Tag: animal
What are Pet Allergies? (Conditions A-Z)

Brooklyn Bridge – Blessed Is The Rain – [STEREO] “MusicMike’s “Flashback Favorites”
TRUTH OR DARE! With WadeThePanda!
Getting A New Kid
Animal Man

Read more: https://imgflip.com/gif/8x4ur
He Surprised His Girlfriend With A Kitten, And Her Reaction Is Just The Greatest
Getting a new fur baby is a big responsibility. That’s why Elijah, the guy behind Just A Skinny Boy, told his girlfriend they should wait a bit.
But that was just a ruse. He really wanted to surprise her with her very own kitten, and when he found the perfect one, his plan was ready to go into action.
Watch how his girlfriend reacts when she sees Milo for the first time — it’s absolutely adorable!
Surprises are just the best, but ones with furry, fluffy ears and paws really top the chart.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/girlfriend-kitten/
21 Dick Moves Every Original “Animal Crossing” Player Made
Anything for more bells.
1. Created an account with a strange name.
Other definitely valid player names: “Kanye W.” and “Oprah W.”
2. Shook trees for bells, even though you could get stung by a bee.
3. Fast forwarded the clock to holidays, also for more bells.
4. Did literally anything you could to piss off Tom Nook.
6. Wrote inappropriate notes to other animals.
8. Put up with shit like this just so you could ask animals for gifts or jobs.
Well, you’re an asshole. Give me things.
9. Walked into the museum when you didn’t need anything, just because you wanted to wake this guy up.
10. Screamed, “NO!” whenever Rover asked to sit by you.
I hate you, Rover.
11. Hoarded too many things from Lost and Found.
“Uhhh, yes. This is all mine.”
12. And then ran away from Booker inside, just because he’d run after you.
~Fuck the police~
13. Antagonized other animals just so they’d react weirdly to you.
14. And tried to push other animals when they stood close to the water.
Stop. Smiling. And. Dancing.
15. Hunted down K.K. Slider when he graced your town with his presence.
A guitar player with great eyebrows? Sign me up.
17. Slammed your shovel against everything because you felt like it.
18. Went to other towns JUST so you could bring things back to sell.
19. Stared at animals while they slept.
Just practicing for real life.
20. Sat in strangers’ homes as if you weren’t being weird at all.
*Turns head slowly* I’ve been waiting for you, Marcy the Kangaroo.
21. And caught other living creatures to SELL THEM AT THE LOCAL STORE.
Anything for more bells.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/annakopsky/dick-moves-every-original-animal-crossing-player-made