ThinkProgress’ Bachmann backtrack keeps Jonah Goldberg’s interest!/kevinpost/status/493523520035364864

ThinkProgress relayed a “news” report that sold Rep. Michele Bachmann had been phoning for unlawful immigrant kids when you go through the border come to be included “labor camps,” or “Americanization solutions” as Bachmann ended up being quoted as saying.

One concern: nothing at all as a result have been genuine. ThinkProgress finally supplied a “correction,” and Jonah Goldberg was at fact impressed by its range:!/JonahNRO/status/493539364493090816

The ThinkProgress post today includes an instantaneous “correction” saying Bachmann “never made the declaration” followed closely by a couple of hundred term “story” that will be completely lined on.!/mt_newman/status/493540673384382464!/RommelsMom/status/493542519989620736

The ThinkProgress “correction” ended up being spotted by many people individuals another gents and ladies:!/hboulware/status/493525499650392064!/charlescwcooke/status/493520873605697536!/onawav/status/493526446590427136!/seanparoski/status/493529570838994944

Crooks and Liars because routine Kos are several other liberal websites that might have mentioned the synthetic story, based on the each day Caller.

What might why be?!/mt_newman/status/493541679711129600

Ding! Ding! Ding!!/RawStory/status/493518764563234816

(h/t @submix8c)

Have more information:

‘Creepy small cultists’: ThinkProgress guarantees Obamas ‘are our parents now’!/mamaswati/status/445586275383652352

What’s incorrect with ThinkProgress? Merely merely just exactly how much time are you experiencing?

If you missed it, ThinkProgress isn’t great at thinking:!/thinkprogress/status/445585257203777536

In the woman own piece, “The Nationwide federal government features really turned the parental whenever you consider the government,” TP’s Tara Culp-Ressler addresses the everywhere government’s penchant for making making use of “the language of parenting as a guitar to argue for program.” She acknowledges that there’s review with this paternalistic strategy, but that’s regarding she’s prepared get. She doesn’t may actually have challenging along side it. Undoubtedly, she seems the Obamas performed a pretty great work:

The method of acting mum or dad or mom isn’t a fantastic method, particularly about women’s dilemmas. But both Obama together with his friend being capable mainly knowledge as real, and that’s for their capacity to undermine presumptions about these along with his or her challenge. For political leaders hence is continually apt to be “twice as good” — and, in certain practices, have actually actually actually embraced this framing the black-colored area — it’s perhaps not a shock that they’ve plumped for to boost upon this portion of household values.

Ugh. Maybe not a shock, maybe. Nevertheless it’s extremely sickening however.!/JGreenDC/status/445587120779194368!/teeocee/status/445587883974344704!/SonnyBunch/status/445589747256541185!/BenHowe/status/445586777848676352

Smells likewise bad, however.!/jedditelol/status/445590220524621824

Because the Obamas need handling usa like youths doesn’t get them to our moms and dads, let-alone great parents.!/jenjhall/status/445592199984848896!/Matthops82/status/445587971635298305!/iowahawkblog/status/445589039559606273!/MistressOfSham/status/445592689581359104!/K_P_Brown/status/445588222325051392

The us government wouldn’t be caught dead-doing that.!/exjon/status/445589664938749954

This entire actually thing is creepy.!/FreeBeacon/status/445588150287478784!/ZurzoloD/status/445589148041093120!/nvm624/status/445592189314162688!/conkc2/status/445588762622312448

And we’re maxed from Daddy and Mommy nationwide:!/Me_In_Jersey/status/445588735770759170!/RickSheridan/status/445589734195068929!/RonMoss_RAM/status/445592295589822464

Write to us once you discover.



Creepy: OFA motivates parents your can purchase ‘the talk’ due to the children this holiday

‘This gets insane’: OFA’s onesie-clad Obamacare spokesmodel inspires mockery

Out: #BanBossy; In: FLOTUS, celebs’ mothers ‘nag you’ buy O-care 

Twitchy protection of ThinkProgress

Obtain the full tale:

ThinkProgress: Criticism of lying liar Wendy Davis is totally sexist, you guys!/katearthsis/status/425677832166322176

As Twitchy reported, media lapdogs like those at MSNBC and CBS were quick to label criticism of lying liar Wendy Davis as part of some conservative conspiracy to ruin the gubernatorial hopeful’s credibility. Now, ThinkProgress is taking it a step further, accusing Davis’ critics of — what else? — sexism:!/thinkprogress/status/425672654830714880

ThinkProgress trivializes genuine examples of sexism with garbage like this.!/conkc2/status/425675070288052225!/alleygirl2409/status/425674110614929408!/flyoverangel/status/425673655738040321!/hboulware/status/425673397255671808!/DesertWillow56/status/425678054254325760!/RBPundit/status/425678806259470337

So, being a woman means never having to tell the truth. As long as you’re a liberal woman, anyway.

Welcome to feminism.



‘No one is to blame but YOU’: Wendy Davis spins article poking holes in her bio as Abbott campaign ‘attack’

Lady smarts, not parts! Tammy Bruce crushes Wendy Davis with key reason to support Greg Abbott

‘Ha! Best tweet of the day’ brutally nails lying Wendy Davis’ flavor of feminism

‘DNC hacks!’ You won’t believe how MSNBC, CBS framed Wendy Davis’ lies; Dana Loesch blasts

Running cover: ‘Not one tweet!’ Chuck Todd drubbed for conspicuous Wendy Davis silence

Twitchy coverage of Wendy Davis

Read more:


Well, ThinkProgress has finally admitted what we’ve known all along: The IRS unfairly targeted certain political groups. It’s about time!

Oh, wait:!/JuddLegum/status/459013838537785344


“Worth the wait.” Guess we’ll have to wait longer for libs to admit the IRS singled out a whole lot more conservative groups for extra scrutiny.!/JammieWF/status/459018186651095040!/BecketAdams/status/459014221779726336


Indeed, the IRS inspector general would beg to differ with ThinkProgress’ findings:!/coolhandschlute/status/459017815123431425!/GenNerd/status/459025118367588352

As HotAir’s Allahpundit explained last year:

According to [IRS IG Russell] George, six of the 20 progressive groups that applied for tax-exemption between 2010 and 2012 received close scrutiny. Of the 292 tea-party groups that applied, …all 292 did. In fact, didn’t the IRS claim that it started flagging tea-party applications systematically in 2010 because the movement was exploding and groups’ applications for exemption were piling up? (That was a lie too, but that was their story.) That’s the supposed “nonpolitical” explanation for all this — the tea-party movement was unique in how quickly it rose and how widely it spread and therefore the agency had to look closely to make sure groups weren’t violating 501(c)(4) all over the country by meddling in campaigns. If that’s the left’s preferred narrative for what happened, then why would they think progressive groups were targeted equally or at all? There was, and is, no lefty equivalent of the movement. You can believe that institutional bias against conservatives was at work here or you can believe that tea partiers, due to the movement’s size and its interest in primaries, deserved extra scrutiny under the rules against campaigning by “social welfare” groups. The “progressives were targeted too” theory doesn’t fit with either. Especially when you remember that the president’s own political shop, Organizing for Action, somehow remains a 501(c)(4) in good standing.

In other words, ThinkProgress doesn’t seem to be telling the whole story. Color us shocked.!/Chris_Clukey/status/459016050915295232

But of course!!/hboulware/status/459016854141292544!/Tyler_McNally/status/459015962214563840



Twitchy coverage of the IRS scandal

Read more:

‘You’re delusional’: ThinkProgress’ Ebola take is ‘beyond stupid’!/conkc2/status/517375533299269633

Only once. But no. They’re therial. They’re thuper-therial:

Do you realize that are the outcome's essential to containing the scatter of Ebola? A durable government-sponsored wellness system.

— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 1, 2014


12 months after GOP pull the plug on government to defund Obamacare, we're trying to government-sponsored health to prevent Ebola.

— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 1, 2014


How authorities healthcare could save your self usa from Ebola:

— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 1, 2014

As well as, Obamacare generally speaking helpful avoid an Ebola outbreak into the U.S.

— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 1, 2014

Ebola is another note the reason why health care bills expenditures is a diverse community effective, maybe not a product become deeply in love with no-cost market:

— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 1, 2014

Let’s provide him a chance to clarify, hmmm?

And think of Obamacare, laws Republicans wanted to defund? Also is playing strive to avoid an epidemic. Research suggests that individuals simply who can be lacking health care insurance hold-off or miss healthcare solutions or substitute home cures or more the countertop medications for medical practitioner visits that may determine steering clear of the scatter of communicable disease. Those that have making use of system required interest are less oftimes be prone to problem, causing improvements face-to-face and community energy.

Recommendations also establishes an avoidance and Public wellness Fund proclaiming available you issue and community regulating figures with extra resources which will help “prevent, detect, and solution problem outbreaks” and contains programs which might be “leveraged to include readiness into everyday healthcare expenses and also to assist produce stronger system and crisis medical care expenses circulation methods that’ll surge to answer catastrophes.”

Basically, Us americans appears safeguarded that Ebola will be within the us because we’ve establish a durable federal government funded medical care costs system that, in collaboration because of the special organization, shields everybody from a domestic location health tragedy. Any wellness crisis functions as a reminder exactly why healthcare is a public great instead of a unique product become obsessed with relation to the no-cost marketplace.

Obamacare was indeed built to fight ebola. In addition, We benefit ThinkProgress and eat-all the glue.

— Matthew (@Matthops82) October 1, 2014

The stupid. It burns. It burns off a good deal.

@igorvolsky where in actuality the hell can you pull this jewel from?

— Samantha (@sh1tSammysays) October 1, 2014

We’re uncertain, but we’re guessing it’s from someplace that doesn’t get much sunlight.

Ho Lee Fuk… RT @thinkprogress How authorities medical could save yourself united states from ebola

— Kimberly C (@conkc2) October 1, 2014

Its absurd. RT @thinkprogress: Just how government wellness can help you save usa from ebola

— Heather (@hboulware) October 1, 2014

Great lord @thinkprogress the Gov’t isn’t providing health. Presbyterian Hospital isn’t the freaking Gov’t, FFS.

— Heather (@hboulware) October 1, 2014

@RBPundit consist of ThinkProgress towards selection of those desiring Ebola triggers larger Gov’t and many more Gov’t control.

— Heather (@hboulware) October 1, 2014

.@igorvolsky Because pre-Obamcare this country had beenn't ready cure problem. Idiot.

— Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) October 1, 2014

Simply @thinkprogress would desire an Ebola pandemic taken care of because of the VA. CC: @hboulware

— Matt (@mdrache) October 1, 2014

@igorvolsky LOLOLOL Yeah, because obamaCare is undoubtedly carrying out an incredible work… You're delusional

— Danny Robinson (@TheStormCro) October 1, 2014

@conkc2 The All-powerful Gov't Could Conserve Usa Out Of Each And Every Thing. Utopia awaits if we'd just let them have full-power over our life.

— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) October 1, 2014

Oh, grow @thinkprogress . The government can't save your self every little thing. It's clueless beyond terms.

— Chic (@Nayrue) October 1, 2014

@michelelfrost This whole distinct concept is past stupid. @thinkprogress

— Heather (@hboulware) October 1, 2014

@michelelfrost Yeah, I’ll you ought to take my opportunities utilizing the exclusive company undertaking a reasonable task. @thinkprogress

— Heather (@hboulware) October 1, 2014

Roger that.

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