‘Seek help’: David Frum HAMMERED for ‘fallacious and ghoulish’ response to Alexandria shooting

Read more: http://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2017/06/14/seek-help-david-frum-hammered-for-fallacious-and-ghoulish-response-to-alexandria-shooting/

SHAMELESS: Joy Reid show joins ‘despicable’ lefty spin on Rep. Scalise shooting

Read more: http://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2017/06/17/shameless-joy-reid-show-joins-despicable-lefty-spin-on-rep-scalise-shooting/

‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah wishes ‘pro-lifers’ would devote their zeal to gun control – twitchy.com

There was a sigh of relief across the entertainment industry afterSouth African comedian Trevor Noah managed to earn enthusiastic reviews forhis debut as host of “The Daily Show.” Today, though,we’ll just go ahead and sigh. It’s not that we thought Noah would manage to find humor across the political spectrum; we just didn’t think he’d resort to unfounded liberal clichs so quickly.

The Los Angeles Times notes today that Noah tackled the subject of gun control on Monday night’s show by wishing that pro-lifers would devote some of their zeal to preventing gun violence; i.e., passing gun control.“Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being well, more pro-life.” ROTFL!

His comedic observation? Republican anti-abortion activists are like comic book collectors: “Human life only holds value until you take it out of the package, and then it’s worth nothing.”

Because until it’s delivered, the fetus is just a clump of cells. Didn’t you learn anything from Bill Nye’s dropping of hardcore abortion science?

If you can handle the hilarity, the clip “Not so pro-life after all” can be streamed at Comedy Central’s website.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/10/06/daily-show-host-trevor-noah-wishes-pro-lifers-would-devote-their-zeal-to-gun-control/

‘Kudos, Democrats’! Report: These 2 cities account for a ‘jaw-dropping’ murder statistic

Liberal politicians led by President Obama have been telling voters they need to elect more Democrats to fix the problems the country faces. First let’s take a glance at what’s happening in cities Democrats have run for decades:


Also, according to liberals, that shouldn’t be happening:

Go figure!

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2016/01/07/kudos-democrats-report-these-2-cities-account-for-a-jaw-dropping-murder-statistic/

Keith Olbermann: Where are ‘sophists’ calling for arming Planned Parenthood workers?

Maybe Keith Olbermann should first run this one by his friends on the Left to see what they think of the idea:

Have there been many “right to bear arms” supporters arguing that 2nd Amendment rights should not apply to people who work for Planned Parenthood?

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/11/28/keith-olbermann-where-are-sophists-calling-for-arming-planned-parenthood-workers/