Zac Poonen – Should Sisters Work in Public Jobs? – New

Zac Poonen – Should Sisters Work in Public Jobs?
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. Posted With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Dios entrara en su desorden por Pastora Melissa Scott

Dios va a entrar en tu desastre.La Pastora Melissa Scott anunció el logro de su doctorado, Ph.D. en Mayo del 2017. La Pastora enseña en ingles todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am en Faith Center, en Glendale, California.Este programa se ha traducido al español y está escuchando a la enseñanza de la Pastora Scott. Si le gusta la enseñanza y se la Palabra le da ánimo, le puede escribir a la Pastora Scott. Favor de enviar su correspondencia a la siguiente dirección: 1516 South Glendale Ave., Glendale, California.Para escuchar al programa en Español se puede ver el servicio en vivo en su sitio http://www.pastormelissascott.comSígala @Pastor_Scott por Twitter y visítela en su página de Facebook @Pastor.M.ScottPuede descargar la app “Understand the Bible” (Entienda la Biblia) de la Pastora Scott por iPhone, iPad y iPod de la Apple App Store y para los dispositivos Android en la Google StoreSe puede ver 24×7 en Roku por el canal “Understand the Bible?” Para más información visite 8:28 – 39 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)28 Y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien, esto es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados. 29 Porque a los que antes conoció, también los predestinó para que fuesen hechos conformes a la imagen de su Hijo, para que él sea el primogénito entre muchos hermanos. 30 Y a los que predestinó, a éstos también llamó; y a los que llamó, a éstos también justificó; y a los que justificó, a éstos también glorificó. 31 ¿Qué, pues, diremos a esto? Si Dios es por nosotros, ¿quién contra nosotros? 32 El que no escatimó ni a su propio Hijo, sino que lo entregó por todos nosotros, ¿cómo no nos dará también con él todas las cosas? 33 ¿Quién acusará a los escogidos de Dios? Dios es el que justifica. 34 ¿Quién es el que condenará? Cristo es el que murió; más aun, el que también resucitó, el que además está a la diestra de Dios, el que también intercede por nosotros. 35 ¿Quién nos separará del amor de Cristo? ¿Tribulación, o angustia, o persecución, o hambre, o desnudez, o peligro, o espada? 36 Como está escrito: Por causa de ti somos muertos todo el tiempo; Somos contados como ovejas de matadero. m 37 Antes, en todas estas cosas somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó. 38 Por lo cual estoy seguro de que ni la muerte, ni la vida, ni ángeles, ni principados, ni potestades, ni lo presente, ni lo por venir, 39 ni lo alto, ni lo profundo, ni ninguna otra cosa creada nos podrá separar del amor de Dios, que es en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.

Virender Sehwag Asks Sadhguru – Why Is Everyone After Money?

Virender Sehwag asks Sadhguru why so many people in the world are running after money. Sadhguru explains that it isn’t money people are after, it is what money can buy, and the urge to live bigger and better than those around us that sends us on an endless run. Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Sadhguru Exclusive (Register Now) ⚡ App (Download) 📱 Sadhguru Website 🌎 http://isha.sadhguru.orgDonate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Engineering Online Program 🌼 (Register Now)Official Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

No Training Required, Just Pay Attention! | Sadhguru

Sadhguru relates the story of his first time driving four wheels – with no training! He explains that human beings are capable of doing many things believed to be impossible, just by paying a little attention.#Sadhguru Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Sadhguru Exclusive (Register Now) ⚡ App (Download) 📱 Sadhguru Website 🌎 http://isha.sadhguru.orgDonate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Engineering Online Program 🌼 (Register Now)Official Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

Zac Poonen – How Do You Overcome Self Condemnation? – New

#Zac #Poonen – How Do You #Overcome Self #Condemnation? – New
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts

Over 90 percent of new mothers will have scary, intrusive thoughts about their baby and themselves. What if I drop him? What if I snap and hurt my baby? Mothering is so hard—I don’t know if I really want to do this anymore. Gosh, I’m so terrible for thinking that! Yet for too many mothers, those thoughts remain secret, hidden away in a place of shame that can quickly grow into anxiety, postpartum depression, and even self-harm. But here’s the good news: you CAN feel better! Author Karen Kleiman—coauthor of the seminal book This Isn’t What I Expected and founder of the acclaimed Postpartum Stress Center—comes to the aid of new mothers everywhere with a groundbreaking new source of hope, compassion, and expert help. Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts is packed with world-class guidance, simple exercises, and nearly 50 stigma-busting cartoons from the viral #speakthesecret campaign that help new moms validate their feelings, share their fears, and start feeling better. Lighthearted yet serious, warm yet not sugary, and perfectly portioned for busy moms with full plates, Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts is the go-to resource for moms, partners, and families everywhere who need help with this difficult period.

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THE CBSI INDIE SPOTLIGHT SHOW April 13, 2021| Keep It THORO Comics & Jok3r

#CBSI #indiespotlightshow #indiespotlightseries #keepitthorocomics #kit #savages #besavagenotaverage #indiecomicbooks #independentcomicbooksWelcome to THE INDIE SPOTLIGHT SHOW bought to you by Keep It THORO Comics And CBSI where I, your boy THORO takes Andy Tomberlins picks for the hottest Indie books on the market . Make sure to like, share, subscribe, and leave a comment to let me know what you think of the new show.Make sure to stay up with the #1 spot on the market for everything comic books, movie, and speculation news at COMICBOOKINVEST.COM link below. v v v
Also make sure to check out Andy Tomberlins INDIE SPOTLIGHT SERIES every week, link below. v v v sure to check out my co-host with the most Joker M21 YT Channel link below v v v Of The NY Warriors-Bigeez Comics YT Channel Link below v v v Curtis AKA Uncle Roman YT Channel Link below v v v Grav Youtube Channel Link below v v v

I had an ANXIETY ATTACK on camera…and also recovered from it

Thank you for watching 🙂 Remember to always take care of yourself!Click here and use my code KARISSA30 to get 30% off your first month at Scentbird. Currently only available in the US.This month with Scentbird I tried… Gucci Bloom – Prada Candy – to order: Badgley Mischka Sweet Bloom – Room 1015 Sweet Leaf – me on Instagram: ARE LOVED. YOU ARE WORTHY. & YOU DESERVE ALL GOOD THINGS IN THIS WORLD.

No está a solas cuando llora por Pastora Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Dios no va a dejarle solo cuando está llorandoLa Pastora Melissa Scott anunció el logro de su doctorado, Ph.D. en Mayo del 2017. La Pastora enseña en ingles todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am en Faith Center, en Glendale, California.Este programa se ha traducido al español y está escuchando a la enseñanza de la Pastora Scott. Si le gusta la enseñanza y se la Palabra le da ánimo, le puede escribir a la Pastora Scott. Favor de enviar su correspondencia a la siguiente dirección: 1516 South Glendale Ave., Glendale, California.Para escuchar al programa en Español se puede ver el servicio en vivo en su sitio web http://www.pastormelissascott.comSígala @Pastor_Scott por Twitter y visítela en su página de Facebook @Pastor.M.ScottPuede descargar la app “Understand the Bible” (Entienda la Biblia) de la Pastora Scott por iPhone, iPad y iPod de la Apple App Store y para los dispositivos Android en la Google StoreSe puede ver 24×7 en Roku por el canal “Understand the Bible?” Para más información visite

Gaetz Accomplice Pleads Guilty/Rogan Guest Gets Fired/Gas Panic/Dawkins Says Abort Downs Syndrome

Maat Gaetz co-conspirator pleased guilty to sex trafficking, one of Joe Rogan’s best friends and most common guest gets dropped by talent agency after racist rant, idiots are panicking over gas shortages, Richard Dawkins in trouble for telling parents to abort babies with down syndrome, Plus 50 other topics!If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting it by becoming a Patreon! Every little bit really helps. now have a P.O. Box so you can send us anything you want and we will unbox it live on the show. Send whatever you want to see me unbox to: Dusty Smith 1231 SUNSET DR STE 302 GRENADA, MS 38901-4025Amazon Wishlist for Animal Sanctuary: Amazon Wishlist in the unlikely case someone wants to send me something personally. All gifts unboxed during the show! Discord server! tips: or directly via paypal @ cultofdusty2@gmail.comFollow me for exclusive content on Twitch! me on Facebook @ and on Twitter @ to the CODcast audio version on Soundcloud! Merch! Support the show and get a cool tee for you!