Getting Rid of Anxiety & Stress | Kati Morton

JOURNAL CLUB! Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! JOIN NOW: Today we are discussing Stress, Anxiety and treatment options. I called on Laura Rhodes-Levin, LMFT and founder of the Missing Peace Center for Anxiety. Together we discuss Anxiety, therapy options like art therapy, massage therapy, alpha-stimulation and neurofeedback. Laura’s clinic: TEAM Producer: Sean St-Louis Writer: Kati Morton DP: Nick Davies Editor: Elijah Senn Animator: Jordan ComeauxOrder My Book Today! Are u ok?​ ​BetterHelp Plans​ ​start​ ​at​ ​$35​ ​a​ ​week​ ​(billed​ ​monthly).​ ​Must​ ​be​ ​18+​ ​to​ ​sign up.PATREON Help us caption & translate this video!