Uh hi .. This is Thomas and uh- this is where I normally start, Uh- by saying something quick and witty to start the video with. Yes. So yes, another video. This is amazing! Oh wait, I normally start a video by "How's everyone doing!" to say. But you know I don't really hear your answers. And, oddly enough, I don't worry about consistency today. Do you know what I want to talk about? Food. Or you know what, maybe about the TV series that I just watched. Or maybe I'm just going to watch a TV series and eat something. That is it. Okay, until next time, take it easy on boys, girls, and non-binary friends! Logan: Uh if I may, I'll interrupt you for a second. Ah, Logan is here so I probably did something wrong. L: War? No. You just seem a little uncharacteristic … carefree. T: Hm. I didn't care to notice that. Ah pft, that is what you mean, there it is, that is what you were trying to say.
L: Yes. I mean, you usually start the video with at least something of a direction for the inevitable internal conflict. T: Indeed, they usually follow that storyline. But, maybe that's a good thing. You know, things change. L: No. I mean … maybe. I don't know, you confuse me. I think I have a word for this. Uh. Are you all right, fahm? T: Wow. That was bad, but you try very well Logan. You are very good. L: Thank you. T: Did someone text me …
Ooh! L: Thomas, you didn't answer me. T: You ask if everything is going well or not, fam? L: That's' em. T: You probably know when something is wrong because you normally provide, you know, the explanatory exposition in my videos since all the other characters are too crazy or relatable. L: Okay, I'm in the warehouse here. Shall we see if the others are okay? T: If you want to. L: I want to. I want that. Which. Are you going to- T: Morality! Creativity! Roman: Wow. Rude. Patton: Are you too cool to call us by our names kiddo? T: No. That was simply the easiest way, you know, to quickly capture what you generally portray, in case new viewers are watching.
L: Gosh. Okay, next time I'll consider a more nuanced approach with that explanation. T: He's my logical side. He is my logical side. R: Uh … is everything gucci, Thomas? T: Of course, I could have asked the question that way, but that's exactly why I wanted you two here. P: You mean the three of us? L: Did I say three? P: No. T: Then I didn't seem to mean three. P: He made mistakes before? L: An unusual event. P: Well then can you say that the mistakes you made are infinitesimal? L: You make one mistake and this is what happens. R: Okay, time out for you and time out for you, focus on problems or focus on me.
L: Okay, you're right. Let's get to the point. T: Every * Roman joins * the Huns! L: Please stop. Stop. T: Come on! R: I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. T: Mulan! T: Thomas, this detachment you show is very … unproductive. T: Are you saying I can't make babies? What? Just kidding. L: Can someone else please – me -he- L: Flames. Swirling at the side of my face …
Swirling fire P: Is there something bothering you, buddy? R: An unattainable dream? A hopeless relationship? T: Not enough sleep, a confusing situation. P: Are you having problems with the adultery (Patton uses a wrong word here.) T: Oh yes, you always say that instead of 'coming of age' or 'adulthood'. As if you don't know the disturbing meaning of the word you're using, it really means, you know, when a- R: Hey Pumba! There are children. P: I have no idea what you two are talking about, but something seems to be very wrong. T: You keep saying that, but I'm honest where good … fam. P: Well, now don't cut the word family by cutting off my three favorite letters: ILY L: Okay, Patton is certainly fine. What about your Roman? R: Let's see uh- Disney references, regal appearance, general awareness that I am better than you two uh- I feel pretty good. T: What could be wrong then? P: Boy, you both always pretend you know all the answers, so it's surprising that you overlook something so simple. R: Oh, is that so Patton? You are so cute.
T: And uh- what can that be? P: Where's Fear? L: Hm. Do you really think it's necessary to have him there? R: To make his moody-listless contribution? I- I don't like him. T: I'm still hungry. L: No- no. R: Stop him. Stop it! T: Thomas, this is very- * Thomas sings in the background, Logan sighs * We can't afford these detours anymore. T: Ooh! I found some muesli! R: We're trying- we're one- we're making a video here buddy.
L: Okay, at least it's a healthy thing. R: Thomas, isn't there something more important you should focus on now? R: Oh, you spill it all over the carpet, don't you? Okay, great … T: What if you have someone as a guest? T: That is not going to happen soon so that is not a big problem. P: Well, at least he invites some ants over. L: Only aunts? No uncles? (In English, the words for ants and aunts are almost the same) R: Can you at least- can you take off your hood? You look like a hot mess. R: No, not hot, cool. No, not cool, uncool.
An uncool mess. T: If you want to. R: Oh my sweet sweet hair brush mom, what's with your hair? T: I'll just let it do its thing. R: There are … many viewers who are going to see you like this, so- T: Well, they've seen me on better days, so this makes it right. T: You know Thomas, I don't know if that makes sense. P: You have nice hair. T: Oh, thanks, I guess. P: Nice hair that grows on a dog's butt. T: That's probably a correct comparison. R: Ugh, put your hood back on.
T: You're in charge, Haas. R: What does that mean? I'm not … Hare. I am Prince Roman. R: Ugh, okay. Well, we better get Count Wee-Cowardly. Everything is better than what Mr. T contributes. T: Roman put the smart nicknames on the table, I put the oats and honey clusters on the table. R: Put them down! T: Okay. L: Fine. Bring him here. Fear? L: Hm. That's strange. R: He's probably listening to that PG-13 music again. Fear! R: Ugh. How dare he? What? P: Come on now, try to be some love. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Fear! Come on over here, kid. Come up so everyone can see that cool makeup! P: Well, love has failed me. T: That can be applied to many instances in my life. The first is- R: Take it easy, Thomas. We're really going down that road. Uh, you don't usually like to talk about such things. T: You don't know shame. P: Certainly not really a filter. R: Yes, and no fear. Logan, Patton, and Roman. You do not have- T: I have no fear, is that what you are trying to say? R: Well he has no sense of voltage buildup either.
That is disappointing. T: That is very disturbing. R: I don't know. Shouldn't fear be a good thing? P: Roman, I'm amazed at you. R: What? P: Anxiety can sometimes be a gloomy peanut, but he's still one of us. R: Is that so? Listen. Morality, Logic, Creativity. The three of us are the most important aspects of Thomas's personality. R: We were fine without him in the first two Sanders Sides videos. T: He may not have had a physical presence, but he was always there, in Thomas, in a way, and he contributes more than what you grant him. T: Plus, he too can represent more than just fear, even if that's a significant part of who he is. R: Even then, I just don't see why it's necessary. When Fear Goes, What Do We Have to Lose? I am not afraid of death. P: Wow. R: So, you are super brave. Which is good. T: There is a difference between bravery and recklessness. Think fast! R: Oh my- sweet Cole Sprouse, what- T: That really hurt.
Was that a laptop? That really hurt. Woah. L: Onalert, and without its natural defensive reflexes. Yes, it looks like Fear has officially clocked out. R: Okay. Well, he can work on that. L: Thomas, did you think about putting your motor vehicle on a slump earlier today? T: Probably, I'm not sure, but probably. L: Poorer memory. R: That's not a symptom of lack of fear. T: Not immediately, but with a fear of not locking his car, Thomas always checks the car for a second time and locks that memory in place. T / P: I doubt anyone is going to rummage through my / his car- oh my god / heaven. P: You just see the best in people. T: But he can't always afford that. P: Neugh, yes I think you are right.
T: Well, it sounds like I'm in trouble or something. R: No, it just sounds like these two are too concerned. T: That's it- IS anyone among us concerned? P: It's because HE's not worried and I don't think that's right, Roman. T: Prinsje never liked Anxiety, that's his problem. R: That's not true. T: MmmM. Anxiety: Hello there, Little Prince. R: Okay, I can't stand that guy. R: I'm doing my best not to like you now. R: Still don't like you. A: What did you say? R: Uh-chim chim cheroe. R: To make his moody-listless contribution? I- I don't like him. R: Oh now your memory is working. That's handy. T: It is interesting to note that both of us and Patton had our moment when we were on an equal footing with Fear, but you seem to remain as determined in how you perceive him. R: Look, I'm the dreamer, and the only thing that gets in the way of pursuing a new adventure is fear. I took off my pants! R: Why? T: No one can see it, I don't care.
T: Yes, we bring back your fear and shame. I can no longer resist this ridicule. P: Put your pants back on. Right now. T: Okay then. Well then, if Fear isn't here, where is he? R: Ugh, probably in his room. T: His room? T: Technically, it's the corner of your mind you go to if you want to increase your fear for some reason, or if you want to enjoy typically disturbing emotions cathartically. L: Think of "the palace of thought," but specifically for Fear. R: Where else do you think we come from? Where are we going? P: Where does it come from 'Cotton-eyed Joe'? T: So you all have one? Oh my goodness, more things I learn about myself. Uh, I'd rather go to Patton's room. Can we go there? L: No. We have to go to Fear's room to look at Fear.
That's the priority, remember what we just talked about? T: Ah, okay. R: So we're all going to the Fear room? Who knows what that tragic kingdom looks like. P: Can you come with us Thomas? Because we need you to get us all there. T: Yeah, sounds good or something. L: Uh okay. I thought I'd like you with your never-ending assembly line of dilemmas R: Just focus on the things that normally make you anxious. That's the corner of your mind that we need to go to. R: It can be difficult to go down that road- Got you. R: Nyah, okay. There is no drama here today. L: To the unknown. There we go. P: Again on my own, we descend to the corner of Anxiety.
T: Oh, apparently I'm doing this too. This is new. T: Woah. T: I knew I should have gone left at Albuquerque. L: Uh, no. This is where we had to go. T: I know, I- it was just uhm … just kidding. R: Are you serious about that? A cliffhanger for a YouTube Video? T: Very unusual … and frustrating. P: Oh I'm sure it can't be that bad, how long do we have to wait? T: According to Thomas's schedule, just a few days.
P: Jeej, and knowing Thomas, he releases this video when he says he's going to do that, just in time. R / L: Right …
Tag: sanders
Tragedy as the Primatery season comes to a close, the candidates speak out.

Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/15b79x
Determining the BEST BARBIE MOVIE! – The Stress to Impress | Thomas Sanders & Friends
In this premiere episode of The Stress to Impress, two of my friends go head to head to find the BEST BARBIE MOVIE to share with me, and, using my very detailed rubric and expert judging skills, I will determine the winner!! This video was a TON of fun to make, so if you guys wanna see more of it, let us know in the comments!If you’re interested in becoming a YouTube Member and joining us on Monthly Livestreams, chatting with us, and even suggesting new categories for this series to do, you can do so by going here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80Z-cIOdR6upfnrPJ8Q00A/joinHUGE thank you to to both my friends, Adri and Quil, who vlogged and competed on this initial episode! You both fought valiantly!!Adri’s Links: Tweets by Hello_Adrii Quil’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/quildarling Tweets by quildarling Also, a GIGANTIC thank you to everyone else who participated in the making of this video!! You guys were awesome!!Alex’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/bossklaus Tweets by AlexKlausner Camden’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/CamdenFoote Tweets by CamdenFoote Carson’s Links:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn76jEYTKyHTnRpOrmdWPEQJack’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/jack_polefkoJoan’s Links:
https://thejoanglebook.tumblr.comAnd a GARGANTUAN thank you to the editors, Camden and Connor, for this video who took on the heavy challenge of editing all this footage for this video!Camden’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/CamdenFoote Tweets by CamdenFoote Also HUMONGOUS thank you to the maker of the Stress to Impress graphic and thumbnail!Lev’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/elevenths Tweets by TheLevv ————————————–My Social Links:
http://www.vine.co/ThomasSanders Tweets by ThomasSanders http://www.Instagram.com/ThomasSanders
Tik Tok – thomassanders
Snapchat – Thomas_Sanders
Tumblr – https://thatsthat24.tumblr.com/
North America/WorldWide: http://www.shopthomassanders.com
UK/EU/AUS: http://www.shopthomassanders.co.uk
————————————–Business Inquires: business@fosterdawg.com
————————————–Works Cited:
Adri, in her research, also referred to this article comparing the different Barbie movies! Check it out here: https://reelrundown.com/movies/Barbie-Movies-Reviewed-Which-Ones-Are-The-Best