These 21 Students Left Totally Brilliant Quotes In Their Yearbooks. No One Will Forget Them!

Each year, seniors across the nation are faced with the pressures and stresses associated with graduation. They need to plan their future, prepare themselves financially to be an adult and… come up with an awesome quote for the yearbook. How will future generations remember them? These students either cracked under the pressure or created quotes that are so genius, they’re hilarious. It’s hard to tell which is which here, but all of these quotes share one quality: they’re hilarious.

1.) She’s either crazy or awesome. I can’t tell.

2.) Awesome.

3.) She is wise beyond her years.

4.) I think we have a Harry Potter fan, here.

5.) Oh, honey.

6.) This is what we call an “epic win.”

7.) Uhhh. Yikes.

8.) Of COURSE he’s an actor now.

9.) No need to brag, President Of The Yearbook Committee.

10.) Brilliant? Hilarious? Both.

11.) Fighting racism and being awesome, all at once.

12.) He forever had the last word.

13.) Totally.

14.) I don’t know if he’s being funny… or really weird.

15.) I have a feeling they were BFFs.

16.) Do what you love, kid.


18.) Lucas…LOL.

19.) This girl is a genius.

20.) I’ll accept this quote as awesome.

21.) Ah yes, the dreaded chain letter quote.

(H/T Mashable) Now, don’t you just feel silly for using some generic quote by a politician or philosopher? These kids had to be voted Most Memorable in the yearbook as well… because how could they not be? Share their brilliance, they deserve it.

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