Narrator Everybody gets anxious or worried every once in a while. Maybe you have an important work event: you’re planning or a family member going through tough times, But what, if you feel anxious and worried a lot of the time? And you’re just not sure why You might have a mental health condition called generalized anxiety, disorder.Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry.This is different from regular anxiety.You might feel Here are a few reasons why your anxiety persists over a long period.You’ll feel this way for more days than not for at least six months.Two, anxiety and worry affect your day-to-day life.You might face challenges at your job or social life.Maybe you don’t go out as much or socialize with friends.Three, the worrying seemingly comes out of nowhere.One moment you’re feeling fine and the next. You might be anxious and can’t figure out why Four, your anxiety and worry are associated with at least three of the following symptoms: Restlessness, getting tired, easy difficulty focusing irritability muscles, tension, and sleep disturbances, Generalized anxiety, disorder, isn’t the only condition that Can make you worry a lot Other medical conditions, as well as certain medications, can also make you more anxious If you are feeling worried all the time for no reason talk to your doctor, You don’t have to deal with this worry and anxiety by yourself.
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