Tag: barbie
I’m a Barbie girl
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bIejfpLgem8imagination [Music].As found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use
Barbie transformation
https://youtube.com/watch?v=y27vqP1lh20you got loyalty she says I love you girl I love them more.As found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use
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Hi I’m Barbie 👋👋👋
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6nc4rdGDRQw[Music] stop [Music] [Music].As found on YouTube
Human Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Usehttps://t.co/A1HatukCuE https://t.co/0eN9mewqgfhttps://t.co/y7yflBNdEghttps://t.co/5O1SxSWdXNhttps://t.co/qeafHERviJhttps://t.co/Kehh1NkGyphttps://t.co/pHiwUdwyue https://t.co/Qu8d1MwULJ https://t.co/g587GtyT4y
— Ralph Leaman (@LeRoyMoco) July 24, 2023
BARBIE OUTFIT TRY ON! | Eugenia Cooney
hey guys so today I’m doing a video that’s really exciting so I’m going to be doing a video guys that’s like a Barbie haul video I’ve been so excited for the Barbie movie I think the Barbie movie looks amazing and yeah if you guys can’t tell today I’m like dressed up as Barbie so I’m going to be trying on like all kinds of like Barbie kind of outfits like outfits I thought looked like Barbie and as you guys can see I am just like so ready for Barbie movie like I even have like the Barbie doll here and it’s a Barbie movie doll like Margot Robbie and yeah look it’s like that’s why I had to get this dress because I was like it looks literally just like this dress so yeah I’m like fully ready now like yeah so cool I’ll start like actually showing you guys the outfits and everything so the outfit that I have on right now is actually the first outfit and yeah you see this one I thought it was just like the Barbie doll there pretty much so really cute I got a lot of these from White in the box so that’s where this is from now honestly like it kind of is a bit longer than I originally expected it was going to be but I don’t think Barbies is that short so you know I guess it kind of works so yeah and it’s just a really cute like pink and white just kind of like checkered dress here so that is this fun and then I also want this cap on guys like these shoes here and I thought these shoes are like really perfect for Barbie they look like just like the ones I feel like in like the movie trailer or like Margot Robbie’s like walking and then you see the shoes and yeah they’re really pretty they’re like this like kind of baby pink and then they have like the little jewels on the heel on the front and the fur and yeah I think it’s like a really pretty shoe so that’s the first outfit guys okay guys so now I’m going to show you guys the next outfit I have a different necklace on now too so this was the one I had on before because I kind of forgot to show it so this is it it’s just like little shells it’s really cute I think you guys kind of already saw it with the outfit so like I feel like it’s okay but I just thought I’d make sure just because I’m like wearing a different one now and this one is just kind of like a white dress I think it’s really pretty I feel like it kind of has like a swan kind of Barbie Vibe and yeah it’s kind of like feathery kind of like kind of that kind of look like material just like lots of white kind of like feather it’s like material and yeah I think it’s really pretty so this is this one guys and I also have like a different necklace on like I said so I have on this necklace and now that I thought looks super Barbie just with like the stars and then the pearls and also I realized this one today it also came with earrings so I have little earrings here these also just have like a little pink seashells so okay so the next outfit guys is this outfit here and this one is actually from dolls kill it’s crazy though I bought this forever ago but I can’t remember if I ever showed it to you guys or not I guess not this outfit it’d be perfect for the Barbie video because I thought it looked very Barbie so this one you just kind of have like this really cute just kind of like pink like crop top kind of thing and then it also just comes with like a like plaid pink Blazer and then there’s also like the matching pad skirt here so yeah I think it’s really cute here’s something inside and the back and everything and yeah this one is like definitely one of my favorites in this video and this one I would wear like I think even when I’m not being Barbie just because I think it’s like a super cute of it so okay guys so that is this outfit here and then here is the next outfit um this one I think is so cool on like this one actually might be like my favorite so far and this one you guys can see it’s kind of like the one in the movie that Margot Robbie wears and yeah it’s like the cowgirl Barbie outfit so yeah this one I think is so cool it’s got like the top right here and then the top is like just like hers it’s got all the stars and all that so it’s really cool because I think this one was actually like based on the movie and I guess like probably a lot of these were actually just like a lid in the Box it also of course has the pants it’s like I love this bright pink I think it’s so pretty and then here’s the pants with all the stars there I’m also just kind of wearing my Mew like heels with these guys I love these and just kind of thought these ago good so yeah I’m going to make the camera a little lower I can’t see the shoes but yeah here’s the shoes there and then guys so yeah so then I also just love like just like murder Robbie’s it’s like I’d love to say to this with like you know just kind of I guess like the design of the shirt and that’s it from the side and that’s it from the back and everything I think this is actually such a cool outfit guys like I feel like I would just like normally wear this like I think this one is like super awesome yeah and I just love the fistedness one guys like I love kind of like the design of the shirt ooh and the stars and the pants I think that the stars and the pants look so cool I love that they have this one like so sub words in the movie one and then of course I also just have this on with like the hat so we get like the cowgirl hat here and yeah I love this one guys I think that this one is just such a cool outfit so life is my favorite so far like I think it is like I really like this one I have this next up in here and this next outfit I think is like super cute this one is just kind of like this white purple pink of course kind of like checkered dress and I love it of course again this one is also based from Barbie that’s like pretty much all of these and yeah this one is really cute um you can also see it’s got like the little bow on the side there and yeah this is it from the side in the back and all that and this one I just think is like really pretty it’s really cute it’s very much like Barbie and um yeah and I’ll see you guys with this one I’m wearing boots from doll scale and these I just kind of thought would work they are kind of noisy which you guys will probably tell in this video but besides that they look really cool they’re basically like cowgirl boots like they’re like pink girl boots but just kind of like you know all these like jewels on them just kind of like dripping down and yeah I think these are such a cute pair of boots I love the color and yeah so that is this outfit guys I think that this dress is such a cute one okay so here is the next outfit guys and this one is really cool the shirt’s kind of big but you know I think it’s a cool outfit I feel like this one’s kind of like a Barbie like party type of outfit sort of and yeah this one guys it’s just kind of like a pink shirt material it’s like you know it’s kind of like costume I guess but you know it works I feel like it gets to look across so like yeah I got the skirt here the skirt’s cute the skirts just kind of got all this like you know pink Fringe here and then you kind of got the pink like battery material so yeah that’s the skirt guys and then it’s just kind of like this fun accessory that I have it’s just kind of like a pink boa and the boa is actually really cute guys like if you look too you’ll see that there’s also like just kind of like silver um you know it kind of like tinsel on this and this kind of makes it look cool and shiny and stuff and then with this guys I have on this like new pair of shoes that I got recently I thought they kind of had a Barbie Vibe and I really like these they’re really high which I love I love a really nice high heel and yeah you just kind of get the little pink gems and I think they’re really cool they’re pink shoes so yeah you guys that is this outfit and all right guys so this next outfit here is also a doll’s kill outfit this one I had in the haul kind of recently but I had a word again today because like this one I just feel like very much like sounds like a Barbie look and this dress I think is just so pretty like I love the bright pink color and I love the way this one kind of like flows out and stuff and yeah I think it’s such a pretty dress you guys can also see it’s got kind of just like the silver around here and the back it’s really pretty too it just kind of like blows out like that and then it’s got like the silver kind of trim there I feel like it definitely looks like something that Barbie would wear then I also have guys with this like these pair of shoes here and these are also dolls kill this is like one of my favorite pair of heels I think I’ve had this on a couple of shoe videos and I think these are so pretty I love the bright pink again I feel like it matches the dress really good and it’s just got all these really cute pretty charms got like just like yeah like hearts in it like lots of cool stuff so these shoes I just totally love these definitely one of my favorite pairs of shoes and yeah you guys so that is this off of here and all right you guys so I think that this is actually going to be the last outfit that I’m showing you guys today so I really hope you guys liked seeing all these different Barbie outfits I’m super excited for the Barbie movie I think it looks so good and I’ve been really excited about it since I saw the preview like three months ago I think a few months ago so if you guys like this video give this video a like so I know you liked it you can also press subscribe if you want to see more videos from me and you can also press the Bell icon if you want to be notified whenever I post a new video alright you guys I’ll see you guys soon see you guys in my next video byeAs found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier to Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy to Use
😇 EMO to BARBIE Transformation! | Mercades Danielle and Eugenia Cooney 👸
EMO to BARBIE Transformation!Go check out the video we did on Mercedes channel!FOLLOW MERCADES 😀 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/MercadesDanielle Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/MercadesDanielle Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MercadesDaniell Snapchat: mercy – deeFOLLOW ME: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Eugenia_Cooney Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/EugeniaCooney Snapchat: eugeniac Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eugeniacooneyy/ YouNow: http://www.younow.com/Eugenia.CooneyEnd song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509Abarbie,coral!

Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/12a0be
How to Beat Anxiety with Breathe with me Barbie!
How to Beat Anxiety with Breathe with me Barbie! I’m a huge fan of mindfulness meditation, it has helped me both with chronic pain and anxiety.I can’t find this doll online anywhere, but I bought her at Target. So check there!Welcome to My World! I rule here and it’s all about dolls, being a goofball and having fun! Strap in and enjoy the show!
8 DIY Weird Stress Relievers / Clever Barbie Life Hacks
Subscribe Here: https://goo.gl/KM3Axw
10 Healthy vs Junk Food Jewelry Challenge! / Fun And Unexpected Jewelry DIYs: https://youtu.be/m1EnyQyl_mE?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-
Anti-stresses is needed by everyone: adults, children, and even dolls! Agree? Then check out interesting Barbie stress reliever ideas in our new video!Supplies and tools:
• Dolls
• Double sided sequin fabric
• Needle and thread
• Velcro
• Hot glue gun
• Scissors
• Tweezers
• Plastic wrap
• Polymer clay
• Wooden skewer
• Knife
• Slime glue
• Gel laundry detergent
• Acrylic paints
• Baking soda
• Glitter
• Bow
• Pipe cleaners
• Awl
• Candle
• Paper
• Marker
• Clear film
• Parchment paper
• Flat iron
• Orbeez
• Ribbon
• Balloon
• Rhinestones
• Cardboard tube
• Foam rubber
• Foam paper
• Pearly half beads
• Thin brush
• Tulle
• Chiffon
• Little pompoms
• Elastic ribbon
• Felt
• Denim fabric
• Metallic clothing fasteners
• Lego piecesWatch More Troom Troom:
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Determining the BEST BARBIE MOVIE! – The Stress to Impress | Thomas Sanders & Friends
In this premiere episode of The Stress to Impress, two of my friends go head to head to find the BEST BARBIE MOVIE to share with me, and, using my very detailed rubric and expert judging skills, I will determine the winner!! This video was a TON of fun to make, so if you guys wanna see more of it, let us know in the comments!If you’re interested in becoming a YouTube Member and joining us on Monthly Livestreams, chatting with us, and even suggesting new categories for this series to do, you can do so by going here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80Z-cIOdR6upfnrPJ8Q00A/joinHUGE thank you to to both my friends, Adri and Quil, who vlogged and competed on this initial episode! You both fought valiantly!!Adri’s Links: Tweets by Hello_Adrii Quil’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/quildarling Tweets by quildarling Also, a GIGANTIC thank you to everyone else who participated in the making of this video!! You guys were awesome!!Alex’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/bossklaus Tweets by AlexKlausner Camden’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/CamdenFoote Tweets by CamdenFoote Carson’s Links:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn76jEYTKyHTnRpOrmdWPEQJack’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/jack_polefkoJoan’s Links:
https://thejoanglebook.tumblr.comAnd a GARGANTUAN thank you to the editors, Camden and Connor, for this video who took on the heavy challenge of editing all this footage for this video!Camden’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/CamdenFoote Tweets by CamdenFoote Also HUMONGOUS thank you to the maker of the Stress to Impress graphic and thumbnail!Lev’s Links:
https://www.instagram.com/elevenths Tweets by TheLevv ————————————–My Social Links:
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Adri, in her research, also referred to this article comparing the different Barbie movies! Check it out here: https://reelrundown.com/movies/Barbie-Movies-Reviewed-Which-Ones-Are-The-Best