This Diver Getting Sucked Into A Powerful Underwater Wave Will Give You Anxiety

The worst thing that you can do as a diver is underestimate the power of the ocean. While the waters can be calm a lot of the time, all of that can change in an instant and that’s usually where you run into trouble. That’s just the situation John Hoover found himself in while exploring the waters near the North Shore of Maui, Hawaii.

Hoover is an author and underwater photographer, and for several hours, his team documented the sights and wildlife that call these waters home.

Completely majestic.

However, as the dive wore on, the waves crashing into the rocks above got stronger and stronger.

Like any curious mind, Hoover decided he needed a closer look at the waves.

Unfortunately, John got a little too close and ended up being swept away by the current. That looks terrifying.

(via Chris Quarre’)

Luckily, Hoover survived his brush with the power of the ocean. Still though, in the moment that must have been insanely terrifying.

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This 20 Year Old Girl Suffers From Extreme Anxiety. That’s Why This Left Me Totally Speechless.

Anna Clendening was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and she regularly suffers from panic attacks. She’s only 20 years old, but her musical talent is brilliant. She fought through her personal problems and left judges absolutely stunned on this past season of America’s Got Talent. If you didn’t see this rendition of Hallelujah, check it out.

Share this amazing performance with others below. Anna’s truly inspiring with her ability to overcome.

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The People In These Photos Seem Happy, But Their Smiles Hide The Painful Truth

It’s important that we all know the signs that a family member or loved one is going through a hard time, but the fact is that many people who are depressed or suicidal know how to hide their feelings well.

Whether it’s because they feel pressure to appear a certain way in public or they don’t want to burden others with their inner turmoil, the fact is that we don’t always know what depression looks like.

That’s why people on social media are raising awareness by sharing photos with the hashtag #facesofdepression. Just a warning: some of these stories are graphic and involve death. If they may upset you, please protect yourself by not reading.

1. “This was days before my husband took his own life. Suicidal thoughts were there, but you’d never know.”

2. “This photo was taken just 7 hours before I tried to take my own life for the 3rd time.”

3. “This is my son right before going to his computer to look up how to properly hang himself. Two days later, he followed through.”

4. “You can’t tell can you? You can’t tell by the look in my eyes or the sound of my voice even. You’re thinking ‘You’re smiling though!'”

5. “This is depression in our home. I fight every day. My husband tries his best but can’t break through. I don’t understand it. I don’t know why I can’t get rid of it.”

6. “My #faceofdepression, and yes it is possible to be depressed with a child. Hearing, ‘You don’t have a reason to be depressed with her around’ doesn’t do shit but make me feel worse about myself.”

7. “This is my boyfriend two weeks before hanging himself. Will never understand it.”

8. “Short, intense depressive episodes are real and horrible. Mothers with mental health problems, I see you. I’m here, standing with you, standing against all odds and raising the future one day at a time whilst battling with our minds. You’re not going unnoticed or unappreciated. You are incredible.”

9. “Currently at the doctor seeking help. Most have no idea what I’m going through and that I cry in the shower or in the car on my way home from work or can’t sleep at night because of panic attacks.”

10. “I get up, put on a full face of makeup, wear a fun dress, all while struggling with depression, anxiety and sometimes suicidal thoughts.”

11. “This is what depression looked like not long before we lost our beloved Luke. Depression is a SERIOUS illness. Don’t dismiss people who are hurting.”

12. “You guys! This is the face of depression and suicidal thoughts. Three years ago antidepressants saved my life and then a year and a half ago they almost claimed it because I just decided I was happy and quit taking them suddenly. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Normalize mental health issues. No more shame in my struggle.”

13. ” The face of depression. Sometimes it looks optimistic. Sometimes it doesn’t. And having a smart, beautiful child doesn’t mean those feelings don’t exist or that they’re not valid. She loves me on my good days and my bad days.”

14. “Depression looks different on everyone. On me, it’s dirty hair, bags under my eyes even though I slept all day, and makeup from yesterday because I was too exhausted to take it off before bed. Yesterday was great until one phrase set me off. It can’t be helped sometimes. Just remember. There is no one look for depression.”

15. “When people think about depression, they tend to have a very specific idea of how it manifests itself. I’m in the middle of a very real depressive episode and here I am at work with my plants and headphones.”

(via BoredPanda)

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Climate scientists now suffering ‘pre-traumatic stress disorder’!/Mugsy4Fly/status/527618419714457601

Obviously a made-up mental disorder is the logical result of anxiety over made up science. This is reminiscent of the anxiety disorder liberals were suffering when they couldn’t accept that Al Gore had lost the election. That may have been the point of no return for many on the left’s sanity. Now crazy is the standard for Al Gore and his prophets of doom.

In the Grist article Climate depression is for real. Just ask a scientist we learn about the terrible ordeal high profile Nobel winning climate change alarmists like Camille Parmesan must suffer.

“In the U.S., [climate change] isn’t well-supported by the funding system, and when I give public talks in the U.S., I have to devote the first half of the talk to [the topic] that climate change is really happening,” says Parmesan, now a professor at Plymouth University in England.

Parmesan certainly isn’t the first to experience some sort of climate-change blues. From depression to substance abuse to suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder, growing bodies of research in the relatively new field of psychology of global warming suggest that climate change will take a pretty heavy toll on the human psyche as storms become more destructive and droughts more prolonged. For your everyday environmentalist, the emotional stress suffered by a rapidly changing Earth can result in some pretty substantial anxieties.

The climate change religion has already established its notions of sin, penance, and indulgences. Now they’re canonizing martyrs and saints.


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Michael Moore blasts retailers that are open for business on Thanksgiving!/MMFlint/status/405934175607214080

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is calling for a Thanksgiving Day boycott on chain stores that are open for business today.

He’s not the only one who is unhappy:!/WhitneySandefur/status/406001249570414592!/STR8_KILLER/status/405990677928230912!/AuzzieBakes/status/405984491216175104!/Sabreenabee/status/405958373905948673!/_saraellen/status/405912710816497664!/jbiedrzycki45/status/405896580320223233!/kristinpuhl/status/405990220610285568!/Aaengelhart/status/405842789218271232

On the other hand, not everyone who has to work today is upset about it:!/tatumchambers/status/405904650316283904!/__Beeyouteeful/status/406000459191562240!/ktowngamblr/status/405999879219998721

A poignant reminder: “there are soldiers deployed around the world who will spend their Thanksgiving maneuvering around IEDs trying to avoid being shot. Pardon me if I don’t have a spare tear to shed for the Walmart cashier who has to settle for Thanksgiving leftovers.”

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Shooting, possible suicide reported inside Texas shopping mall!/jebetz/status/290947612843065344

News crews are just beginning to look into reports of a shooting at the Vista Ridge Mall in Lewisville, Texas, but tweets from people on the scene give an early picture of the panic that ensued. Some are reporting a suicide, while others say police were involved.

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Local news sources are reporting that a man who was being escorted away from the mall by security following a domestic dispute shot himself. No one else was injured.

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Here’s a photo taken at the scene.

Twitchy will monitor the situation and update as details are available.

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Update: CBS Dallas-Fort Worth is reporting that the man has died at the hospital. He reportedly had a fight with a store employee and shot himself with a gun concealed in his clothing as he was being led away by mall security.

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I Knew I Was Being Lied To But THIS Much? Wow, I’ll Never Trust Another Advertisement.

As you use the Internet, you probably come across countless weight loss ads. They range from unrealistic promises (“Lose 10 pounds in five days!”) to downright dangerous suggestions (“Drinking a glass of vinegar will tighten your tummy.”). The thing to remember when you see weight loss ads is this: results take hard work. Most of the “before and after” shots you see in gimmicky weight loss ads are total lies. There won’t be any easy way to lose weight… but tricky ads think they can convince you it’s possible.

“I was around 185 pounds and about 16 percent body fat…. I asked my girlfriend to take a before shot. I then shaved my head, face and chest…. I did a few push ups and chin ups, tweaked my bedroom lighting, sucked in, tightened my abs and BOOM! We got our after shot.”

Then, he repeated the experiment to see if he could fake “over time” results pictures. He could.

Source: Andrew Dixon via Twenty Two Words The man in the pictures, Andrew Dixon, is a personal trainer. He wanted to show people that “get thin quick” schemes are just that: schemes. Even if it’s disheartening to know that most fad diet programs are a total bust, it’s important to realize that with proper posture and hygiene, you can look about 10x better. Woah. Share these weight loss lies with others by clicking the button below.

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Each of These Items Look Perfectly Normal, But They’re All From a Dollhouse.

Some people have hobbies to take their minds away from work. They punch out at the factory and go play softball or collect stamps. And then some choose to make their hobby play with people’s minds. Upon first glance, you would probably not find anything amazing about these photos. After all, they look like ordinary every day items…until you realize the painstaking effort it took to create each one, and that they’re all tiny enough to fit in a dollhouse.

flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr flickr

The attention to detail in these miniature items are off the charts. I can’t fathom how a person could do this without a shrink ray. Check out more of Kim Saulter’s work here.

I’m going to go on record and say I’ve scoured the Internet for a long time and I was convinced that I couldn’t be amazed anymore. I felt like I’ve seen it all. I was amazed when I saw these miniature renderings of these every day items. In fact, I kept showing my co-workers and talking about it so much that they are annoyed with me now. Kudos, Kim Saulter. You got me.

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