How to Help in a Panic Attack | Mental Health First Aid

Panic attacks are incredibly common, and it can cause people to hyperventilate and to breathe out a lot, which breathes off the carbon dioxide, can make you feel very light-headed and means that you can just not be able to control your breathing at all. It is very, very frightening. It can give you palpitations, it can give you tremor. There's a lot of people get so frightened, that they think they're having a heart attack. If you suspect somebody is having a panic attack, please don't be tempted to use paper bags or anything that you may have heard about in the past.

The best way is to stay as calm as you can and breathe nice and calmly, too, and the calmer you are, the calmer they will be. Try and encourage them to breathe in and out very slowly. So, try and remove them from anything obvious that is causing them the distress, if you can, and try and get them to focus on breathing slowly in and out. Sometimes it can help to use your hands to do that. But breathing techniques have been shown to be the most effective to calm somebody when they're having a panic attack..

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Panic attacks (Free Course Trailer)

I just thought I was going mad. Yes definitely. Research suggests about 1 in 10 of us will experience a panic attack in our lifetime. and between 1 in 50 and 1 in 20 we'll go on to experience panic disorder reoccurring panic attacks that really impact people's ability to live their lives your heart may double in speed racing. Your breathing increases, your stomach turns over your legs are like jelly. You make me feel hot and cold you may be sweating a lot, skin going white, your mouth may go dry, hair stand on end. The physical experience of a panic attack is so powerful and frightening people often feel sure they are dying or that they are going crazy. I felt I wasn't coping with stuff every day stuff that other people were seemingly coping with and I just felt a failure. People with panic disorder often avoid places or situations that might trigger a panic attack. As a result, their lives can get smaller.

But research has led to increased understanding of panic attacks and to treatment and forms of self-help that can really make a difference. To find out more about what panic attacks are. How psychology understands them and what can help, try this free course from the Open University Get more from The Open University Check out the links on screen now..