“Look at me!” said the elderly action-movie star desperate for attention, this time going after President Trump’s latest approval rating along with a challenge to visit Hart Middle School in Washington, D.C. to see how proposed budget cuts affect after-school programs:
Hey, @realDonaldTrump, I have some advice. See you at Hart Middle School? Here's more info about #afterschool: https://t.co/NOgdhBHyyp pic.twitter.com/NQI2OdVqtF— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) March 21, 2017
Stick to movies, Arnold:
Go blow something up, Arnie. https://t.co/phMqEs9ILz— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) March 21, 2017
Schwarzenegger is referring to the latest approval poll for Gallup:
A 17-point swing in latest Gallup poll for Pres Trump's job approval rating, now down to 37% pic.twitter.com/LPdSnerlg1— Jesse Rodriguez (@JesseRodriguez) March 20, 2017
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