In Gender, Work Stress, and Health, editors Debra L. Nelson and Ronald J. Burke explore how socially defined gender roles affect individuals’ experience of stress and health at work. Working with a group of interdisciplinary contributors, they examine the interplay of gender, individual differences, social support, coping skills, family dynamics, and aspects of the work environment and ask how these affect health. This collection draws from the emerging knowledge in the fields of management, psychology, sociology, and epidemiology. Among the questions examined are whether men and women experience different sources of stress at work, whether they experience different symptoms of distress, whether they benefit equally from social support, how they cope, and what organizations are doing to help. Professionals in human resources management, consulting, training and development, and occupational health will be particularly interested in the effectiveness of prevention and intervention efforts related to corporate culture and flexible workload arrangements and whether family-friendly policies are fulfilling their promise of helping to balance work and family demands. Researchers in management, business, occupational psychology, sociology, and gender studies will find fertile areas for continued exploration within this field.
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