Paul Begala’s joke about who should work WH security gets needed fix!/PaulBegala/status/516696719598579712


That could be improved:

@PaulBegala You want McCain for a “get off my lawn” joke. Cheney would just shoot in the face.

— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) September 29, 2014

A little better.

Solid tip.RT @jamisonfoser @PaulBegala You want McCain for a “get off my lawn” joke. Cheney would just shoot in the face.

— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) September 29, 2014



Secret’s out! US Secret Service needs refresher course in protecting WH

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Paul Begala needs precisely what strategy experts of strategy-free president expect!/RichardGrenell/status/505299538996109312

During yesterday’s hit workshop, President Obama reported “we don’t have certainly actually without a doubt the very fact remains a means nevertheless” for making usage of ISIS. In addition NYT’s Nick Kristof had harsh terms for Obama after he reported that.

But President “No Technique” as a rule have really actually definitely indeed in fact another defender in Paul Begala:!/PaulBegala/status/505297199522398208

Are “invade, beat & occupy” or “no method” undoubtedly usually the one alternatives?!/MissMarple2/status/505305258705551360!/GPollowitz/status/505300481384910848

Here’s a good newbie technique:!/YossiGestetner/status/505313554799812608

There ya get.



This Paul Begala flashback tweet and replies features certainly you in rips … of laughter

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Paul Begala twists Joni Ernst’s #2A statement into call for violence!/PaulBegala/status/525338353622077440

In 2012, Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst told an audience that she carries a gun to protect her family and her rights should the government ever try to take them away.

Paul Begala (and others) are now framing Ernst’s quote to mean that she supports violent revolution against the U.S. government, including police and soldiers:

That’s not what Ernst was talking about and Begala knows it, but hey, there’s an election coming up and Dem desperation is high.

Others took that ball from Begala and ran with it:

If Ernst were actually supporting violent revolution against the U.S. government she’d be kind of stupid for trying to get elected to the Senate, wouldn’t she?



Partisan hack Paul Begala impressed by ‘brilliant, experienced’ Ronald Klain

Here is Paul Begala doubling down on desperate Ebola-blaming lies by blaming Bush. No, seriously

How much does Dem desperation reek? Paul Begala parrots pitiful ‘Ebola budget cuts’ spin; Gets schooled

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