No Training Required, Just Pay Attention! | Sadhguru

Sadhguru relates the story of his first time driving four wheels – with no training! He explains that human beings are capable of doing many things believed to be impossible, just by paying a little attention.More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.isha.sadhguru.orgYogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Subscribe to our channel here: Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Yoga Tools For Transformation at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

What is the Real Meaning of Love – Juhi Chawla with Sadhguru

Juhi Chawla and Sadhguru look at the fundamental nature of love and how to bring it into our daily lives. Sadhguru explains that instead of trying to love a thousand people on Facebook, there is a possibility to become loving by our own nature. The interaction was a part of the “In Conversation with the Mystic”, an exclusive series of interactive episodes where eminent personalities from various walks of life explore a range of subjects with Sadhguru, who, amidst engaging stories and witty jokes, bridges the gap between the modern and the mystical, opening the door to deeper dimensions of life. From Shekhar Kapur – Oscar award winning director – joining Sadhguru in a dialogue about love, life, and longing, to KV Kamath – Chairman of ICICI – discussing corporate greed and ethics, to Virender Sehwag – the swashbuckling opener – looking to handle the pressures of international cricket, the series has been a riveting adventure. For more info:****************************************Transcript: Chawla: MHmm, yes (Applause). We have one question from the social media the facebook (Laughter). AmitAmity MadanMadam wants to know in this materialistic age the real feeling of love is disappearing from our life, most of the love we receive from others and express to others is superficial. How can we reinforce the real feeling of love in our own life and in others?Sadhguru: Forget about others. iIf you… if you learn to be loving by your own nature not because of somebody else or something else. I know the question is coming from Facebook face book there’s an enormous possibility (Laughter). You can even love those people who don’t even exist (Laughter). So, I’m saying it’s a tremendous possibility., soSo (Laughs) if you just become love, not love somebody then you will know the nature of love. If you love somebody it’s a fickle happening because no human being will happen a hundred percent the way you want them. Every human being on this planet is going to disappoint you believe me not because they’ll do something wrong because nobody can fulfill the unr… unrealic… unrealistic expectation you have of them. It’s simply not possible., haveHave you been able to fulfill anybody’s expectation I’m asking you entirely?Partially but never entirely, isn’t it? So nobody else will be able to do it unless you’re a still such a hopeless romantic you’re still waiting that ideal person is going to come from somewhere – No! Believe me whoever comes, I want you to know the ideal people whom you worship when Krishna was there his wives complained (Laughter) all right?Read Full Transcript:****************************************More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.isha.sadhguru.orgYogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Subscribe to our channel here: Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Yoga Tools For Transformation at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

Troubled by Fear? Just Change Your Channel! – Sadhguru

Sadhguru looks at the nature of fear and answers a question on how to overcome fear. He explains how fear arises because of excessive imagination. Instead of producing “horror movies” in our mind, produce a comedy, a love story or a suspense thriller, he says.Full Transcript:Questioner: Many times in my daily life fear stops me from doing small things and bigger things – fear from failure, fear from… maybe from rejection sometimes. How to overcome this fear?Sadhguru: You cannot overcome something which does not exist. Right now, are you in fear? Right now, that I may say something damaging? Is that the fear? (Laughs) Every moment of your life, you are in fear? No. So, when you are not in fear, just stay like that because to create fear, you have to use excessive imagination. To not be in fear, you don’t have to do anything. Fear is happening because of excessive imagination – things that have not happened, you are creating. What may happen in your mind happens in thousand different formats and most probably it never happens. The things that you have feared… Take hundred things that you have feared. Probably ninety nine of them never happened, isn’t it? Yes? So, your hear… your fear is always about that which does not exist. You cannot fight or you cannot overcome that which does not exist. We can overcome something which… that exists. You cannot overcome that which does not exist. We just have to give up that effort. Enjoy the fear. After all, it’s your making. You like horror movies?Read more at: Sadhguru’s free guided meditation, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.sadhguru.orgFree Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

What is the Real Meaning of Love – Juhi Chawla with Sadhguru

Juhi Chawla and Sadhguru look at the fundamental nature of love and how to bring it into our daily lives. Sadhguru explains that instead of trying to love a thousand people on Facebook, there is a possibility to become loving by our own nature. The interaction was a part of the “In Conversation with the Mystic”, an exclusive series of interactive episodes where eminent personalities from various walks of life explore a range of subjects with Sadhguru, who, amidst engaging stories and witty jokes, bridges the gap between the modern and the mystical, opening the door to deeper dimensions of life. From Shekhar Kapur – Oscar award winning director – joining Sadhguru in a dialogue about love, life, and longing, to KV Kamath – Chairman of ICICI – discussing corporate greed and ethics, to Virender Sehwag – the swashbuckling opener – looking to handle the pressures of international cricket, the series has been a riveting adventure. For more info:****************************************Transcript: Chawla: MHmm, yes (Applause). We have one question from the social media the facebook (Laughter). AmitAmity MadanMadam wants to know in this materialistic age the real feeling of love is disappearing from our life, most of the love we receive from others and express to others is superficial. How can we reinforce the real feeling of love in our own life and in others?Sadhguru: Forget about others. iIf you… if you learn to be loving by your own nature not because of somebody else or something else. I know the question is coming from Facebook face book there’s an enormous possibility (Laughter). You can even love those people who don’t even exist (Laughter). So, I’m saying it’s a tremendous possibility., soSo (Laughs) if you just become love, not love somebody then you will know the nature of love. If you love somebody it’s a fickle happening because no human being will happen a hundred percent the way you want them. Every human being on this planet is going to disappoint you believe me not because they’ll do something wrong because nobody can fulfill the unr… unrealic… unrealistic expectation you have of them. It’s simply not possible., haveHave you been able to fulfill anybody’s expectation I’m asking you entirely?Partially but never entirely, isn’t it? So nobody else will be able to do it unless you’re a still such a hopeless romantic you’re still waiting that ideal person is going to come from somewhere – No! Believe me whoever comes, I want you to know the ideal people whom you worship when Krishna was there his wives complained (Laughter) all right?Read Full Transcript:****************************************More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.isha.sadhguru.orgYogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Subscribe to our channel here: Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Yoga Tools For Transformation at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

Troubled by Fear? Just Change Your Channel! – Sadhguru

Sadhguru looks at the nature of fear and answers a question on how to overcome fear. He explains how fear arises because of excessive imagination. Instead of producing “horror movies” in our mind, produce a comedy, a love story or a suspense thriller, he says.Full Transcript:Questioner: Many times in my daily life fear stops me from doing small things and bigger things – fear from failure, fear from… maybe from rejection sometimes. How to overcome this fear?Sadhguru: You cannot overcome something which does not exist. Right now, are you in fear? Right now, that I may say something damaging? Is that the fear? (Laughs) Every moment of your life, you are in fear? No. So, when you are not in fear, just stay like that because to create fear, you have to use excessive imagination. To not be in fear, you don’t have to do anything. Fear is happening because of excessive imagination – things that have not happened, you are creating. What may happen in your mind happens in thousand different formats and most probably it never happens. The things that you have feared… Take hundred things that you have feared. Probably ninety nine of them never happened, isn’t it? Yes? So, your hear… your fear is always about that which does not exist. You cannot fight or you cannot overcome that which does not exist. We can overcome something which… that exists. You cannot overcome that which does not exist. We just have to give up that effort. Enjoy the fear. After all, it’s your making. You like horror movies?Read more at: Sadhguru’s free guided meditation, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.sadhguru.orgFree Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

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Psychological theories of magic treat magic as a personal phenomenon intended to meet individual needs, as opposed to a social phenomenon serving a collective purpose.see more at WikipediaCheck More at Product – Soaps powerful acne remover! 100% Pure tea tree essential oil soap acne treatment and Remove whelk shrink pore face care soap

These 21 Students Left Totally Brilliant Quotes In Their Yearbooks. No One Will Forget Them!

Each year, seniors across the nation are faced with the pressures and stresses associated with graduation. They need to plan their future, prepare themselves financially to be an adult and… come up with an awesome quote for the yearbook. How will future generations remember them? These students either cracked under the pressure or created quotes that are so genius, they’re hilarious. It’s hard to tell which is which here, but all of these quotes share one quality: they’re hilarious.

1.) She’s either crazy or awesome. I can’t tell.

2.) Awesome.

3.) She is wise beyond her years.

4.) I think we have a Harry Potter fan, here.

5.) Oh, honey.

6.) This is what we call an “epic win.”

7.) Uhhh. Yikes.

8.) Of COURSE he’s an actor now.

9.) No need to brag, President Of The Yearbook Committee.

10.) Brilliant? Hilarious? Both.

11.) Fighting racism and being awesome, all at once.

12.) He forever had the last word.

13.) Totally.

14.) I don’t know if he’s being funny… or really weird.

15.) I have a feeling they were BFFs.

16.) Do what you love, kid.


18.) Lucas…LOL.

19.) This girl is a genius.

20.) I’ll accept this quote as awesome.

21.) Ah yes, the dreaded chain letter quote.

(H/T Mashable) Now, don’t you just feel silly for using some generic quote by a politician or philosopher? These kids had to be voted Most Memorable in the yearbook as well… because how could they not be? Share their brilliance, they deserve it.

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