Tag: DIY
20 Projects And Hacks That’ll Make You Want To Stock Up On Tinfoil
When it comes to aluminum foil, you probably only use the metallic material to cover baking sheets, pans, and leftovers.
But just like many other things in your kitchen, tinfoil has countless uses that most people don’t know about. In fact, you might just begin stockpiling it ASAP once you read about the impressive variety of DIY projects and around-the-house life hacks that utilize it. And once you let your creative juices flow, you might even come up with some new uses for tinfoil on your own!
1. Think spring by decorating your house with these colorful birds made with tinfoil and other household items.
2. No need to buy an expensive space heater when you can make one yourself.
3. Cover your paint trays with tinfoil to help eliminate mess and make the trays last longer.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/tinfoil-projects/
When You Cover Bacon In Chocolate, This Glorious Snack Happens
How many people do you know who really don’t like bacon? Probably not many.
And you most likely don’t know too many who don’t like chocolate, either. But what if chocolate and bacon joined forces? It might sound insane, but hear me out. You probably love the salty-sweet goodness of chocolate-covered pretzels, right? Well, think about amping up that taste sensation.
I’m already drooling. Someone make these for me, because I’m hopeless in the kitchen.
If you need me, I’ll be living my truth and chowing down.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/chocolate-bacon/
These 23 Amazingly Easy Tricks Will Help You Remove Almost Any Stain
Stains are seriously annoying and at times, they seem impossible to clean.
Whether they’re plaguing our clothes or carpeting, we all wish that they would come out more easily and stop ruining our things. Well, luckily for you, there are a ton of awesome methods for removing practically any stain — and you can find them below.Get ready to become the ultimate master of stain removal.
1. Lemon juice removes rust stains from steak knives fast — just soak them in it for a few minutes.
2. If you mix hydrogen peroxide with water and lemon essential oil, you’ll have an amazing carpet cleaner.
3. Lemons are great for getting rid of hard water stains.
4. Armpit stains don’t stand a chance against dishwasher detergent, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda.
5. Lipstick stains are so obnoxious, but WD-40 scrubs them right out.

6. Can’t get dried paint out of your carpet? Nail polish remover will do the trick!

7. Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to get tough blood stains out of fabric.
8. Get rid of ink stains easily with glycerin (or hairspray) and laundry detergent.
9. Now you don’t have to worry about your jeans rubbing up against your favorite purse, because makeup remover wipes will clean them quickly.
10. At this point I’m convinced that hydrogen peroxide can fix any stain, because mixing it with some hand soap will easily clean grass-stained clothing, too.

11. Coloring your hair is fun, but not when the dye gets all over the carpet — use liquid dishwasher detergent, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and ammonia to get it clean again.

12. Pets are awesome, but it’s so frustrating when they have accidents. Luckily, hydrogen peroxide and liquid dishwasher detergent can also remove those stains.
13. Red wine seems impossible to clean out of your carpet, but it’s actually pretty simple with just a little salt.

14. Don’t you hate when you spill nail polish all over? Well, don’t worry, because you can use your hairspray to make it look like nothing ever happened.

15. You don’t have to freak out about your kids tracking in mud anymore because you can get rid of the stains with just a plastic knife, liquid dish soap, and laundry detergent.

16. Baking soda works like magic to wipe the coffee stains from your favorite mug and make it look like new.
17. Don’t throw away your grease-stained clothing — douse it in stain remover, baking soda, and hand soap, then scrub it down with a toothbrush.
18. Hand sanitizer will remove permanent marker from your clothes in a pinch.

19. I bet you didn’t know that you could get gum off of your clothing by freezing it.
20. Chocolate stains are simple to take care of with your freezer and warm water.

21. Ketchup stains on your clothes are no match for laundry detergent, white vinegar, and cold water.

22. Hydrogen peroxide comes in handy yet again for grape juice stains — just pair it with some dish soap.
23. All you need to clean those ice cream stains from your favorite shirt is to scoop, rinse, and blot!
(via PopSugar)
I had idea that it would be so easy to tackle so many stains! I can’t wait to add all of these to my cleaning routine.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/diy-stain-removal/
This Dad Made His Daughter A Bed That Even Sleeping Beauty Would Love
Every princess deserves a bed that’s made for a queen.
Kids are encouraged to believe that if they can dream it, they can achieve it. While boys and girls grow up wanting to be everything from race car drivers to astronauts, I dare you to name one little girl who didn’t secretly wish to be a princess at one point or another.
For Redditor Henryhooker, making his daughter’s dreams a reality was his ultimate goal. That’s why this princess bed is so special. If you want to see how you can make a bed that’s fit for your little princess, check out the tutorial below!
Before he could begin the build, Henryhooker sketched out a design that combined multiple pieces into one. His princess bed would also serve as a dresser and storage unit with a little crawlspace underneath.
After that, he created a jig to make headboard and footboard assembly a little easier.
From there, he cut out the base of the bed.
He had the basic frame together in no time!
He then began working on the staircase leading up to the bed.
As an added safety feature, the crafter created a little wall to keep his princess from getting hurt.
He cut shelving space into the side of the staircase for all of her storage needs!
Of course, the princess bed had to have a few personal touches.
He even included a set of pink LED lights to up the wow factor.
Once all of the pieces were cut and sanded down, it was time to paint.
Talk about precious, right?
Everything was assembled once the paint dried.
Any royal would be jealous of this epic bed.
When Dad wants to read his favorite girl a bedtime story, he can choose a book from her vast collection!
And if you thought this setup looked cool during the day, you should check it out at night.
To pass this onto your little heirs, click here for full instructions.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/castle-bed/
21 Do-it-yourself Functions The Man You’re Dating Desires You’d Make
And not a bacon bouquet to be observed.
1. Leather-Wrapped Flask
For an elegant method to drink on-the-go. Discover ways to become successful here.
2. Do-it-yourself ginger-beer
For when he’s on a Moscow Mule kick. Have the dish here.
3. Concrete fireplace
Because then chances are you achieve use it, also. Learn how to ensure it is right here.
4. Lego Key Hook
So he’ll never misplace their particular ideas once again. Learn how to succeed right here.
5. Collapsible Sink Attachment
and that means you won’t hog up all the sink space with your different beauty devices. Have the guide right here.
6. Homemade Dunkaroos
since they had been clearly his preferred treat growing up. Receive the recipe right here.
7. Rosemary Mint Shaving Cream
Because he deserves something notably luxurious. In addition, 5-ingredient do-it-yourself shaving cream is something really worth bragging planning to their particular pals. Figure out how to makes it appropriate right here.
8. Bay-rum Aftershave
To smell like spicy, woodsy ruggedness. Obtain the guide right right here.
9. Comic Book Coasters
Because he truly loves comics nearly around he really really loves booze (and good design). Learn to cause them to right here.
10. Hand-Knotted Hammock
For a good sluggish Sunday. (Side note: it really seems rather relaxing to gradually knot away only at that). Learn how to be successful here.
11. Gentleman’s Survival Kit
Filled with whiskey, a match tin, and a hatchet inside a classic briefcase—the crafter scored it for cheap on Etsy! Learn how to become successful right right here.
12. Hand-stamped Hankies
About dapper and the dabbers (nostrils dabbers, which). Learn how to lead them to right here.
13. Leather Luggage Tag
For while he has a significant instance of wanderlust. Learn how to help it become right here.
14. All-Natural Deodorant
To update their post-workout program. Discover ways to make it right here.
15. Cozy Socks
So his base won’t be cold yet again. Learn to make some right right here.
16. A Cake That Gets Him
Switch their Netflix fix into a shock which he can consume.
17. Celebrity Wars Pillowcases
Since you love him—and he knows. Learn how to get them to appropriate here.
18. Same-Day Bacon Bourbon
Because it’s easy to make but difficult to avoid. Get the dish right here.
19. Geeky Cool Map Plates
Utilize Lord for the Rings, Game Of Thrones or Super Mario Bros. maps preserve their attractive plate game on the internet powerful. Discover ways to get them to here.
20. Color-Blocked Tie
So he is able to rock that future meeting. Learn to make it here.
21. Suede Wallet
Considering that the wallet is a prime guy-ccessory along with his must be fresh. Receive the guide appropriate right here.
find out more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/alisoncaporimo/projects-your-boyfriend-wishes
I Thought His Idea To Do This With No Money Was Ridiculous. But It Turned Out AWESOME.
I think just about every boy dreams of building his very own secret base. That’s exactly what reddit user kahnuck did. Except he’s not a kid any more, nor did he decide to build this shack as a secret base to discuss how icky girls are. He built this amazingly affordable shack on his parent’s land using pretty much nothing but scrap wood and metal he gathered from the surrounding area. Only buying a few things from a local store. But all of this begs the question, why?
“So I started building a shack three summers ago on my parents property. I had no previous building experience, and no real plan.”
“The logs were harvested from wind-fallen trees around the property. I bought some 2×4’s to frame the skeleton of the structure, and some concrete blocks to prop the structure up off the ground.”
“In hindsight I should have turned the roof beams on edge in order to maximize load-bearing capacity.”
“I finally returned home this summer, and decided to continue tinkering with the shack. I picked up a window and door for five dollars each, and was able to get some scrap metal roofing from a family friend who just completed building her own log cabin. I randomly started infilling the walls with logs collected from around my parents eighteen acre property.”
“I found another wooden door and a lot of miscellaneous pieces of wood from a local scrap yard. The more you reuse, the more affordable making a structure like this can be. My mom and aunt decided to “spruce up my shack” by adding the colorful solar-powered lights…”
“The shack also benefits from a large amount of evergreens being conveniently located on it’s north side – somewhat sheltering it from prevailing winds.”
“I decided I wanted to add a look-out tower to the eastern side of my shack. There are a few local shipbuilders in the area who dump a lot of their scrap wood off on an old, rarely used, historic road. Luckily for me, most of the wood is still in great shape – the entire tower is built from that salvaged wood. I used old tire rims to prop the ladder and tower posts up off the ground, to minimize water damage and rot. “
“I decided to spend some money and get a few packs of cedar shingles to cover the outer walls of the shack. In total it took three bundles, at twenty dollars per bundle. Normally you only expose five inches of the shingle, but I exposed six-and-a-half inches in order to stretch the shingles as much as possible. I was reluctant to put any more money into this thing, but I decided the functionality this provides would make it a worthy investment.”
“I secured some sturdy logs to the tower in order to increase its stability and strength.”
“While I was building the shack, my parents were working on an outhouse. I was able to use a lot of their scraps to start filling in around the windows.”
“By attaching these thin strips of wood to the back of the structure, it gave me a secure and level surface to attach the cedar shingles to. I used a staple gun to attach the shingles to the wood strips.”
“Using logs found around the property, I started building a front overhang. The front posts are propped off the ground with bricks.”
“I decided the tower needed more secure ladders. Using a level and measuring tape, I marked along the logs at one-foot intervals where a notch would be cut for the step. After sawing along the markings, I notched out small piece of wood with a hammer and chisel. Lastly, I slid the steps into the notched out spaces, and secured them down with screws.”
“I painted the corner posts and bottom boards with fisherman paint I found in my parents basement. The cedar shingles should last untreated for decades, but the other wood isn’t as hardy, and needs some added protection.”
“I decided to cover the front overhang with a double layer of clear plastic – this provides shelter at the front of the shack, while still allowing light into the shack. The gap between plastic sheeting and metal roofing is covered by more scrap metal.”
“In the woods beside the old historic road, there was also a large pile of old lobster traps. I salvaged a bunch of wire mesh from them, and used it to reinforce the plastic sheeting. I also framed some of the wire mesh and used it as walls on the tower – it allows the wind to pass through the structure without shaking the whole thing.”
“Interior tower facing wall, nothing pretty.”
“The floor is composed of a few layers of sand and some square chunks of cement I salvaged from the lobster traps.”
“Western windowed wall.”
This is the finished product. It might not be fancy, but for a cost of almost $0…I’ll take it! He even built a nice bench out front to sit on. 🙂
Gotta say, as a kid this was my dream, to build a shack and tower exactly like that. Except I’d probably have called it the Secret Fort of Doom or something equally cheesy. Good to see someone is living every kid’s dream. Next step, to become a Ninja Turtle and eat pizza for breakfast every day. Source
Read more: http://viralnova.com/affordable-shack/
17 Lazy Girl Cleaning Hacks That Will Forever Change You
Clean your floor while walking to the fridge? YES.
1. Walk around your house in “Swiffer Socks” instead of dusting.
You know those sickeningly cozy socks that make you feel like a baby? Well, put those things on. Walk around your house. Take them off. You just dusted your apartment by simply having feet.
2. Use a lint roller to dust.
Run a lint roller over lampshades, mantles, and shelves to dust and vacuum all at once.
3. Spray furniture polish on anything to make it shiny.
Give your fridge (or your coffee table, or your dresser) some gold star treatment by doing practically nothing. But don’t spray your floor. You will probably fall and be angry at us.
4. Line your toaster tray with foil before toasting anything.
Peel it off and you can get back to your boyfriend Netflix.
5. Avoid using cups and bowls…
When you can, eat things out of their original containers.
6. At all costs.
I want to think someone wasn’t high when they did this. But they probably were.
8. Use liquid shower gel (not soap) to avoid soap scum buildup in your tub.
“The fats and oils in soaps create problems with soap scum,” Lynn Marie Bower tells Housekeeping Channel. But since body wash is technically a detergent, it’s specifically formulated to prevent gross crud from caking up in the shower.
9. Blend soap and water to clean a blender.
Press a button and you’re done.
10. Use plastic food wrap to make clean-up easy.
When things get gross, just rip out the liners and add new ones.
11. Clean your microwave and your sponge all at once.
Microwave a damp sponge on high to kill the bacteria hiding in all its nooks and crannies. The steamy vapors will help clean stuck-on nastiness. Using an oven mitt, wipe the sides of the microwave with the sponge.
12. Tape a dryer sheet over an air conditioner vent to freshen up the room.
Never light a scented candle again.
13. Keep cleaning liquid in the bottom of the toilet brush pan.
Obviously, make sure to wash your toilet brush after using because dat shit nasty.
14. Wash almost everything in the dishwasher.
If you’re lucky enough to have one. For a full list of things you can wash in a dishwasher, go here.
15. Clean greasy gas burners in a sealed plastic bag with ammonia.
Pick up burners. Put burners in bags with 1/4 cup of ammonia. Seal bags. Let sit overnight. Wipe burners with sponge. Don a crown—you are now the clean queen.
16. Run 1 part vinegar + 1 part water through a brew cycle in your coffeemaker.
Then run just water through the cycle twice to make the vinegar smell goes away.
17. Soak a non-toxic and biodegradable dryer sheet in a pan to remove baked-on food.
Barely lift a finger.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/alisoncaporimo/lazy-girl-cleaning-hacks
22 Textured Nail DIYs To Take Your Mani To The Next Dimension
Get it? Because the nails are 3D.
13. Caviar
Forget the fancy caviar nail sets you can buy, and recreate this look with craft store microbeads!
15. Quilted Polish
Get these chic fingernails with only polish and striping tape!
22. (Real!) Snakeskin
Using real snake sluff that sheds naturally. No snakes were harmed in the making of this tutorial.
Pretty soon you’ll have to make a mani cam of your own.
23 Photographs That Confirm Mason Jar Functions Went Besides Far
Bow down to your master: the Ball container.
6. They truly are “containing” our the vacation period are usually nature with bedazzled covers and twine.
7. They are these days the only most convenient way to obtain light for club or restaurant…
9. These are typically pressing flowers and candy collectively into one container of weirdness.
“Honey, the reason why the Jordan almonds taste like tulips?”
19. They might be bastardizing our childhoods standard ice-cream sundaes.
That isn’t a competent frozen dessert sundae dinner.
23. Mason bins have truly indeed basically conquered mankind today, so it will be time they browse his or her from then on target: wild birds.
- that is why, what can you realy begin contemplating, do Mason bins must be done?
Discovery / through breakthrough.tumblr.com
Mmm, moonshine.