What is Restorative Sleep

This video is about the five myths of restorative sleep, symptoms and causes of poor or reduced restorative sleep, how to fix broken restorative sleep, how restorative sleep is measured, and the differences between a sleep study (or polysomnogram) and home sleep test (or home sleep study) for quantifying and treating restorative sleep loss to improve symptoms of fatigue, moodiness, insomnia irritability, difficulty concentrating, low libido, depression, and increase weight loss and energy.This information is provided by SleepSomatics, an American Academy of Sleep Medicine accredited and licensed sleep lab in Austin, Texas. SleepSomatics is currently accepting new patients for initial sleep consultation, assessment, and evaluation. SleepSomatics provides sleep testing and treatment for Austin sleep study and home sleep testing, fatigue, sleep apnea, snoring, CPAP, insomnia, commercial driver’s license (CDL) and DoT medical exam physicals, daytime sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep, restless legs syndrome, MSLT and narcolepsy testing, polysomnograms, titrations, and other sleep hygiene and related sleep counseling.This video contains closed captions.(C) 2017, SleepSomatics Diagnostic Center, Austin, Texas. (512) 323-9253.Referenced article links:Overview of Sleep Architecture: www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-journal-blog-about-sleep/2014/7/3/what-is-the-sleep-architectureOverview of Restorative Sleep: www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-journal-blog-about-sleep/2014/7/7/what-is-restorative-sleepCauses of Poor Restorative Sleep: www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-journal-blog-about-sleep/what-causes-deficient-restorative-sleep/2014/7/18Restorative Sleep and Weight Loss: www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-journal-blog-about-sleep/fix-sleep-to-lose-weight-increase-muscle-and-look-better-nakedWhat is a Sleep Study: www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-in-lab-sleep-studyWhat is a Home Sleep Test (or Home Sleep Study): www.sleepsomatics.com/sleepsomatics-take-home-out-of-center-at-home-sleep-testNew Patient Sleep Study Referrals: www.sleepsomatics.com/referralNew Patient Appointment Scheduling: www.sleepsomatics.com/schedule