Social Anxiety in Children and Teens

Dr. Richard Heimberg from Temple University talks about social anxiety in children and teenagers. This video is provided in association with ADAA.

Cyfarfod Llawn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 27.06.18

Y Cyfarfod Llawn yw cyfarfod o’r Cynulliad cyfan, a gynhelir yn Siambr drafod y Senedd. Y Llywydd sy’n cadeirio’r Cyfarfod Llawn a dyma’r prif fforwm i Aelodau’r Cynulliad gyflawni eu rôl fel cynrychiolwyr sydd wedi’u hethol yn ddemocrataidd. Cynhelir y Cyfarfod Llawn ddwywaith yr wythnos ar ddydd Mawrth a dydd Mercher ac mae’n agored i’r cyhoedd neu ar gael i wylio yn fyw, neu ar alw yma ar YouTube neu ar wefan Senedd TV.

Anxiety Attacks: #1 tip to stop anxiety attacks forever

Hi, my name is Tom Nuyens. And in this video I want to share with you how to prevent, deal with, overcome or recover from anxiety attacks completely and for once and for all.

Community Oversight Advisory Board Meeting March 10th, 2016

Anxiety Recovery – Common Traits that are STOPPING You from Overcoming Panic and Anxiety!

When it comes to anxiety and panic disorder recovery there are plenty of things that can hold you back to fully overcome any anxiety issues. There are however very specific and common traits that many of us share and most probably are unaware of. We often feel that in order to fully get over any anxiety issues we must first address the stress symptoms. We believe that once we managed the anxiety symptoms like the rapid heartbeat, numbness, tingling or dizziness… that we then are automatically anxiety free. I believe that this is the wrong approach. Because it wasn’t a symptom that has started this whole sage but it was an overactive stress response that has jumpstarted this whole saga. You have reached an overwhelming point. This overwhelmed state is keeping you on high alert and fires up all kinds of symptoms. Simply treating the symptom will have no direct effect on your underlying stress levels. You will still be hyper-stimulated and have all kinds of anxiety symptoms. One sensation may vanish but the stress response will simply fire up another or up the intensity until you are back trapped in the vicious worry cycle. WE also tend to not trust doctors. We are unable to come to peace with a diagnosis or test result as we still feel the physical effects of our highly stressed bodies. Symptoms like blurry vision, muscle twitching, and muscle spasms are still there even though the doctor has just confirmed that we are completely fine. This leads to us digging deeper, constantly trying to find other reasons for why we feel the way we do. Its a never-ending cycle. To start recovering from anxiety you will learn to accept that anxiety is a possibility and stop forcing another diagnosis. This is the only way you can move on and concentrate on lowering stress and healthy lifestyle choices.Probably the most important factor that is holding us back from full recovery is how we deal with anxiety setbacks. Many of us have had days or even weeks feeling almost completely fine. IT was almost like we were anxiety-free and could live close to normal. Then out of nowhere, this rush of adrenaline starts pumping again and we end up in a panic. Our minds go crazy as we believe we felt anxiety symptoms without feeling anxious. We start to wonder what that just was. We weren’t anxious in the first place. So this time it could very well be something more serious! And back we are to square one.Keep these in mind and next time you catch yourself in these situations reset your focus on what you have learned. Recovery from anxiety is 100% possible!—————————————————————————————————————————————————Interested to chat in a more private setting? I have set up a Patreon page with what I believe to be great benefits. Just check it out and maybe it is something you might be interested in. you enjoy the video? Yes? A like would be awesome and if you want to see more videos just like this one – consider subscribing!ALSOPurchasing one of these products will not only help with anxiety management and recovery but will also help me out a little through the small fees I receive when you buy the item via these links.So, if you don’t have one of these already and are considering getting them anyway…. Thanks 😊Stress Ball:Simple Yoga mat:High quality BEATS wireless earphones:Foam roller for your tense muscles:Smart standing desk solution:Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Social Media Interview

Teri Nichols of Reveal Marketing ( is my niece by marriage. We both married into the same clan. She asked to interview me about my online vision (blog and social media). Thanks, Teri! She can be reached on Twitter and Instagram at @bizfunctional and on Facebook at @webmarketingtrainer.

Bipolar Disorder

Written in a highly-accessible question and answer format, this comprehensive and compassionate guide draws on the latest research, a broad range of expert opinion, numerous real-life voices and personal experiences from people with bipolar. With a list of useful resources, it is both the perfect first port of call and a reference bible you can refer to time and time again. From how to recognize the symptoms to how to explain to a child that their parent has been diagnosed, first cousins Amanda and Sarah – who have four close family members diagnosed with the condition – explore and explain absolutely everything that someone with bipolar disorder (and those who live with and love them) needs to know.

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“Isms,” Microaggressions, Ethics & Boundaries – Lois Smith Owens (2014)

Originally presented on March 7, 2014 for the 2014 Ethics and Boundaries Workshop held by the Field Education Program at the UW-Madison School of Social Work.This interactive workshop explores how culture influences our assumptions about the “other” and how we communicate. Participants will examine their perceptions, values, ethics and cultural awareness in order to increase their capacity to communicate effectively with individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.Participants will also examine cross-cultural practices and values, with emphasis on the commonalities and differences among individuals in the workplace. This process is intended to assist participants in developing strategies for reducing workplace tensions through the combination of awareness and understanding that “others are not different from them” but that they are “different from others.”Presenter Lois Smith Owens is a co-author of “Think About Prisons and the Justice System” and contributing author of “Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Practice.” She is a diversity trainer and primary consultant for the National Black Police Association.

Anxiety Attack Relief: How To Stop An Anxiety Attack

Suffer from anxiety or panic? Get free anxiety relief solutions here: attack relief can be hard to come by but and often an attack can make it feel as though it’s the end of the world or that a person is about to die but thankfully with the right approach to dealing with anxiety attacks sufferers have a chance to minimize or even completely stop an anxiety attack.In this video you’ll learn how to stop an anxiety attack by using some simple but often very effective techniques for beating and overcoming an attack.Some of these anxiety attack relief techniques include:Calming Techniques: Relaxation and calming techniques including deep breathing, controlled breathing and meditation are all common calming techniques and can be used when a person is feeling anxious or after an attack has begun.Meditation And Exercise: Daily meditation and exercise is another great way to stop anxiety attacks naturally as they help the mind and body to relax which reduces stress and anxiety that may otherwise trigger an anxiety attack.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (also known as CBT) are learned and practiced during therapy sessions with a qualified therapist and help to replace unrealistic and negative thoughts with positive ones. CBT can be used long term and without any negative side effects.Prescription Medication: Sometimes prescription medications and required in addition to therapy to help with controlling anxiety attacks. These medications are either taken daily or before the triggers of anxiety attack. These can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist or psychologist however as they also can have some negative side effects if the individual has other pre-existing medical conditions.Stepping Away From Stress: Sometimes the best way to beat an anxiety attack is to simply step away from the situation or environment that is causing you stress until you are feeling better.

Advising Brown Bag – Dr. Gayda-Chelder – Concussions

Unique Issues in Advising the Student with Post-Concussive Syndrome” – Spring 2017