Tag: ohio
Eating Disorders from the Inside Out: Laura Hill at TEDxColumbus.
Mom deported for not changing lanes? Daily Beast headline leaves out a few crucial details
The article goes into harrowing detail about Mexican cartels and violent crime, but before getting to any of that, readers need to get past the headline: “Mom Deported Because She Didn’t Change Lanes.” We’re guessing there was room to squeeze a couple more words in the tweet, but this is what readers were given:
A mom in Ohio was deported because she didn't change lanes https://t.co/imogs8FQFq pic.twitter.com/cAGzbWj3NK— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) August 9, 2017
That’s a harsh punishment for not changing lanes, to be certain.
Terrible click bait headline— Kevin (@Kalogrym) August 9, 2017
Really? That's crazy! I've never heard of an American citizen being deported before. Is that even Constitutional?— Scott Carroll (@YouDaManTiger) August 9, 2017
Was she deported for changing lanes or because she was an illegal immigrant?— Pasha Khan (@PashaKhan12345) August 9, 2017
No. The deportation was for coming here illegally. But you knew that.— Jaihawkk (@Jaihawkk) August 9, 2017
No, she was deported because she's an illegal.— Mr. Frexit (@MrFrexit) August 9, 2017
ACTUALLY, she was deported because
a. She was an illegal alien
b. she got caught. https://t.co/RrLcprCyvh— Arthur Kimes (@ComradeArthur) August 9, 2017
False. She was deported because she was illegally present in the country and had illegally re-entered after a previous deportation.— CassiusK (@UWRockBuster) August 9, 2017
I have a feeling that she was guilty of entering this country illegally. It's a bad situation she created.— Jim Self (@SelfJim) August 9, 2017
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Suspect In Custody After Responding To His Own ‘Wanted’ Ad On Facebook
Social media was his downfall.
Marcum’s criminal history included burglary, abduction, assault, domestic violence, criminal endangering, and some bench warrants, according to the Butler County Sheriff’s Office.
A Facebook user bearing the same name as the suspect, Andrew Marcum, commented “I ain’t tripping half of them don’t even know me,” on the Butler County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post.
“If you could stop by the Sheriff’s Office, that’d be great,” the Sheriff’s office responded in the comments. “Hey, it doesn’t hurt to ask.”
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones event sent out a tweet inviting Marcum to his new “living arrangement.”
We r close to you marcum soon u will have a new place to live. C u soon.
— butlersheriff (@Richard K. Jones)
Jones quipped about Marcum’s emotional look in his mugshot.
Is it raining outside or is he teared up. Tough guys sometime sensitive
— butlersheriff (@Richard K. Jones)
Seems like the Butler County Sheriff’s Office is having some fun with their social media accounts.
Calls to the Butler County Sheriff’s Office were not immediately returned.