Trump identifies a certain Dem senator as a ‘dream come true’ to run against in 2020

President Donald Trump says Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be a “dream come true” presidential opponent in 2020. He made this remark while a guest on Fox’s “Watters World.” The president went on to say that he thinks Warren hurt Hillary Clinton during last year’s campaign and that she would lose “so badly” if running against him. Here is video of the exchange with Jesse Watters.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger trolls Trump’s approval rating and challenges @POTUS to visit Hart Middle School in DC

“Look at me!” said the elderly action-movie star desperate for attention, this time going after President Trump’s latest approval rating along with a challenge to visit Hart Middle School in Washington, D.C. to see how proposed budget cuts affect after-school programs:

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‘You’re worse than HITLER!’ The Simpsons EXPERTLY trolls liberal universities and SJWs (video)

The Simpsonshas been cracking us up by mocking real life for nearly 30 years (yeah, we are SO OLD people) so it’s no surprise they found a way to make fun of Social Justice Warriors and liberal Universities.

Although let’s be honest, most of these folks do a fine job of making a mockery of themselves already:

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Chris Matthews has ‘kiss up session’ with Donald Trump

Chris Matthews’ long-term presidential prediction of Rand Paul might have been a little off, but the MSNBC host spent some time today interviewing Donald Trump, and Mickey Kaus reports thatMatthews and Trump were in perfect sync. If Trumpcan sell his ideas to Matthews, previously seen marching next to a giantHillary Clinton banner, what sort of crossover potential does he have with Democrat voters?

Matthews might have had his boisterous face on, but viewers were surprised by the softball nature of the questions.

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SWEET Schadenfreude! HuffPost headline blames Mormons for not saving them from Trump

When you’re on Twitter, you see a lot of stupid stuff. It’s probably one of the reasons crazy people like this editor keep going back for more because if nothing else, it’s always entertaining.

Like this headline from HuffPost …

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#LondonAttack: First photo of suspected terrorist; NYPD brings in ‘heavy weapons’ to guard potential targets

The first photo of the suspected terrorist in today’s terror attack in London has emerged:

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SHAME: Rosie O’Donnell attacks Barron Trump for being frightened that his father may have been killed

Remember way back when, Rosie was attacking Barron Trump and accusing him of having Autism? The attacks wereso bad that eventually Melania started talking aboutsuing her, so she finally stopped and apologized? Rosie proved she was willing to use and attack a child to go after Donald Trump, so it should be no surprise that she’s at it again with the Kathy Griffin ‘art’ incident:

As Twitchy reported earlier, Barron Trump was watching TV and upon seeing his father’s severed head, thought it was really his dad. People with hearts and souls immediately felt horrible for Trump’s youngest, but not Rosie and the Left:

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WHOOPS: Daily Kos tries trashing Trump for exhaustion, trips over Hillary collapsing at 9/11 event

President Trump has been in a whirlwind of activity since taking office, so it’s no surprise that traveling around the globe is wearing on him. Of course the media likes to pretend it’s because he’s incapable of his office but even a person half his age would likely need a rest.But go on, tell us more about his exhaustion. 96351Read more:

Ari Fleischer explains how Senate GOP is lying about its Obamacare repeal plan

As we told you earlier, the Senate health-care bill died last night after Senators Lee and Moran signaled their opposition to the legislation moving forward for a vote. According to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump, the next step is for the Senate to vote on a repeal of Obamacare with the idea that a new bill will be created after the fact:

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Latest Resistance craze: Heckling animatronic Trump during Disney’s Hall of Presidents show

It appears The Resistance might be reaching the “next level”:

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