Paris, France, is one of the most famous major cities in the world. It is full of history, beautiful architecture and culture. So many artists, writers and musicians have spent time in Paris over the years. The city on the Seine River has over 12 million inhabitants and tourists from all over the world flock to it… But most people don’t realize it used to be kind of a freak show. Paris has a je ne sais quoi about it, but that’s most likely because of its past. Paris in the 1800s had a wild nightlife, a popular red light district and was basically the place you went to party (among other things, of course).
(H/T Reddit) The City of Light was a lot weirder than you probably thought. After all, when you think of Paris, you should think of la fée verte, absinthe. The highly intoxicating drink was a favorite among artistic Parisians… and now you know, they could get a little wild. Share this unique historic perspective with others. I bet they didn’t know this, either.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/creepy-paris-nightlife/
When on the path to success, failure is inevitable. For every good, successful idea, there will be hundreds of bad ideas. It’s no surprise that, over the course of history, there were some inventors who just couldn’t get it right. These historical inventions were interesting, but it’s hardly a shock that they didn’t catch on or stick around. Some are useless and some are just downright freaky. You have to give their creators points for trying, though.
Source: Bizar Bin Some of these inventions look like they came straight out of someone’s night terrors (anything involving masks or hoods is just a bad idea). Would you use any of these inventions that almost made it? Share them with your friends.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/weird-inventions-from-history/
Hating the dentist is fairly common; the official term for the fear is odontophobia. For children and adults alike, the fear often stems from the anticipation of pain, needles, procedures and the unknown. You might not look twice if someone claimed to be afraid of going to the dentist. A little boy in France, however, took that fear to an entirely new level. The 12 year-old hated going so much, he though of an elaborate excuse to avoid an appointment: he faked his own kidnapping.
His dramatic story began in May after he was found by the police. The boy was hiding in Alpine village of St. Gervais on May 21. When he was questioned by police officers, he claimed that he just escaped his kidnappers in the nearby town of Bagnols. He described his kidnapper as a scar-faced villain who lured him to his car for directions … when he was on his way to a dentist appointment. He said the man pulled him into his car and took off. It was just by sheer luck, according to the boy, that he got away. The boy even described the car and what the perpetrator was wearing with great detail. This went on for an entire month, until the police had the boy come back in for more questioning after they reviewed security footage and couldn’t find the kidnapper. Then, the boy confessed to making the entire story up, just so he didn’t have to go to the dentist. (H/T NY Daily News) Kidnapping is a very serious crime and shouldn’t be joked about, but it’s hard not to be impressed by the young boy’s creativity and determination to not go to the dentist. Little boys: 1, Dentists: 0
Read more: http://viralnova.com/boy-avoids-dentist/
As you use the Internet, you probably come across countless weight loss ads. They range from unrealistic promises (“Lose 10 pounds in five days!”) to downright dangerous suggestions (“Drinking a glass of vinegar will tighten your tummy.”). The thing to remember when you see weight loss ads is this: results take hard work. Most of the “before and after” shots you see in gimmicky weight loss ads are total lies. There won’t be any easy way to lose weight… but tricky ads think they can convince you it’s possible.
Source: Andrew Dixon via Twenty Two Words The man in the pictures, Andrew Dixon, is a personal trainer. He wanted to show people that “get thin quick” schemes are just that: schemes. Even if it’s disheartening to know that most fad diet programs are a total bust, it’s important to realize that with proper posture and hygiene, you can look about 10x better. Woah. Share these weight loss lies with others by clicking the button below.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/lying-ad/
When people are faced with big choices and life changes, a lot of things can happen. But what shouldn’t happen? Attempting to light your girlfriend on fire by attaching a gas can to her back. A Chinese man kidnapped his pregnant 21 year-old girlfriend. He tied a gas can to her back. Then, he ignited it, hoping to murder her and the baby.
(H/T Daily Mail) It’s miraculous that the couple survived. It’s even more miraculous that the baby is unharmed. It seems that the relationship and the situation was too much for the man, resulting in his attack on his own girlfriend. He attacked her while she was asleep, put her in a car and drove around the town before police were able to spot him. She was pulled from the car by the police and the flames were extinguished. So many crazy things happen in the world. Share this story of survival with others. The baby inside the girlfriend’s belly is a living miracle.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/man-woman-in-hospital/
If you remember the classic 90s movie Homeward Bound (and you should), you’ll remember one of the animals had an encounter with a porcupine. The tense scene shows Chance getting attacked by a grumpy little porcupine, leaving quills in his face (and rendering me terrified of porcupines for the rest of my life). Well, when that happens in real life, it’s about 25x more terrifying and looks like a scene from a gruesome horror movie.
Thankfully, Bella will be okay. The Noles children were shaken by the attack, but they are recovering, too, now that they see their dog is back to normal. Source: News9 So learn your lesson: do not stick your face anywhere near a porcupine.
Think of an overpriced European apartment. Have it envisioned? Now, destroy whatever you’re thinking of with a sledgehammer. One of the most overpriced living spaces is one square meter in this frightening and seemingly-dilapidated apartment complex. It costs approximately 100,000 rubles (which is about $3,600) to occupy that space. It’s located in the middle of Vladivostok, Russia. You might not think that the world’s most over priced living space would be located in Russia. And you definitely wouldn’t expect it to look like this.
There are lots of factors that could contribute to this building and area being so expensive, but one thing is for certain: after seeing this, you’ll be happy to pay the rent that you do in the US. H/T: ILTWMT
Read more: http://viralnova.com/overpriced-living-in-russia/
Earlier this week, tourists spotted not just one, but three waterspouts forming simultaneously on the surface of the lake.
Back in 2014, onlookers saw nine simultaneous waterspouts spring up on a particularly stormy day. That’s pure nightmare fuel, folks.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/triple-waterspout/
Everyone almost certainly features several grievances about their home city. I know I Have To State I Truly Do. Most are little, lots of people are huge. Nearly all are outlying the majority is generally speaking metropolitan. … many have these types of crazy brands, you had believe a-two yr old created all of them. As we saw these 25 town organizations, I thought some body ended up being playing bull crap. But, oh no. They are genuine.
I am uncertain regarding the self, but I am considering witnessing Cheesequake. Life will have to be awesome in a city name like Cheesequake (because it had been known as after an ). Provide: Slightly Warped such these city organizations? Share all of them!
Discover more: http://viralnova.com/weird-city-names/