When election season and Halloween combine to form one, awesome hashtag


Who’s ready for another hashtag game? Of course you are!

Today’s entrant combines Halloween with the awesome snark of partisan politics that you would expect to surface on the Friday before election day. Behold, #DemocratHorrorMovies!

Here are some of the funnier ones we’ve seen:

And yes, let’s add a real movie clip to the mix:


You can read the rest of the entries here.


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/31/when-election-season-and-halloween-combine-to-form-one-awesome-hashtag-democrathorrormovies/

Stacey Dash cast in (pretend) cop show with Adam Baldwin, Nick Searcy


Stacey Dash says she’d like to see actors Adam Baldwin and Nick Searcy naked in a movie? How did we get there?

It turns out the pair has been brainstorming, with Townhall columnist Kurt Schlichter, a new TV cop show which might or might not be called “Open Carry.”  Schlichter kicked things off.


Ooh, that sounds good.

http://twitter.com/#!/yesnicksearcy/status/456126963636137986 http://twitter.com/#!/darian_johns/status/456127312635760641

Good point: Oklahoma’s gun-friendly stance has helped keep crime to a minimum. Some movie magic could fix that.


What else do we need to snag viewers? A love interest.



http://twitter.com/#!/Steven_Swenson/status/456127711224688641 http://twitter.com/#!/yesnicksearcy/status/456128069904764928 http://twitter.com/#!/scause1701/status/456128074803707904 http://twitter.com/#!/yesnicksearcy/status/456128821918322688


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/15/must-see-tv-stacey-dash-cast-in-pretend-cop-show-with-adam-baldwin-nick-searcy/

Fans rise up in support of suspended parody account: #FreeSalonDotCom


It started yesterday when Twitter suspended the brilliant parody account @SalonDotCom that had delivered devastating satire of the left wing priggery of Salon.com.

http://twitter.com/#!/KevinWGlass/status/489527931320795136 http://twitter.com/#!/Will_Antonin/status/489577079956963328 http://twitter.com/#!/freddoso/status/489573991498010624 http://twitter.com/#!/iowahawkblog/status/489532947280977920

Fans have risen up in solidarity using the hashtag #FreeSalonDotCom to carry on the work that @SalonDotCom started.

http://twitter.com/#!/YaleCohn/status/489897648330387457 http://twitter.com/#!/moxargon/status/489855853764558848 http://twitter.com/#!/finditandkillit/status/489849966412578816 http://twitter.com/#!/YaleCohn/status/489879065248407552 http://twitter.com/#!/nickswift498/status/489799474290491392 http://twitter.com/#!/artcarden/status/489792257042550784 http://twitter.com/#!/pvtharoldmoon/status/489779501858320384

I was an instant fan after this tweet:

"Why Emojis are the New Blackface" #FreeSalondotcom !!!!— RockPrincess (@Rockprincess818) July 17, 2014


Twitter’s terms of service give us a pretty good idea who initiated the suspension of @SalonDotCom


Guess they were hitting a little too close to home for Salon.

We’re also guessing that the parody of pretentious loony left blogs is only just getting started.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/17/fans-rise-up-in-support-of-suspended-parody-account-freesalondotcom/