If not ISIS, what? Here are a few #ThingsWeHaveaStrategyFor

NCAA brackets Suit-tie coordination changing the weather in 2050 #ThingsWeHaveaStrategyFor— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 28, 2014“We don’t have a strategy yet” — even Obama lapdog Vox called it a line “that’ll likely haunt him for the rest of his presidency.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest did his best to mop up the mess afterward, but Obama’s admission was the soundbite of the day, bar none.It all begs the question: if not ISIS, what does the White House have a strategy for? Tweeters took a guess.http://twitter.com/#!/caljv/status/505127930767212545 http://twitter.com/#!/eltoroboracho/status/505128250004082688 http://twitter.com/#!/lambert_craig/status/505129002726461441 http://twitter.com/#!/Camondrak/status/505129073220521984 http://twitter.com/#!/strengthintruth/status/505129495058464768 http://twitter.com/#!/Shgamha/status/505129686339702784 http://twitter.com/#!/lambert_craig/status/505129837812383744 http://twitter.com/#!/DL0910/status/505130023079378944 http://twitter.com/#!/a200eric/status/505130708822949888 http://twitter.com/#!/SouthernLady551/status/505131812964667392 http://twitter.com/#!/MrFoPow/status/505134092359589889 http://twitter.com/#!/JackieKPGH/status/505138068169293825 http://twitter.com/#!/AtlasExplorer/status/505138842194546688 http://twitter.com/#!/clay_sears/status/505140416350404609Anything else?http://twitter.com/#!/youthpastorbry/status/505138717460156416lorelei-lee-3some-blacks-10Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/08/28/if-not-isis-what-here-are-a-few-thingswehaveastrategyfor/

John Sexton unconvinced by Vox’s ‘vague wishy-washy’ piece on Attkisson


Were investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s work and home computers hacked? We’ll know a lot more when Attkisson releases her book “Stonewalled” next week and sits for TV interviews. The Washington Post did publish a summary of the book last Monday, and it seems that it is from this summary that Vox has come to the conclusion that “there’s not much reason to trust her conclusion that she was hacked.”

“…it seems more likely that she suffered from garden variety technical glitches that had nothing to do with government surveillance,” writes Vox’s Timothy B. Lee. “And strangely, the security expert Attkisson says confirmed her allegations has refused to talk to the Washington Post about it, citing a confidentiality agreement. This doesn’t inspire confidence.”

Breitbart’s John Sexton has read Vox’s argument, and he’s not convinced in the slightest.

Now that isn’t hard to believe.

* * *


Katie Pavlich: Media trusts this administration over Sharyl Attkisson’s hacking claims?

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/31/john-sexton-unconvinced-by-voxs-vague-wishy-washy-piece-on-attkisson-hacking-charges/

John Sexton exposes VA scandal, Obamacare, and the left-wing wonk cover-up


Blogger John Sexton astutely connected the dots this afternoon on the role that partisan liberal “policy analysts” and activist “journalists” have played in whitewashing deadly bureaucratic decisions at the Department of Veterans Affairs and masking the truth about the Obamacare disaster.

His launching point: A New York Times piece this weekend on the longstanding complaints vets have had about interminable wait times.


Left-leaning political operatives masquerading as neutral analysts turned a blind eye for years.


Sense a pattern? Big time:

http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473147832262606848 http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473148466588180481 http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473148990284759040

Strategy: Marginalize the truth-tellers until the truth can no longer be denied.


Textbook example: “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”


And another example:

http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473151510646255616 http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473151890830553089 http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473152145194106880

Scourge of the lib wonks, continued:

http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473153312691208193 http://twitter.com/#!/verumserum/status/473153519076126720

Social media plays an important role in exposing liberal advocacy disguised as objective policy analysis or “Voxsplaining” nonsense. Who watches the watchdogs? Who polices the liberal fact police?


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/01/john-sexton-exposes-va-scandal-obamacare-and-the-left-wing-wonk-cover-up/