
Epic poetry at its finest Beowulf is one of the most studied and praised English classic. Originally written over a thousand years ago, the story celebrates Beowulf, a young Swedish nobleman who has battled monsters and dragons to keep his people safe. This Xist Classics edition has been professionally formatted for e-readers with a linked table of contents. This eBook also contains a bonus book club leadership guide and discussion questions. We hope you’ll share this book with your friends, neighbors and colleagues and can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it. Xist Publishing is a digital-first publisher. Xist Publishing creates books for the touchscreen generation and is dedicated to helping everyone develop a lifetime love of reading, no matter what form it takes

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Ranveer Singh and Sadhguru Dance on Popular Demand at IIM Bangalore Leadership Summit 2018

#Sadhguru Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Sadhguru Exclusive (Register Now) ⚡ App (Download) 📱 Sadhguru Website 🌎 http://isha.sadhguru.orgDonate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Engineering Online Program 🌼 (Register Now)Official Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

Dios conoce nuestra propensión a resbalar

Isaías 53 Romanos 6:15La parte más difícil de ser un creyente es cuando uno se resbala. Confía en Dios y reconoce Su gracia.La Pastora Melissa Scott anunció el logro de su doctorado, Ph.D. en Mayo del 2017 y enseña todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am en Faith Center, en Glendale, California. Para pedir un boleto gratis y asistir a un servicio en vivo, llame 1-800-338-3030. También se puede ver el servicio en vivo en su sitio web http://www.pastormelissascott.comSígala @Pastor_Scott por Twitter y visítela en su página de Facebook @Pastor.M.ScottPuede descargar la app “Understand the Bible” (Entienda la Biblia) de la Pastora Scott por iPhone, iPad y iPod de la Apple App Store y para los dispositivos Android en la Google Store.La Pastora Scott se puede ver 24×7 en Roku por el canal “Understand the Bible?” Para más información visite

Tus cartas me encantan por Pastora Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Yo recibo tus cartas de todo el mundo y me dan ánimo. Ustedes que escuchan la enseñanza escríbanmeLa Pastora Melissa Scott anunció el logro de su doctorado, Ph.D. en Mayo del 2017. La Pastora enseña en ingles todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am en Faith Center, en Glendale, California.Este programa se ha traducido al español y está escuchando a la enseñanza de la Pastora Scott. Si le gusta la enseñanza y se la Palabra le da ánimo, le puede escribir a la Pastora Scott. Favor de enviar su correspondencia a la siguiente dirección: 1516 South Glendale Ave., Glendale, California.Para escuchar al programa en Español se puede ver el servicio en vivo en su sitio web http://www.pastormelissascott.comSígala @Pastor_Scott por Twitter y visítela en su página de Facebook @Pastor.M.ScottPuede descargar la app “Understand the Bible” (Entienda la Biblia) de la Pastora Scott por iPhone, iPad y iPod de la Apple App Store y para los dispositivos Android en la Google StoreSe puede ver 24×7 en Roku por el canal “Understand the Bible?” Para más información visite

Zac Poonen – Victory Over Sexul Sin | Must Watch

In Ezekiel 16:49-50, #God describes the real #sins of #Sodom that led to the destruction of that city (in Genesis 19). Most of us have always associated Sodom with sodomy (homosexuality) and other sexual sins. But #sexual sin was the ultimate result of a way of life. What was it that led them into such depths of evil? Here we are told that Sodom’s sins were actually : – #Pride – #Laziness – #Gluttony (love of good food) and – Neglecting the poor and needy These were the reason why God wiped out that city. It is interesting to note that God does not even mention their sexual sin. #Sexual #sin in Sodom was the result of their lazy, comfortable life-style. What can we learn from this? That there is a close connection between * pride and sexual sin, * laziness and sexual sin * gluttony and sexual sin and * a lack of concern for other people and sexual sin. Consider just these four areas. Many of you who are young have to admit that you are finding it very difficult to overcome your sexual passions. That is an extremely difficult area. But why not begin by overcoming in these four easier areas? You may, then, find it easier to overcome in the sexual area. Begin first of all, by humbling yourself in all situations. Avoid all arrogance. Then begin to be hard-working and diligent in whatever you do. Then try fasting — avoiding food — once in a while. And fourthly, begin to think a little more about the needs of people around you and see how you can help them. Try this prescription for one year and you may discover that overcoming your sexual passions becomes easier. We cannot overcome any sin without grace from God – but He gives His grace only to the humble; and He helps only those who are kind and helpful to others. About Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs. Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Let's Pretend This Never Happened

The #1 New York Times bestselling (mostly true) memoir from the hilarious author of Furiously Happy. “Gaspingly funny and wonderfully inappropriate.”—O, The Oprah Magazine When Jenny Lawson was little, all she ever wanted was to fit in. That dream was cut short by her fantastically unbalanced father and a morbidly eccentric childhood. It did, however, open up an opportunity for Lawson to find the humor in the strange shame-spiral that is her life, and we are all the better for it. In the irreverent Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Lawson’s long-suffering husband and sweet daughter help her uncover the surprising discovery that the most terribly human moments—the ones we want to pretend never happened—are the very same moments that make us the people we are today. For every intellectual misfit who thought they were the only ones to think the things that Lawson dares to say out loud, this is a poignant and hysterical look at the dark, disturbing, yet wonderful moments of our lives. Readers Guide Inside

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PANIC – Official Trailer | Prime Video

PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape their circumstances and make their lives better. But this year, the rules have changed — the pot of money is larger than ever and the game has become even more dangerous. The players will come face to face with their deepest, darkest fears and be forced to decide how much they are willing to risk in order to win. About Prime Video: Want to watch it now? We’ve got it. This week’s newest movies, last night’s TV shows, classic favorites, and more are available to stream instantly, plus all your videos are stored in Your Video Library. Over 150,000 movies and TV episodes, including thousands for Amazon Prime members at no additional cost. Get More Prime Video: Stream Now: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: PANIC – Official Trailer | Prime Video
Prime Video

How to Control Anger – Sadhguru

Answering a question on how to control anger, Sadhguru clarifies that anger is not an entity somewhere that we have to control or avoid. The fundamental reason why anger is a problem is because our minds are not in our control, which is what needs to be addressed.Sadhguru Talks @ RVS College, Coimbatore, Jan 2012To watch this video in Gujarati – Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Sadhguru Exclusive (Register Now) ⚡ App (Download) 📱 Sadhguru Website 🌎 http://isha.sadhguru.orgDonate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Engineering Online Program 50% off | FREE for COVID Warriors 🌼 (Register Now)Official Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

“Debemos resistir al diablo”, por Pastora Melissa Scott

Dios resiste al soberbio, y da gracia a los humildes. La batalla es real, debemos resistir al diablo. Cuando ya no es amenaza al reino del diablo se aleja de usted.La Pastora Melissa Scott anunció el logro de su doctorado, Ph.D. en Mayo del 2017. La Pastora enseña en ingles todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am en Faith Center, en Glendale, California.Este programa se ha traducido al español y está escuchando a la enseñanza de la Pastora Scott. Si le gusta la enseñanza y se la Palabra le da ánimo, le puede escribir a la Pastora Scott. Favor de enviar su correspondencia a la siguiente dirección: 1516 South Glendale Ave., Glendale, California.Para escuchar al programa en Español se puede ver el servicio en vivo en su sitio web http://www.pastormelissascott.comSígala @Pastor_Scott por Twitter y visítela en su página de Facebook @Pastor.M.ScottPuede descargar la app “Understand the Bible” (Entienda la Biblia) de la Pastora Scott por iPhone, iPad y iPod de la Apple App Store y para los dispositivos Android en la Google StoreSe puede ver 24×7 en Roku por el canal “Understand the Bible?” Para más información visite 6 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)Hijos, obedeced en el Señor a vuestros padres, porque esto es justo. 2 Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, que es el primer mandamiento con promesa; 3 para que te vaya bien, y seas de larga vida sobre la tierra. 4 Y vosotros, padres, no provoquéis a ira a vuestros hijos, sino criadlos en disciplina y amonestación del Señor. 5 Siervos, obedeced a vuestros amos terrenales con temor y temblor, con sencillez de vuestro corazón, como a Cristo; 6 no sirviendo al ojo, como los que quieren agradar a los hombres, sino como siervos de Cristo, de corazón haciendo la voluntad de Dios; 7 sirviendo de buena voluntad, como al Señor y no a los hombres, 8 sabiendo que el bien que cada uno hiciere, ése recibirá del Señor, sea siervo o sea libre. 9 Y vosotros, amos, haced con ellos lo mismo, dejando las amenazas, sabiendo que el Señor de ellos y vuestro está en los cielos, y que para él no hay acepción de personas. 10 Por lo demás, hermanos míos, fortaleceos en el Señor, y en el poder de su fuerza. 11 Vestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis estar firmes contra las asechanzas del diablo. 12 Porque no tenemos lucha contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra los gobernadores de las tinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes. 13 Por tanto, tomad toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir en el día malo, y habiendo acabado todo, estar firmes. 14 Estad, pues, firmes, ceñidos vuestros lomos con la verdad, y vestidos con la coraza de justicia, 15 y calzados los pies con el apresto del evangelio de la paz. 16 Sobre todo, tomad el escudo de la fe, con que podáis apagar todos los dardos de fuego del maligno. 17 Y tomad el yelmo de la salvación, y la espada del Espíritu, que es la palabra de Dios; 18 orando en todo tiempo con toda oración y súplica en el Espíritu, y velando en ello con toda perseverancia y súplica por todos los santos; 19 y por mí, a fin de que al abrir mi boca me sea dada palabra para dar a conocer con denuedo el misterio del evangelio, 20 por el cual soy embajador en cadenas; que con denuedo hable de él, como debo hablar. 21 Para que también vosotros sepáis mis asuntos, y lo que hago, todo os lo hará saber Tíquico, hermano amado y fiel ministro en el Señor, 22 el cual envié a vosotros para esto mismo, para que sepáis lo tocante a nosotros, y que consuele vuestros corazones. 23 Paz sea a los hermanos, y amor con fe, de Dios Padre y del Señor Jesucristo. 24 La gracia sea con todos los que aman a nuestro Señor Jesucristo con amor inalterable. Amén.

The Art of Non-conformity

Encourages one to create an ideal life through hard work, drawing on the author’s own story and the experiences of others to prove that this life plan can really work.

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