Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Live Stream

the value you can’t be born again without a change of value you can’t follow Jesus the captain of our Salvation without adopting his sense of values you can’t have the spirit of God without having the mind of Christ which means you’re going to have his value judgment the Bible uses such words in the place of the word value but anybody that understands anything about philosophy and understand.As found on YouTubeCreate Animated Whiteboard & Motion Video Promos Ads & Sales Letters In Minutes! 37.⁰⁰

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Coronavirus | Dealing with anxiety & mental health during a pandemic

Coronavirus can stir up all sorts of feelings, like fear, anxiety or stress. A little stress can be helpful. It can be the motivator that keeps us self-isolating or washing our hands. But constant or high levels of stress can negatively affect our mental and physical health.Taking care of the mind is always important, but doing so in the midst of a pandemic can be tricky. So watch this video for some tips and techniques to help get you through your day.For more information about coronavirus, updated by doctors daily, visit our guide: