‘Blinded by your ideology’: Man used as Wendy Davis’ prop should rethink support


As Twitchy reported, Wendy Davis’s campaign recently turned a disabled man into blatant human prop-aganda:

Cringeworthy http://t.co/8I8mwFVHcj

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) October 13, 2014

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But that man, Lamar White Jr., is insisting that Wendy Davis’ motivations were only the purest:

I am a human being. Not a campaign prop. I volunteered to speak because @WendyDavisTexas is right.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

You are a human being, Mr. White. And you deserve better than what Wendy Davis has given you.

.@GregAbbott_TX, I'm not a prop. You owe an apology and must denounce this slur and your campaign's retweets.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

.@AndrewStilesUSA I am the disabled person you ridiculed on your website. I asked them to help me slide over b/c I'm not good on my feet.

— Lamar White, Jr (@CenLamar) October 13, 2014

Except Stiles didn’t ridicule White at all.

@CenLamar Ridiculed? Pointing out things as they actually occur which people can see isn't ridicule. Perhaps be specific. @AndrewStilesUSA

— elana (@elana13) October 13, 2014

From The Washington Free Beacon:

On Monday, Davis’s campaign organized a press conference in an effort to prove that some of her best friends are confined to wheelchairs. “Greg Abbott got his justice. Why doesn’t he believe that a rape survivor or a person with a disability or a victim paralyzed forever…should get justice too?” Davis said. “What makes Greg Abbott think it’s okay to deny them, his fellow Texans, the justice that he rightly went to court to receive?”

Stiles merely pointed out that Davis is trying to do major damage control after her horrible attack ad against Greg Davis — and that her latest efforts are only making her look even worse.

FYI, this is the gentleman who was literally dragged around the stage like a prop: pic.twitter.com/wQdUkOb6sT

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) October 13, 2014

With all due respect to Mr. White, Wendy Davis is not a scrupulous woman. Her intentions are purely selfish. And she’s proven that she has no qualms about trampling on humanity if it gets her ahead.

@CenLamar You're so blinded by your ideology that you either can't tell, or worse, willingly being used. @bradleybowen @WendyDavisTexas

— dcosta77 (@thedcosta77) October 13, 2014

@CenLamar So sorry you agreed to be used by @WendyDavisTexas. You deserve better.

— Scott Gaspar (@SWGaspar) October 13, 2014

@bradleybowen @WendyDavisTexas @CenLamar @GregAbbott_TX Wendy Davis' ship is sinking faster than the Titanic, she is shameless and classless

— #sickofDumbocrats (@Webbadman) October 13, 2014

Her ship is sinking, all right. But if White ever finds himself looking for Davis to throw him a life preserver, he’s barking up the wrong tree.

Surprising to see a disabled person sticking up for an Abortion supporter. Abortion is the number 1 threat to disability culture.

— Mav #Trigger (@TheMaverick21) October 13, 2014

Remember that, Mr. White.



Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/13/blinded-by-your-ideology-man-used-as-wendy-davis-prop-should-rethink-his-support/

Greg Abbott asks ‘2 reasons Texans dislike Obama’; Responses pour in


Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott had a fairly straightforward request, and a great many people were happy to respond:

http://twitter.com/#!/ladyliberty01/status/447887401537396736 http://twitter.com/#!/txblondegrad/status/447890075691802624 http://twitter.com/#!/craig_million/status/447893029504815104 http://twitter.com/#!/texoilKA/status/447898604460449792

.@GregAbbott_TX 1. Massive new regs. & policies that kill off jobs/economic recovery. 2. Gutting defense spending in face of global crisis.— Tom T. (@VRWCTexan) March 24, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/RodWistrand/status/447896615693471744 http://twitter.com/#!/willyz/status/447893876393529344 http://twitter.com/#!/craig_million/status/447893029504815104 http://twitter.com/#!/Fritzster/status/447889872884211713 http://twitter.com/#!/tstrike/status/447889106370981888

@GregAbbott_TX 1. He deceives people. 2. Pro-abortion & anti-2nd amendment— SuperMomWebb (@JoyFilledMom) March 24, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/GrammieJean/status/447891864146821120 http://twitter.com/#!/jctreadaway/status/447887819185205248 http://twitter.com/#!/JasonBWhitman/status/447886091916304384

Naturally Abbott’s request brought out some Obama defenders:

http://twitter.com/#!/KevinSutherland/status/447888676811702272 http://twitter.com/#!/TheAustinFitz/status/447889065480708096

Do not insult Hope & Change:

http://twitter.com/#!/halljh1720/status/447890050282307584 http://twitter.com/#!/CueballAnusFoul/status/447899802567589889 http://twitter.com/#!/CueballAnusFoul/status/447900184156983296 http://twitter.com/#!/Plumazul/status/447898104168448000 http://twitter.com/#!/horndsgn/status/447890320844288000

According to polls, Greg Abbott holds a double digit lead over Wendy Davis in the race to be the next governor of Texas.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/03/23/greg-abbott-asks-2-reasons-texans-dislike-obama-responses-pour-in-as-lefties-push-back/

‘Shut up, Wendy’! Davis still hell-bent on painting Greg Abbott as a racist


Ugh. Wendy Davis. She just can’t stop herself:

Who’s asking that question? Oh:

You’re not fooling anyone, Wendy.

She should quit while she’s behind — before she falls even further behind.

We’re afraid to find out.


‘You need to tell his poor wife!’ Wendy Davis’ race-baiting about Greg Abbott is an epic fail

That sneaky Greg Abbott! Is this behind Wendy Davis’ latest smear attempt?

‘LOL!!!!’ Ben Howe pulls some more wheels off the Wendy Davis train [Photoshop]

Wendy Davis’ mock-worthy attack on Greg Abbott triggers things #WendyDavisWontSay

Keep digging, Wendy! Tapped-out Team Davis reduced to playing the dildo card

‘Stick to food’: Andrew Zimmern swallows bizarre Wendy Davis propaganda

Full Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/21/shut-up-wendy-davis-still-hell-bent-on-painting-greg-abbott-as-a-racist/