‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah wishes ‘pro-lifers’ would devote their zeal to gun control – twitchy.com

There was a sigh of relief across the entertainment industry afterSouth African comedian Trevor Noah managed to earn enthusiastic reviews forhis debut as host of “The Daily Show.” Today, though,we’ll just go ahead and sigh. It’s not that we thought Noah would manage to find humor across the political spectrum; we just didn’t think he’d resort to unfounded liberal clichs so quickly.

The Los Angeles Times notes today that Noah tackled the subject of gun control on Monday night’s show by wishing that pro-lifers would devote some of their zeal to preventing gun violence; i.e., passing gun control.“Imagine if we could bring some of that pro-life passion into being well, more pro-life.” ROTFL!

His comedic observation? Republican anti-abortion activists are like comic book collectors: “Human life only holds value until you take it out of the package, and then it’s worth nothing.”

Because until it’s delivered, the fetus is just a clump of cells. Didn’t you learn anything from Bill Nye’s dropping of hardcore abortion science?

If you can handle the hilarity, the clip “Not so pro-life after all” can be streamed at Comedy Central’s website.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/10/06/daily-show-host-trevor-noah-wishes-pro-lifers-would-devote-their-zeal-to-gun-control/

Culture of DEATH: So, THIS is what gives feminist Jessica Valenti ‘hope’?

It’s nice that during this difficult time for lefties, Jessica Valenti can still find something to get excited about:

Read more: https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2017/12/22/culture-of-death-so-this-is-what-gives-feminist-jessica-valenti-hope/

This AMAZING thread on being pro-life is just what you need as we head into the Christmas holiday

It’s getting a little dusty in here…

Read this. Read every word all the way to the end … it’s freaking amazing:

Read more: https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2017/12/22/this-amazing-thread-on-being-pro-life-is-just-what-you-need-as-we-head-into-the-christmas-holiday/

Praise for Brit Hume’s eloquent and good pro-life commentary [video]


The March for life descended on Washington D.C. yesterday with thousands beginning to obtain the pro-life cause on anniversary because of this landmark Roe v. Wade choice.  Typical commentator Brit Hume provided the main description some hope in a fast location that broadcast yesterday evening on Fox Information’ “Special Report.”


Minimal transcript (from 1:42):

http://twitter.com/#!/amandacarpenter/status/426130283101175808 http://twitter.com/#!/GailConiglio/status/426182559249088513 http://twitter.com/#!/rjmoeller/status/426144877282213888 http://twitter.com/#!/maryjoanderson3/status/426161414114672640 http://twitter.com/#!/AnnCoulter/status/426129347762606080


Ted Cruz attracts pro-life brand-new Yorkers to ‘march on down to Texas’

#MarchForLife: 15 heartbreaking and inspiring aspects #the reason whyWeMarch [pics]

Stealthy protest ‘ninjas’! possibly learn a news #MarchForLife plot twist?

Get more info: http://twitchy.com/2014/01/23/praise-for-brit-humes-eloquent-and-hopeful-pro-life-commentary-video/