Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents provides readers with the defining fundamentals of CBT in an accessible, down-to-earth style. In addition, a well-integrated, developmentally appropriate approach is detailed for a number of the mental disorders and conditions that are most common among children and adolescents. This unique work provides the following: Explications of innovative CBT techniques in the treatment of children with chronic physical illness and depressive, bipolar, anxiety (including OCD and PTSD), eating, elimination, and disruptive behavior disorders A comprehensive chapter features the clinical implications and applications of combining CBT with psychopharmacological treatment Videos on the accompanying DVD demonstrate CBT techniques with children or adolescents with depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorder, medical illness, and disruptive behavior disorder Guidance for integrating parents and families into the child’s treatment is shared for every disorder covered in the book Extensive case examples, key clinical points, and self-assessment questions and answers will further equip readers to effectively and thoughtfully apply CBT Useful chapter appendixes include accessible tables of CBT concepts; patient and parent handouts; and clinical exercises, activities, and tools that further augment the text Finally, because factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, and sexual orientation may affect the therapeutic relationship, diagnosis, and treatment of patients, a separate chapter on conducting effective CBT with culturally diverse children and adolescents is provided. Clinicians will gain a robust understanding of CBT practice with children and adolescents — so that they can also do it — and do it effectively. This unique, easy-to-use guide is an invaluable and worthy reference for all mental health practitioners who work with children and adolescents. No other text on the subject will match it.

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The Coddling of the American Mind

Something is going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and afraid to speak honestly. How did this happen? First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into American childhood and education: what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker; always trust your feelings; and life is a battle between good people and evil people. These three Great Untruths are incompatible with basic psychological principles, as well as ancient wisdom from many cultures. They interfere with healthy development. Anyone who embraces these untruths—and the resulting culture of safetyism—is less likely to become an autonomous adult able to navigate the bumpy road of life. Lukianoff and Haidt investigate the many social trends that have intersected to produce these untruths. They situate the conflicts on campus in the context of America’s rapidly rising political polarization, including a rise in hate crimes and off-campus provocation. They explore changes in childhood including the rise of fearful parenting, the decline of unsupervised play, and the new world of social media that has engulfed teenagers in the last decade. This is a book for anyone who is confused by what is happening on college campuses today, or has children, or is concerned about the growing inability of Americans to live, work, and cooperate across party lines.

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Bladder Pain Syndrome

Bladder Pain Syndrome: A Guide for Clinicians provides a comprehensive update in the pathophysiology, epidemiology, terminology, evaluation and treatment of patients with pelvic pain perceived to be related to the urinary bladder. The volume covers the tremendous evolution during the last decade in our understanding of pain syndromes and their diagnosis and treatment. It is now clear that Bladder Pain Syndrome belongs to the family of pain syndromes, and therefore treatment has moved from the treatment of the bladder to the treatment of a pain syndrome with the special problems this presents when the pain syndrome involves urinary symptoms. Interstitial Cystitis was poorly defined and the interpretation and patient selection differed enormously around the world in many ways, making exchange of information unreliable and confusing. Bladder Pain Syndrome is clearly defined and the result is a much better patient selection. This volume provides state of the art background for making a correct evaluation and diagnosis of patients with pelvic pain and voiding problems resulting in a more focused treatment to the benefit of the patients. The volume also covers the close relationship between different pain syndromes including those outside the pelvis. Bladder Pain Syndrome: A Guide for Clinicians will be of great utility to urologists, gynecologists and all health professionals dealing with patients with pelvic pain.

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The Distracted Couple

In total, this volume addresses many of the issues that couples face when either one or both partners has ADHD and the many ways that clinicians can help them in dealing with these issues.Although historically the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD have focused on children, more recently clinicians and researchers have explored the impact of ADHD on adults. Few, however, have focused on the effects of adult ADHD on relationships and marriages, which makes this a must-read for all of those interested in and working with adults with ADHD.

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Fast Minds

Presents a new program to help understand attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and how to make its traits and symptoms work positively to manage time, harness mental energy, and create supportive environments.

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Mind Over Mood, Second Edition

“This life changing book helps readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy – one of today’s most effective forms of psychotherapy – to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems. The second edition contains numerous new features : expanded content on anxiety ; chapters on setting personal goals and maintaining progress ; happiness rating scales ; gratitude journals ; innovative exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness; new worksheets ; and much more.”–Publisher.

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The Pituitary

The Pituitary

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What causes insomnia? – Dan Kwartler

Check out our Patreon page: full lesson: keeps you up at night? Pondering deep questions? Excitement about a big trip? Stress about unfinished work? What if the very thing keeping you awake was stress about losing sleep? This seemingly unsolvable loop is at the heart of insomnia, the world’s most common sleep disorder. So what is insomnia? And is there any way to break the cycle? Dan Kwartler details the science of insomnia.Lesson by Dan Kwartler, animation by Sharon Colman.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Mehmet Sencer KARADAYI, Christian Kurch, SungGyeong Bae, Luis Felipe Ruiz Langenscheidt, Joe Huang, Rohan Gupta, Senjo Limbu, Martin Lau, Robson Martinho, Jason Garcia, Cailin Ramsey, Aaron Henson, John Saveland, Nicolle Fieldsend-Roxborough, Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Sandy Nasser, CG Nobles, QIUJING L BU, Yoga Trapeze Wanderlust, Jaron Blackburn, Alejandro Cachoua, Thomas Mungavan, Elena Crescia, Edla Paniguel, Sarah Lundegaard, Anna-Pitschna Kunz, Tim Armstrong, Erika Blanquez, Ricki Daniel Marbun, zjweele13, Judith Benavides, Ross Henriques, Ken, Caitlin de Falco, Scheherazade Kelii, Errys, James Bruening, Michael Braun-Boghos, Ricardo Diaz, Kack-Kyun Kim, Artem Minyaylov, Alexandrina Danifeld, Danny Romard, Yujing Jiang, Stina Boberg, Mariana Ortega, Anthony Wiggins, Hoai Nam Tran, Joe Sims, and David Petrovič.

Eating for Autism

A breakthrough guide to the nutrition-autism connection: the foods, meals, and supplements to feed your child to improve an autism spectrum condition

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As seen in Time, USA TODAY, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and on CBS This Morning, BBC, PBS, CNN, and NPR, iGen is crucial reading to understand how the children, teens, and young adults born in the mid-1990s and later are vastly different from their Millennial predecessors, and from any other generation. With generational divides wider than ever, parents, educators, and employers have an urgent need to understand today’s rising generation of teens and young adults. Born in the mid-1990s up to the mid-2000s, iGen is the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. With social media and texting replacing other activities, iGen spends less time with their friends in person—perhaps contributing to their unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. But technology is not the only thing that makes iGen distinct from every generation before them; they are also different in how they spend their time, how they behave, and in their attitudes toward religion, sexuality, and politics. They socialize in completely new ways, reject once sacred social taboos, and want different things from their lives and careers. More than previous generations, they are obsessed with safety, focused on tolerance, and have no patience for inequality. With the first members of iGen just graduating from college, we all need to understand them: friends and family need to look out for them; businesses must figure out how to recruit them and sell to them; colleges and universities must know how to educate and guide them. And members of iGen also need to understand themselves as they communicate with their elders and explain their views to their older peers. Because where iGen goes, so goes our nation—and the world.

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