‘Kudos, Democrats’! Report: These 2 cities account for a ‘jaw-dropping’ murder statistic

Liberal politicians led by President Obama have been telling voters they need to elect more Democrats to fix the problems the country faces. First let’s take a glance at what’s happening in cities Democrats have run for decades:


Also, according to liberals, that shouldn’t be happening:

Go figure!

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2016/01/07/kudos-democrats-report-these-2-cities-account-for-a-jaw-dropping-murder-statistic/

Emily Miller shows how she ‘literally’ got screwed by Washington, DC [pic]


We often hear the term used in the metaphorical sense, but for conservative author and Washington Times senior opinion editor Emily Miller, “got screwed by DC” took a turn for the literal:


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/04/emily-miller-shows-how-she-literally-got-screwed-by-washington-dc-pic/

Idea for a #NewRedskinsName? Better clear it with these guys first [pic]


Now that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has ruled the “Redskins” name to be “disparaging to Native Americans,” D.C.’s NFL team may be in the market for a new name. The ‘skins might want to consider crowdsourcing some of these ideas:

http://twitter.com/#!/FingersMalloy/status/479276089307447296 http://twitter.com/#!/the_gonzo7/status/479273716166430720 http://twitter.com/#!/LovecraftRipoff/status/479272614976684032 http://twitter.com/#!/Anewhomestar/status/479271685376733184 http://twitter.com/#!/Wodeshed/status/479271565209526272 http://twitter.com/#!/Crapplefratz/status/479277025161912320 http://twitter.com/#!/jfgroves/status/479277460253839361


The Washington Carneys

*they'll never win but they'll do a hell of a spin on why they lost*— Musheficent (@MushKat) June 18, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/JamesEnsor/status/479278129299865601 http://twitter.com/#!/SamValley/status/479280374808195073 http://twitter.com/#!/iowahawkblog/status/479274646143909888 http://twitter.com/#!/stephenkruiser/status/479271916444729344

All good suggestions. But just to be safe, the team-soon-to-be-formerly-known-as-the-Washington-Redskins should probably check with the bosses first:




Twitchy coverage of the Redskins (for now, anyway)

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/18/washington-butthurt-idea-for-a-newredskinsname-better-clear-it-with-these-guys-first-pic/