Nancy Pelosi has joined a push to get Congress to censure President Trump:
Congress must censure @realDonaldTrump for his repulsive defense of white supremacy in the wake of #Charlottesville.— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) August 18, 2017
Just In: Nancy Pelosi introduces first resolution to censure President Trump for his Charlottesville remarks.— MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 18, 2017
Clarification: Censure resolution introduced by @RepBonnie , @RepJayapal, @RepJerryNadler Dem. Leader @NancyPelosi issued stmt. of support.— MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 18, 2017
Pelosi’s support of censure is not far enough, according to many:
Not strong enough. He must be impeached!— AG (@sweetsmoke1) August 18, 2017
Nancy, impeachment is the way to go.— Edward L. Myers III (@myers_law) August 18, 2017
Start impeachment procedure, get this fraud out of office!— Roby Geroca (@robyg49) August 18, 2017
We need more then that.Impeachment!— beontime (@byron_teal) August 18, 2017
Impeachment would be better. Get him tf outta here.— ReBecca Theodore (@FilmFatale_NYC) August 18, 2017
He should be impeached— Resist Together (@NakedPundit) August 18, 2017
We need more then a time out threat. #Impeachment is the right move— We need a hero (@fancyfrog1337) August 18, 2017
We're past censure. It's time to press for his resignation or to demand his impeachment and his removal from office. The world is watching.— Sailcat (@Sailcat2) August 18, 2017
NO Congress MUST IMPEACH TRUMP NOW!!!! For being a NAZI!!!— Frank (@watercutter11) August 18, 2017
Why not just impeach 45 and stop procrastinating? This is not enough!— Elba (@sunshine916) August 18, 2017
Not. Good. Enough. #InvokeThe25th— Rachel Cunningham (@RCHanoi) August 18, 2017
Congress must impeach him— atamatico (@atamatico) August 18, 2017
No. Impeach him.— Oz Donald (@_AlphaZulu_) August 18, 2017
Impeach not "Censure" Not enough! #ImpeachTrump— Grey Witch (@stonekoldsoul) August 18, 2017
Man, don't you just wish that someone had been bold enough to censure Hitler. I am sure it would've calmed him down.— Sunsara Taylor (@SunsaraTaylor) August 18, 2017
Unfortunately censure isn't half enough!— Willow Mayhem (@willowmayhem) August 18, 2017
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