ADHD and Anxiety Tips: How To Stop a Panic Attack Right Now

 I will show you how you can reverse a panic attack uh you know and pack answers right here racing and you’re having all the other symptoms that you have with an attack and you want to alleviate the symptoms so what we’re first going to do is we’re going to talk about what in a nutshell happens during a panic attack and at that point will switch gears once we finish talking about that and discuss how you can use that knowledge to your advantage so let’s just talk about what’s going on during a panic attack so that you know how to use that knowledge and I will show you how to use that knowledge to your advantage during a panic attack which is known as the fight or flight response is activated um even though the individual is not in any real danger um this response then activates the body’s uh mental and physical survival responses which release chemicals such as the kremlin or quarters all except for I couldn’t list period wasn’t that but uh important thing to note is that there is a physiological reactions that happen when people dilate restoration increases thoughtful blood flow to the brain is reduced so the number of changes happening of course that’s going to have an impact on your thoughts because your physiology certainly impacts your thoughts so um the fight or flight response is activated and obviously uh you having physiological symptoms and uh your thoughts are becoming impacted by the sent so what happens is and you will and reason and uh initially tryin”’ uh reassure yourself really that nothing is going well but unfortunately having these physiological symptoms which of course exacerbate thoughts and you say well maybe something is and then you start going down that road and um the whole process gets worse and worse and so on as you can see it’s just sort of uh circle at the end of the time when you’re not having a panic attack and you’re not anxious uh it’s easy to see it as a cycle but when you’re in the middle of an anxiety or panic attack it’s it’s much harder To Ra actually have this knowledge infection anyway so if you’re in the middle of a panic attack knowing that it’s a vicious cycle can be isn’t necessarily that helpful uh buddy it can be helpful once we got the next step which is to look at to look at a reverse uh panic attack that’s what we’re gonna switch gears and and discuss at this point so what we’re going to discuss specifically is uh we’re going to look at the actions park that occur uh when we’re in the middle of the pack keep in mind there is a physiological process happening so we obviously um you know I heard is probably racing Mayfield dizzy we uh may feel like we’re not even in reality because it’s uh various chemicals going in the body blood flow is reduced you’re not in a rational mind because if you think about fighter planes I mean it’s a survival instinct of survival reaction and the most important thing when you’re in the middle of a survival situation is too strict so you can run away from the situation or fight we have is useful in the right set of circumstances for example if your hosts were on fire uh it would be important to get notes as quickly as possible uh but in the middle of a rational situation you know it’s not you still haven’t seen her flexible so that what’s happened with someone who has a panic attack they’re having this fight or flight response happen you know when you really know upfront so we’re going to discuss now is again getting back to refer to addressing their but we’re going to discuss how you can use this information to you here then it’s okay what we need to do is we need to look at what happens when wearing a backpack so it’s going to take some well prior part you need to uh take some notes and documents and notes uh rate down what it is that you’re doing it and I’ll tell you what I’m talking about many people their having panic attacks will begin to talk faster some will talk very loudly somewhat case back and forth in the room, some will sit there and use gestures with their hands such as holding a right hand you know our waving their hands here so if you continually side of anxiety and other for some people it’s a very uh very good indicated that contains i_d_’s increasing in perhaps panicked if it’s a personal aspect some people will cry but the important thing is that we all have things we do as individuals when we’re having a packet and these actions actually are exacerbating but not only are the exacerbating attacks there also feeding etc So if you go in change these actions upenn reverse a panic attack the question becomes we document what was we need to think about strategy okay what I wanted to do that’s the opposite this is uh this goes back to your behavioral perspective of psychology that’s how you know you your behavior well obviously a factor in your physiology and your uh your emotions and that’s the premise here is that what you do effects ultimately how you think emotions perot systems you have a a list of your tendencies when you’re in the middle of the backpack uh you have this information document so if you’re feeling anxious again you begin to feel penick dot clean up what you need to do at that point he is instead of pacing back and forth uh sit still minister Tennessee this will cause you to feel like um will actually because you feel like you know it’s the opposite of what you want to do with the office of your instinct at that point because your enough fireplace situation you’re saying I don’t want to sit still wanna keep on the move and uh if u costly go in there to look at your people’s or you look at other people’s reactions to you seaway they’re reacting don’t do that so for instance put your attention on perhaps a TV program or what obviously if you’re in the middle of a panic or anxiety attention span is going to be very limited in what you nib that’s ok important thing is to go through the process of looking at the tv or the book so resisting your tendency to place back in force or to do whatever it is that you do detect you’re doing up so you have to think about okay what is the option of led let’s look at a couple of more concrete samples because I think it’s still theoretical at At this point let’s say that uh I’m when you have a panic attack you will talk very quickly so you know you’re talking great quickly to someone else so the first thing you need to do is slow down you would talk slower so you can you would force yourself to talk slower again your reflux here will be any to speed up but that is your anxiety once you slow down the physiological symptoms your body will begin to lessen decreasing your recent thoughts with us decrease because you’re taking a part of the cycle uh what I would also uh use as an example of someone who speaks very loudly perhaps with at perhaps at the picture of the glorious or the volume of course just simply increases so obviously you would need to speak very quietly if you’re in the middle of anxiety so talkers softly there are you know many different possibilities for people to have a panic attack you know tendencies that they have in particular about you need to let’s go through the steps again you need to uh attention to what it is you do when you have an anxiety attack you know you here had your hands are you talking quickly are you pacing back and forth Excedrin and then you need to come have that information um on hand next time you have any kind and you then need to do the option of that activity when a good idea after you documented when it is that you do you should probably go back and think of openings in the office till the course again if you’re pacing back and forth sitting still videos so that what you want to do you wanna you want to sit still extending the debt uh if he talked very loudly when toppers Oxley eccentric center so if u do this over time consistently you will have consistent results for more information on panic attack recovery recover from that were involved in and anxiety please visit my website at panic attack recovery dot com and sign up for my free-thinking Rosenzweig the material in this newsletter is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for a psychologist psychiatrist or other healthcare provider consultation please consult our psychologist psychiatrist or appropriate health care provider political chameleon any opinions or recommendations concerning your own panic attacks anxiety and anger for or any other symptom or condition As found on YouTubeꜱʟɪᴍᴄʀʏꜱᴛᴀʟ The World’s Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! 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