Anxiety Disorder Test
> And you speak a little bit about the
importance of that continuity. > Yes. What we try to do is we try to be very
consistent with the patient’s calling them every two weeks once they…
especially if they started a new medication we want to know like how
they’re doing if they’re having any reported side effects, that we can
communicate with the primary care doctor. The other thing that we do is call
them on a monthly basis and we asked the same questions on the ph-9
questionnaire to see if there’s been any progress made.
This helps us monitor you
know their feelings and also you know we are there to link them to providers
psychiatry, psychology. We stress the importance… –To close that gap — that’s that gap in care like
we say right.
Let’s talk dr. Frankel a little bit about gg7. > So that GED seven
are our anxiety screening questionnaire depression and anxiety oftentimes go
hand-in-hand and patients may come in seeing that they’re having anxiety or
panic attacks and this is another screening tool we do to basically
quantify the symptoms patients are expressing with their words and kind of
give us an idea of how much anxiety they’re having many times we will then
give them a ph-9 and kind of put the depression anxiety together if they have
both of those overlying diagnoses is the treatment is also very similar the
support of the supportive network with the empowerment program you know getting
patients linked into mental health or some sort of behavioral therapy and the
medications we use to treat depression are also used to treat anxiety it
oftentimes coexists.