Anxiety And The Brain | A Life With Anxiety (POWERFUL Audiobook)

Visit for the #1 CBT Based Downloadable Program for Health Anxiety Sufferers.Description: A powerful audiobook that will answer all your questions regarding anxiety and the brain, and what a life with anxiety is really like. A life with anxiety is nothing short of an uphill daily struggle. Many people people that anxiety and stress are similar, but nothing could be farther from the truth.The anxiety and the brain audiobook is a must listen to become a great anxiety support team for a sufferer as well. To become more knowledgeable about what an anxiety sufferer is going through, and what the right thing to say at the right time is crucial.The worst thing you can do for someone living a life with anxiety is brush off their problems. To make something so large in their heads seem like it’s a small challenge means not truly understanding anxiety and the brain.As a 6 year health anxiety and panic disorder sufferer myself, I know the pain very clearly. As many of you know through my inspirational recovery story e-book at, I tried many different solutions with little success over anxiety. But every attempt was another lesson. I took all those lessons and came up with my personal CBT for anxiety approach and success was just a matter of time.Health anxiety help and relief from anxiety is right around the corner. Connect with me below to get inspired and being turning your life around today.Let’s Connect! Main Site – Facebook Page – Instagram –… Twitter – #mentalhealthaudiobook

Anxiety Help: How To Stop Anxiety and Agoraphobia (for REAL)

Hey guys. This video is one that I’ve wanted to share for a while in hopes of helping others who may be going through some tough times with anxiety, panic disorders, or depression.It took me a while to get around to filming this because I didn’t want to share such personal problems on here, and I didn’t want to seem like I was jumping on some trendy anxiety train (seriously, I recently read somewhere that sharing mental illness stories was “trendy”….*eyeroll*). I decided to share this anyways because this is a VERY REAL problem with not a lot of true success stories to relate to. And if you’re anything like I was, you need someone to relate to during tough times.Anxiety and agoraphobia had been a big part of my daily life for about 7 years. It started off being something I could manage but as time went on, my mental state became increasingly worse to the point of not leaving my house for weeks at a time. My mind was taking a physical toll on my body and I just wanted it to end.I struggled every day with feelings of panic and a mind that just wouldn’t shut up. I wanted to share with you what worked for me as well as what didn’t… because the absolute worst thing was feeling like I was alone in this and that there was no hope at all for recovery. Now that I know that to be false, I don’t want anyone to ever feel the way I felt, so I tried to cover as much as I could in this video about my story and how you can take the same steps I did to overcome your own anxiety issues.If you have any questions or stories of your own, feel free to comment below.xoxVisit Me: —————————————————————————-My Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Design Shop: http://www.envye.comLOVE YOU!!! *Some links included in this description, such as Amazon links to products, may be affiliate links.