The article goes into harrowing detail about Mexican cartels and violent crime, but before getting to any of that, readers need to get past the headline: “Mom Deported Because She Didn’t Change Lanes.” We’re guessing there was room to squeeze a couple more words in the tweet, but this is what readers were given:
A mom in Ohio was deported because she didn't change lanes— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) August 9, 2017
That’s a harsh punishment for not changing lanes, to be certain.
Terrible click bait headline— Kevin (@Kalogrym) August 9, 2017
Really? That's crazy! I've never heard of an American citizen being deported before. Is that even Constitutional?— Scott Carroll (@YouDaManTiger) August 9, 2017
Was she deported for changing lanes or because she was an illegal immigrant?— Pasha Khan (@PashaKhan12345) August 9, 2017
No. The deportation was for coming here illegally. But you knew that.— Jaihawkk (@Jaihawkk) August 9, 2017
No, she was deported because she's an illegal.— Mr. Frexit (@MrFrexit) August 9, 2017
ACTUALLY, she was deported because
a. She was an illegal alien
b. she got caught.— Arthur Kimes (@ComradeArthur) August 9, 2017
False. She was deported because she was illegally present in the country and had illegally re-entered after a previous deportation.— CassiusK (@UWRockBuster) August 9, 2017
I have a feeling that she was guilty of entering this country illegally. It's a bad situation she created.— Jim Self (@SelfJim) August 9, 2017
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