Straight out of the Democrat playbook…!/sylvanrodriguez/status/483703225326264321!/GregChesser/status/483700471098404864!/Tankpuncher/status/483703093578567681Is anyone falling for this crap?
Democrat talking point: GOP candidates want to ‘block birth control’
Sen. Kay Hagan: ‘A woman’s right to contraception shouldn’t be up for debate’
Lena Dunham weighs in on SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby ruling
Paul Begala’s ‘dumb’ spin on how Hobby Lobby ruling ‘is a winner for you’ is a loser
Rep. Jared Polis shows off Common Core math in critique of Hobby Lobby decision; Updated
‘Heap pissed off’! Elizabeth ‘Lie-awatha’ Warren ‘can’t believe’ Hobby Lobby outcome
‘Clueless or lying’: Sandra Fluke ‘purposefully ignoring’ fact in Hobby Lobby decision