The Awesome Foursum @ 1 day old

THUMBS UP for newborn puppies 🙂 ★ facebook: twitter: my site: myspace: TO SUPPORT ME ★- Favorite My videos. ★- Comment on My videos. ★- Post My videos to your blog, MySpace, and other sites. ★- Post video responses to My videos. ★- Check daily for updates. ★- Subscribe to both GirlQld & Tgirl Queensland ★- Make your own GirlQld Puppy fan page.To everyone who supports me and this Channel’s future, thank you! I appreciate your kindness and the inspiration your support brings.REMEMBER TO ★ Respect both humans and animals. ★Treat others with as much as or more kindness than they give you and others. ★ Peacefully stand up for what you believe is right. ★Be whatever you wish to be.

Animal Rescues Are Always Great. But This One Has a Surprise No One Saw Coming.

It all started back in September when a farm sanctuary  in Australia called Edgar’s Mission rescued 3 runaway pigs. While heroic in itself, there ended up being a surprise no one saw coming. And it’ll melt your heart.

The 3 pigs were named Wonder Woman, Captain Courageous, and Super Girl. Wonder Woman started putting on weight faster than the others because…

…she was pregnant! With 8 adorable little piglets.

On December 6th, she gave birth to all these cuties. All of them completely healthy.

Edgar’s Mission had no idea they were actually rescuing 11 lives, not 3.

Wonder Woman is doing well, too.

What’s even cuter are the names they gave the little ones.

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer…

Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.




Compassion toward animals is a beautiful thing. And sometimes, not only do you save one life…but a whole bunch of others. You can follow their progress and see more on the Edgar’s Mission Web Site. Spread this rescue with your friends by sharing it on Facebook or Twitter.Read more:

Everything Epidurals (Pregnancy Health Guru)

If you’re looking to reduce the pain of labor, delivery, and childbirth, an epidural may be your answer. You may also want to learn about painkillers, lamaze, or natural childbirth.

What Causes Epilepsy? (Epilepsy #5)

Sixty million Americans will develop epilepsy during their lifetimes. Let’s look at why.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru: