Study with me 24h before my FINAL EXAM (med school vlog)
Hello Kermamedic friends here, and welcome to a new potion… Finally, here it is! In a previous video of my Oski exam in the Faculty of Medicine, I announced a major event in the future. Today is tomorrow!! Let me show you something. That’s what the last two weeks have been about. And tomorrow is Oski’s day. This is Oski’s final week in medical school. The biggest, hardest, most notorious, anxiety-inducing test. … Is tomorrow…And I want to tell you that I have lost the will to live as well as the desire to study for this exam. I am okay You’re done, boy. You’re done. So well, honestly, those last two days have been a solid, rigorous study and I got through it and that’s why I don’t plan on doing that much studying today at all. I have a list of a few things that I still need to reconfirm and after I’m done I have to go through this list I just want to go over the 4 main exams, abdominal scan, cardiovascular, respiratory, cranial nerves, and motor exams of the upper and lower extremities because they are very likely to Come on the exam so I’m going to do it one last time to be in the best shape I can and well and that’s pretty much it after that I’m going to the gym for gym and then I’m going to play video games with my sister and I’m going to rest and relax because I’m over it and I’m almost done I want to…. ah ah Scream, this is what we’re going to do. We’re not going to think, we’re just going to stop thinking I’m going to study another day and I’m going to start studying today and I’ve got some delicious strawberries and I’m about to get some coffee, and let’s do this. Well, let’s do this, put the phone on silent. And we throw him on the bed again, like the last time I was preparing for OSCEs in the fourth year, and if you haven’t seen his fluke I advise you to see it I like it very much and I will put it for you here and I use this book and it is my main and it is completely falling off let me show you as you can see All the pages are falling off and I’ve used and benefited from this book very well so the first thing on my list and I’m going to learn about it are decisions and directions that you can make in advance about your treatment in case of future aphasia and not being able to make those kinds of decisions on your own so I’m going to read this and then Moving on… { …………. ……………… } Today is Mother’s Day in the Arab world so we sent my mom some The flowers and the card she had just received… and I’d run back to her..and say, “Have a nice day.” Anyway, we’re back at work. So I spent about an hour studying. It’s all over for that first little sticky note here. I’m just going to get rid of it and throw it away and now I have this second sticky note with things on it that I didn’t know would make it into the exam until my good friend Georgina told me about it yesterday. This is what we will study now. One of those things is a C spine imaging or C spine X-ray. I’m going to see a random YouTube video about that if you’re wondering what this thing is right here on the side screen on the iPad here. This is a video game that I’ve been running in the background doing something very weird, not necessarily fundamental so I can stay sane here and make my time at this desk more enjoyable. It’s kind of like an incentive for me to sit here and study and every 10 minutes or so I click here a little bit, play a little bit of this game and that’s what’s kept me up for the last day. It is what it is. Anyway, without further ado let’s watch this video and take some notes Honestly, I can’t stress this enough. If there’s something you don’t understand or something you’re learning for the first time, I find watching YouTube videos to be the best way to do it. These are the people who have already learned the thing you are trying to learn and are now trying to explain it in an easy-to-understand way with all kinds of beautiful pictures, maps, locations..etc. This is often much easier than your 50-minute lecture I’m sure many 50-minute lectures cover cervical spine X-rays but you know a lot of detail is going to come out and a lot of research and history coming to where we are now I want to know how to interpret C spine X-ray and spine X-ray. So this is what I need… Well, I’m going to present this as if today is the exam I’m looking at the spine C and the x-ray of patient John Smith a large man of fifty-five years old who was coming to the hospital OK the patient history record and communication is two parts of the Oski exam. We also have things like exams, procedural skills, and assessment stations. So it all involves doing hands-on things with our hands talking to patients and examining them with things like a stethoscope and a tendon hammer also and please avoid everything you see here the exam is tomorrow I don’t want to clean my room right now.. if you recall, inside some of my previous vlogs was We have Sonic the Hedgehog, this big damn game that I can check out and it was actually really useful but I just threw it in the trash. So that’s why it’s gone but instead, what we have is Mr. Chair, oops let me get a patch I found ok Mr. Chair so Mr. The chair is 24 years old and he presented to the emergency department with severe shortness of breath. So I’ll check it out and mark the screen and hope I don’t miss anything. Practice exam skills. What’s funny about this, my friends is that: when we first started preparing for the OSCII exam in year 2, in fact, you probably already knew this if you were watching my videos at the time, I used to complain a lot about the six-minute timer we have to complete these exams is too short and how can we do All we need to do in the six minutes they give us and now when we practice for these exams as final year medical students we only pass it in one minute and sometimes even a minute and a half depending on the exam it’s terrible when you think back on it but I think it’s a testament to show That practice makes perfect. Keep working on something..you’ll get better at it, etc..so let’s get started, and study for the exam Hello good morning, my name is Nasir and I’m a final year medical student in the emergency department I’m going to confirm your name and age please my name is Mr. Chair, I’m 24 years old Hello Mr. Chair, nice to meet you today. I’m going to check your lungs. This would include looking, listening, and examining your hands, your face, and your chest. Is that OK? Yes, sure, well, thank you very much, just to explain a few things to the examiner with me first, if that’s possible. Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much. So, we have a minute and a half left on the timer. Assuming I haven’t missed anything major which is always possible. Let’s go to the marking chart and have a look at, the introduction – patient details, cones, screening of cervical lymph nodes aahhh check the lymph nodes in the back of the patient and feel for the supraclavicular nodes here…… Then we go to the submandibular salivary gland in front of the ear note; Don’t forget to check the lymph gland ooh oh yeah Fremitus Vocal 99 99 99 When you are listening to the patient’s chest in all the different areas you are supposed to listen to him again and ask him to say 99 99 99 99 99 This is a test called Acoustic Fremitus. And if you have coherence or a lump in the chest, then the sound will travel better, so you’ll hear 99% louder over the areas where there is reinforcement versus those where there isn’t, so this test!! Well, I remembered almost everything pretty much I didn’t do a fremitos audio 99 99 and check the lymph nodes and in my humble opinion this would be easy with the station and then of course you have to summarize your findings and you have to report this to the specialists etc. And if you forget these two things. It’s okay, it’s not the end of the world. Well my friends, what’s the deal? With every check I do, it is expected that I will forget some things that are OK. But I have to reduce the number of things I forget. And that’s why we do the exercise. This puts in the big picture. Missing a few things on an exam is expected. It won’t be the end of the world. It certainly won’t let you down. But I want to forget as few things as possible. Hours later, we’re about to get to 1 pm. I have just written down in my diary all kinds of major steps and special tests that are done in all the musculoskeletal, shoulder, ankle, hands, and then also peripheral arterial and vein disease examinations and I feel ready. I feel good. Honestly, I don’t think I would do anything else.
Study wise for the rest of the day I’m going to ask Kenji and Georgina if either of them is rehearsing history to rehearse for a day earlier and later, but other than that I think I’m done with a very nice sunny day today so I’d like to enjoy that at least a little bit. I want to go to the gym, and maybe also play some video games with my sister in the evening. Just relax, take a break, and calm down before the est date. So I’ll get some food, get some lunch, and yeah, we’ll get on with the day. I try to relax and take a break, and tomorrow is tomorrow… When testing, we have to look our best and that means clean shaven and then some formal wear with a shirt. Then confirmation. I have to get all that fluff out and trim those lines a little bit. Let’s do it I don’t know why I would, if I would wear a mask all the time. It won’t make much difference but if you look good, you feel good and it generally gives you confidence. Therefore, I think it is worth it. I am surprised that this camera has not fallen so far, as it is a bit of a miracle. Well, we’re all done. Let’s get some food. Good. We’ll make ourselves lunch. And we’re going to watch the new episodes of Top Boy it’s awesome and as you all know, this is my favorite eating stand that just brings things together and makes everything so much more convenient. It makes me look like a grandfather..That’s the way it is. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. By the way, bye to the moderators, not to spoil the show. Hello my friend how are you? Good, and you? I feel like your laptop will fall off the table, not that it is fixed with a stand on the back. Hello, Massad Al-Khair, my name is Nasir Kharma and I am a doctor here. Can you say your name and age, please? My name is Paul and…………!! Well, on my way to the gym, look at the beautiful weather we had here last week. Alas, I have been confined at home studying and preparing for the exam but I kind of went to take advantage of this once the exams are over anyway let’s start with the exercise step the stress of sweating just to rest and rest my head and I’ll see you in peace oh well this is well first day one of my friends, I’m just waiting outside the site which is a very nice place I got myself a quick coffee and my general plan is to get in at the last possible second. To listen to my music as often as I can. That’s what I’m going to do for five minutes and then I’m going to the hall for the exam and I have to take the electronics so I can get in afterward And I’ll see you after that Peace….Oh my God Oh my God Well day one is done I’m not going to lie It was a lot more complex than I thought It wasn’t as straightforward as previous OSCE systems. I believe they deliberately tried to deceive us when going to the Respiratory Check Station, which later turned out to be the ATP Station. Well, then there were other stations where the wording was completely unclear. A lot of students complained about misunderstandings, what they wanted us to check, or what they wanted us to do, and they came and took feedback from all of us on how to change the wording moving forward. So you could have done a better job. But that’s okay, I wasn’t feeling great about two of the six stations we had today. Then there are six more stops tomorrow. But once I get the written feedback from the examiners, I guess it kind of puts me at ease. The comments there were much better than I thought I did I’ll be fine. Anyway, that’s it. The first exam is over and another one is tomorrow. We have to start at 8 am and we have to stay until 11 am and then we do the exam and we are quarantined again until 1 pm until other students are counted in other universities around London and so we stay in quarantine and so that the information is not shared outside I think that’s good I think it good. I think it’s good. This is the end of my walk after the exam… I’m going home, I’m going to do some prescribing practice for today only, it’s possible to take one exam like this and nothing more than that I’m going to sit with Nour, it was very fun yesterday Anyway, see you my friends, peace… … Hey my group (my friends) I’m home on the couch, just chill out and relax a bit. I m going to call Kenji and Georgina just to debrief about the stations we had today and the exam, talk about it a bit and get it off the chest and then maybe do a little practice description. I think I’ll finish it there I’ll pick up the camera again When I start calling it aits me that this is almost over as if medical school and university are finally almost over. Mad madness, well see you in a little while..well, to PDF H 32 or 32, Article 32 or Page 32? Article 32….! Well, let’s say guys, last said before, more studying today won’t make any difference for today. And I think more study won’t make any difference at all for tomorrow. So we’ll end it here. It’s five in the evening, I’m going to rest and pack my bags. I’m ready to fly on Thursday early in the morning. So I can go out and celebrate tomorrow evening with everyone and I won’t have to pack for travel, and yeah, that’s what we’re doing for the day..almost done. See you guys in a little while, Hello, Alright, so I’m going snowboarding tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow with about 10 of my friends from high school to celebrate finishing medical school, hopefully finishing medical undergraduate and all is well Alright tomorrow (let’s grab the wood) But let’s get started Time is running… Well, I’m packing up. It’s pretty much there. I just need to put some last things in tomorrow. Now it’s time to sit down with Noor… and play an episode of Eldon for a few hours. To relax and enjoy the night and that’s it. I’ll see you, my friends, tomorrow morning. Good morning and welcome to the day of the second OSC exam… I will be in a different location today, I am on the train and they separate us in different locations as Kings College London students so that we can see different examiners with different groups and things like that. It’s very popular this video of me releasing it tomorrow I put it on Instagram now I’m simply trying to relax as much as I can for a bit, before the exam I come early and I have some time, … Hello … oh still filming … we are back on the youth campus. I guess today didn’t work as well as yesterday. I think there were a couple of stations that I found challenging and I don’t think I got the intended diagnosis in the end. But I hope my communication skills and everything else in history taken away will make up for it. But anyway, I wouldn’t think about it. I just had a meal with Aaron and Georgina I’m going to put the picture here..now I’m going to go to a coffee shop there and meet some friends to rest and breathe it’s been almost a week since I last logged in I forgot to close the blog and I just realized I hadn’t done it yet during this time I went skiing In Austria I came back..and surgery started this morning, I get up at 5 am everything was so crowded, but that will be another day for Flock. I just want to thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I hope you enjoyed it. And if you enjoyed. it…. please don’t forget to like it and subscribe to my channel for more content to come in the future. And I’ll catch you on the next one, …..Peace…….. I’m done…. peace…… Hello friends Next peace, What’s up guys
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