Keith Olbermann: Where are ‘sophists’ calling for arming Planned Parenthood workers?

Maybe Keith Olbermann should first run this one by his friends on the Left to see what they think of the idea:

Have there been many “right to bear arms” supporters arguing that 2nd Amendment rights should not apply to people who work for Planned Parenthood?

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President backs Planned Parenthood Day of Solidarity

The terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif., that killed 14 has obviously taken over the cable news cycle, transformingthe shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs that killed 3 into a distant memory.

Planned Parenthood has designated Saturday a day of solidarity with the organization, and Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards is thankful to President Obama for signing on not that it would have taken a shooting to enlist his support. Interestingly, the president makes no mention of the need for common sensegun control, instead sticking closely to the Planned Parenthood script.

In fact, the whole statement sounds like a compilation of Planned Parenthood talking points, save the concluding paragraph, in which the president asks that God bless those we’ve lost something thattakes on a special meaning where Planned Parenthood is concerned.

Others remembered (or were reminded) that the narrative to be pushed was that“inflammatory rhetoric” from Republicans, Christians and pro-lifers was responsible for the shooting, even more so than the alleged shooter himself.

Is that Rep. Jan Schakowsky we see in that crowd?

If turnout wasn’t impressive for the Day of Solidarity, it’s only fair to admit there were justa few who made a valiant effort to hijack the #solidarity hashtag. Good work, though.

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