‘I was schooled’: Pro-abort actress gets ‘lessons’ from Cecile Richards [photos]


Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards is out there making calls and walking streets for Wendy Davis:

It’s gonna take a lot more than that, honey. Given the current state of the Wendy Davis campaign — it being in the toilet and all — Cecile just doesn’t have enough cachet on her own. Time to bring in the big guns:

Yep, that’s Stephanie March, former “Law & Order: SVU” actress and avowed abortion fan.

No, dear. You weren’t. You were just another celebrity cog in the pro-abortion machine.

The lady on the far left looks particularly excited.

Consider that door slammed.

Editor’s note: This post has been edited to correct a typo.



Former ‘SVU’ actress gives #WomensDay shout outs to Wendy Davis, Cecile Richards [pic]

‘Peace, justice, and Wendy for All’: Former ‘SVU’ actress Stephanie March pals around with Wendy Davis [pics]

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards repeats ‘end access to birth control’ claim

Unreal: Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards ‘honored to be in church with Obama’ today

Cecile Richards loves ‘Jeopardy!’ Sanger shout-out; Pro-life activists disgusted

On day to #RememberTheAborted, Cecile Richards observes Wendy Davis’ shoes

Cecile Richards: #WhatWomenNeed for Valentine’s Day is abortion

Cecile Richards on when life begins: ‘I don’t know that it’s really relevant’

Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards fights Hobby Lobby decision with safe, legal stupidity

Pro-abort party time! Planned Parenthood fêtes ‘fearless leader’ Cecile Richards’ birthday

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/30/i-was-schooled-pro-abort-actress-stephanie-march-gets-lessons-from-cecile-richards-photos/

‘Now that’s awesome!’ What does Wendy Davis hate? This photo sums it up


Consider it done:

Two things Wendy Davis hates pic.twitter.com/VEVquYjM5R

— Ulysses E. McGill (@Just_a_Texan) October 10, 2014


@Just_a_Texan @TXSVIKING now that's awesome!

— john wayland (@johnwayland2) October 10, 2014

@Just_a_Texan this photo is EPIC! THIS "IS" WHAT #WENDYDAVIS HATES!

— BMF Mom Mary (@coff33loveit) October 10, 2014



‘Eff it, let’s go after the cripple’: You have to see Wendy Davis’ new attack ad 

‘I’m a successful biped’! Tweeters predict Wendy Davis’ next campaign ad

‘BAM. Nailed it.’ Abbott campaign responds to Wendy Davis’ despicable attack ad; Update: Greg Abbott weighs in

‘Great call, Cosmo’! Does women’s mag still endorse wheelchair hater Wendy Davis?

‘Sell your soul much?’ Wendy Davis’ comms director defends vicious anti-Abbott ad

Full Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/10/now-thats-awesome-what-does-wendy-davis-hate-this-photo-puts-it-in-a-perfect-nutshell/

‘Blinded by your ideology’: Man used as Wendy Davis’ prop should rethink support


As Twitchy reported, Wendy Davis’s campaign recently turned a disabled man into blatant human prop-aganda:

Cringeworthy http://t.co/8I8mwFVHcj

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) October 13, 2014

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

But that man, Lamar White Jr., is insisting that Wendy Davis’ motivations were only the purest:

I am a human being. Not a campaign prop. I volunteered to speak because @WendyDavisTexas is right.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

You are a human being, Mr. White. And you deserve better than what Wendy Davis has given you.

.@GregAbbott_TX, I'm not a prop. You owe an apology and must denounce this slur and your campaign's retweets.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

.@AndrewStilesUSA I am the disabled person you ridiculed on your website. I asked them to help me slide over b/c I'm not good on my feet.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

Except Stiles didn’t ridicule White at all.

@CenLamar Ridiculed? Pointing out things as they actually occur which people can see isn't ridicule. Perhaps be specific. @AndrewStilesUSA

— elana (@elana13) October 13, 2014

From The Washington Free Beacon:

On Monday, Davis’s campaign organized a press conference in an effort to prove that some of her best friends are confined to wheelchairs. “Greg Abbott got his justice. Why doesn’t he believe that a rape survivor or a person with a disability or a victim paralyzed forever…should get justice too?” Davis said. “What makes Greg Abbott think it’s okay to deny them, his fellow Texans, the justice that he rightly went to court to receive?”

Stiles merely pointed out that Davis is trying to do major damage control after her horrible attack ad against Greg Davis — and that her latest efforts are only making her look even worse.

FYI, this is the gentleman who was literally dragged around the stage like a prop: pic.twitter.com/wQdUkOb6sT

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) October 13, 2014

With all due respect to Mr. White, Wendy Davis is not a scrupulous woman. Her intentions are purely selfish. And she’s proven that she has no qualms about trampling on humanity if it gets her ahead.

@CenLamar You're so blinded by your ideology that you either can't tell, or worse, willingly being used. @bradleybowen @WendyDavisTexas

— dcosta77 (@thedcosta77) October 13, 2014

@CenLamar So sorry you agreed to be used by @WendyDavisTexas. You deserve better.

— Scott Gaspar (@SWGaspar) October 13, 2014

@bradleybowen @WendyDavisTexas @CenLamar @GregAbbott_TX Wendy Davis' ship is sinking faster than the Titanic, she is shameless and classless

— #sickofDumbocrats (@Webbadman) October 13, 2014

Her ship is sinking, all right. But if White ever finds himself looking for Davis to throw him a life preserver, he’s barking up the wrong tree.

Surprising to see a disabled person sticking up for an Abortion supporter. Abortion is the number 1 threat to disability culture.

— Mav #Trigger (@TheMaverick21) October 13, 2014

Remember that, Mr. White.



Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/13/blinded-by-your-ideology-man-used-as-wendy-davis-prop-should-rethink-his-support/

‘BAM. Nailed it.’ Abbott marketing responds to Wendy Davis’ despicable attack ad


Utilizing girl bad brand-new advertising against Greg Abbott, Wendy Davis seems there is no level that she’s going to not sink trying to win the governorship.

Abbott’s marketing pulled no blows using their reaction:

Great a reaction to wheelchair marketing and advertising through Abbott marketing. pic.twitter.com/vd7qyDYtuS

— Elliott Schwartz (@elliosch) October 10, 2014

Much more from The Dallas Time Guidelines:

Abbott spokeswoman Amelia Chasse presented Davis’ advertising misleads by equating Abbott’s protection through 2003 match restrictions with a security of Baylor neighborhood or Duntsch, which she reported he formerly already been perhaps not doing.

“It is difficult to comprehend language efficient adequate to condemn Sen. Davis’ disgusting tv marketing, which indicates a historical diminished in your case planning to portray Texans,” Chasse reported. “Sen. Davis’ marketing and advertising reveals a disturbing inadequate view from a desperate politician, and totally disqualifies this woman from after greater workplace in Tx.”


Perfect a reaction to @WendyDavisTexas's disgusting advertisement by @GregAbbott_TX pic.twitter.com/uI3We5Yvr8

— Future President (@GovernorOfTN) October 10, 2014

Boom RT @elliosch: Great reaction to wheelchair marketing from Abbott advertising and marketing. pic.twitter.com/sGcyFlVLel

— Matthew (@Matthops82) October 10, 2014

@JohnEkdahl @elliosch BAM. Nailed it.

— lifebythecreek (@lifebythecreek) October 10, 2014

Learn more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/10/bam-nailed-it-abbott-campaign-responds-to-wendy-davis-despicable-attack-ad/

‘RU F’n kidding?’ Kirsten Powers’ opt for ‘Winner regarding time or two’ blasted


Such a thing considered, we thought lefty Tx GOP gubernatorial prospect Wendy Davis (alongside all of the lady followers) had an incredibly bad few days.

But Kirsten Powers, having previously reported she doesn’t stand with Davis and possesses slammed the hero-worship for the Tx Dem, usually Davis considering that woman “Winner because of this time or two.” Capabilities bestowed the honor upon Davis during a segment on Fox Information’ “Special Report.”

Various other people disagree wholeheartedly:

http://twitter.com/#!/GCGATOR24/status/426867283127185408 http://twitter.com/#!/TerryRohleder/status/426865910326890496 http://twitter.com/#!/ChicagoShaun/status/426867116126396417 http://twitter.com/#!/ubeaccountable2/status/426871723514818560 http://twitter.com/#!/ChrisYaudas/status/426866111565791232

Powers furthermore provides written a rigorous defense of Wendy Davis within day-to-day Beast:


Read alot more: http://twitchy.com/2014/01/24/ru-fn-kidding-kirsten-powers-pick-for-winner-of-the-week-blasted/

ThinkProgress: Criticism of lying liar Wendy Davis is totally sexist, you guys


As Twitchy reported, media lapdogs like those at MSNBC and CBS were quick to label criticism of lying liar Wendy Davis as part of some conservative conspiracy to ruin the gubernatorial hopeful’s credibility. Now, ThinkProgress is taking it a step further, accusing Davis’ critics of — what else? — sexism:


ThinkProgress trivializes genuine examples of sexism with garbage like this.

http://twitter.com/#!/conkc2/status/425675070288052225 http://twitter.com/#!/alleygirl2409/status/425674110614929408 http://twitter.com/#!/flyoverangel/status/425673655738040321 http://twitter.com/#!/hboulware/status/425673397255671808 http://twitter.com/#!/DesertWillow56/status/425678054254325760 http://twitter.com/#!/RBPundit/status/425678806259470337

So, being a woman means never having to tell the truth. As long as you’re a liberal woman, anyway.

Welcome to feminism.



‘No one is to blame but YOU’: Wendy Davis spins article poking holes in her bio as Abbott campaign ‘attack’

Lady smarts, not parts! Tammy Bruce crushes Wendy Davis with key reason to support Greg Abbott

‘Ha! Best tweet of the day’ brutally nails lying Wendy Davis’ flavor of feminism

‘DNC hacks!’ You won’t believe how MSNBC, CBS framed Wendy Davis’ lies; Dana Loesch blasts

Running cover: ‘Not one tweet!’ Chuck Todd drubbed for conspicuous Wendy Davis silence

Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/01/21/thinkprogress-criticism-of-lying-liar-wendy-davis-is-totally-sexist-you-guys/

‘Shut up, Wendy’! Davis still hell-bent on painting Greg Abbott as a racist


Ugh. Wendy Davis. She just can’t stop herself:

Who’s asking that question? Oh:

You’re not fooling anyone, Wendy.

She should quit while she’s behind — before she falls even further behind.

We’re afraid to find out.


‘You need to tell his poor wife!’ Wendy Davis’ race-baiting about Greg Abbott is an epic fail

That sneaky Greg Abbott! Is this behind Wendy Davis’ latest smear attempt?

‘LOL!!!!’ Ben Howe pulls some more wheels off the Wendy Davis train [Photoshop]

Wendy Davis’ mock-worthy attack on Greg Abbott triggers things #WendyDavisWontSay

Keep digging, Wendy! Tapped-out Team Davis reduced to playing the dildo card

‘Stick to food’: Andrew Zimmern swallows bizarre Wendy Davis propaganda

Full Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/21/shut-up-wendy-davis-still-hell-bent-on-painting-greg-abbott-as-a-racist/

Wendy Davis: Hobby Lobby decision ‘restrict(s) access to birth control’


Straight out of the Democrat playbook

http://twitter.com/#!/sylvanrodriguez/status/483703225326264321 http://twitter.com/#!/GregChesser/status/483700471098404864 http://twitter.com/#!/Tankpuncher/status/483703093578567681

Is anyone falling for this crap?


Democrat talking point: GOP candidates want to ‘block birth control’

Sen. Kay Hagan: ‘A woman’s right to contraception shouldn’t be up for debate’

Lena Dunham weighs in on SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby ruling

Paul Begala’s ‘dumb’ spin on how Hobby Lobby ruling ‘is a winner for you’ is a loser

Rep. Jared Polis shows off Common Core math in critique of Hobby Lobby decision; Updated

‘Heap pissed off’! Elizabeth ‘Lie-awatha’ Warren ‘can’t believe’ Hobby Lobby outcome

‘Clueless or lying’: Sandra Fluke ‘purposefully ignoring’ fact in Hobby Lobby decision


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/30/wendy-davis-scotus-hobby-lobby-decision-restricts-access-to-birth-control/

Hilarious mockery: ‘My contacts and I also in addition additionally just voted for Wendy’ [pics]


Twitchy reported each morning in regards to the Wendy Davis marketing and advertising inventing buddies. ‘exactly precisely what else gets wrong’? Wendy Davis caught conjuring up ‘imaginary buddies’ [screenshot]. Plainly, mockery ensued.

Okay, we’re must think there’s some voter fraudulence happening the 2nd.

Consequently performed we!

Editor’s note: This post ended up being tailored to improve a typo.



‘just exactly what else could possibly get wrong’? Wendy Davis caught conjuring up ‘imaginary pals’ [screenshot]

Exjon speculates on Wendy Davis ‘Mark II’ [Photoshop]

Wendy Davis’ mock-worthy attack on Greg Abbott triggers things #WendyDavisWontSay

‘LOL!!!!’ Ben Howe lures more tires from the Wendy Davis train [Photoshop]

Find out more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/22/hilarious-mockery-my-friends-and-i-just-voted-for-wendy-davis-pics/