Zac Poonen – Can Christians Drink Wine? | New

#Zac #Poonen – Can #Christians #Drink #Wine? | New
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalem About Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs. Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. Posted With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Staging An Intervention (College Health Guru)

If you or someone you care about is suffering from a drinking disorder, alcohol rehab–from Alcoholics Anonymous to Rational Recovery–can help with alcoholism. More Videos:

Some Elephants Got Drunk On Fermented Marula Fruit… Whilst Result Is Certainly Hysterical.

They say elephants keep in mind… but we a feeling this group of elephants could have some difficulty remembering unique after that morning. In Kruger nationwide Park in Southern Africa, some herd of elephants was in fact found stumbling around. No one fed these ingesting, these elephants got on their own intoxicated. They found and consumed a lot of fermented marula fruit. Fermentation is an ordinary, kcalorie burning that converts sugar to acids, fumes or liquor based drinks. Anytime that good fresh fruit especially fermented, it became tasty drinking that elephants gobbled up.

somewhere guide thought as Ross Couper discovered the intoxicated elephants.

Regular Mail

He saw your choice of young ones was let me tell you acting strangely and investigated…

Regular Mail

Consequently determines we had been keeping simply having a crazy night.

Regular Mail

After eating the fermented fruit, the younger elephants had been inebriated.

Program Mail

Although, possibly these were especially tipsy from consuming the beetle pupae that live-in the bark of marula woodlands.

Routine Mail

It doesn’t matter how it simply happened…

Regular Mail

These elephants take place lost.

Constant Mail

Whenever a person calls his or her moms, they are going to hold these kinds of difficulty.

Regular Mail

(H/T Daily Mail) Hmm, this scene in reality appears especially familiar…

Walt Disney Productions

Really they don’t really actually genuinely have an elephant of a hangover. Even though the creatures had been intoxicated, it proved from an ordinary cause and were put to after a long nights rest (and maybe some Advil every morning). We should recognize though, their particular drunken function ended up being extremely hilarious… so share it along with other people!

Find out more:

28 Genius Ways To Drink More Whiskey

Small changes, big results.

1. Pour yourself a shot of whiskey before you go to sleep, so that it’s waiting for you when you wake up.

So that it’s waiting for you TO wake you up.

2. Make it a part of your dental hygiene routine.

Ke$ha gets it.

3. Primping can be stressful, so keep the whiskey nearby.

Although, ew, is that vodka? Available here.

4. Consider bourbon-soaking your coffee beans before you grind them.

In addition to the whiskey you’ll add to the brewed stuff, duh.

5. Don’t forget to spike the brewed coffee, too.

6. Don’t like coffee? Whiskey pairs well with breakfast.

7. Balance things out with some fruit.

Recipe: Bourbon Baked Apples

8. Girls, don’t leave the house without your feminine products.

Whiskey sold separately.

9. Read on the train.

Available here.

10. Upon arriving at work, make a stop at the water cooler.

11. Bad day? Send yourself a nice bouquet.

12. Go out for lunch.

13. Wash said lunch down with some iced tea.

Recipe Bourbon Sweet Tea

14. Now that it’s the afternoon, switch from coffee to soda.

15. If it’s cold outside, get over your 3 o’clock slump by going for a walk in the snow.

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16. If it’s warm outside, go for a quick hike.

Provided you are near a picturesque lake/mountain/canyon/etc.

17. Tempted to take a snow/hike selfie? Take a shot instead.

Camera flask available here.

18. When you get back to your desk, assess your mood.

19. If you’re feeling a little off, make some tea.

20. Always have healthy snacks at your desk for emergencies.

21. At happy hour, treat yourself to a real cocktail.

Jonathaon Kambouris /

Recipe: Manhattan

You’ve earned it.

Recipe: Sazerac

22. If it’s date night, do what’s most practical.

23. If you’re going to the gym, that’s cool too. Fireball is a great post-workout recovery drink.

24. On nights when you have to bring work home with you, power through it.

25. If you’re feeling lonely, invite some friends over.

Big-Batch Double Cider-Bourbon Punch

26. Hot chocolate is a great way to unwind.

28. And if all else fails, remember that it’s never too late for a nightcap.

Jonathon Kambouris /

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