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Snapchat ► Patreon ► Email ► Website ► THE PSYCH SHOW! Creating mental health videos that educate, entertain, and empower! Produced, written, and edited by clinical psychologist Ali Mattu, Ph.D. All videos are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute clinical advice. If you or someone you know needs help immediately, you should take one of the following actions: – call 9-1-1 in the United States or your country’s emergency number:… – call the Lifeline at 1-800-273 TALK (8255) in the United States or a global crisis hotlines:… – text START to 741-741 in the United States or visit http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline… – go to your nearest hospital emergency room Shopzilla©