For many of us who deal with anxiety disorders the biggest obstacle is getting a very clear answer if the the physical symptoms we experience actually are from anxiety or if they are a sign of something truly dangerous e.g a heart attack, stroke, neurological diseases or cancers.To find answers to this question most of us seek up doctors, spend hours on the internet trying to figure if the symptoms we experience are common in anxiety sufferers OR even worse try to self-diagnose ourselves…
We end up in an infinite loop of panic attacks and then reassurance seeking.
In this video I try to explain why I went a slightly different approach to anxiety recovery and why I believe that my approach, while not easier, is definitely easier than some of the others you might have heard.————————————————————————————————————————————————–Interested to chat in a more private setting? I have set up a Patreon page with what I believe to be great benefits. Just check it out and maybe it is something you might be interested in. you enjoy the video? Yes? A like would be awesome and if you want to see more videos just like this one – consider subscribing!ALSOThe 5 books below are some amazing reads and I am 100% confident saying that they will help improve your mindset and ultimately help you on your road to recovery! So, if you are looking for books that I truly believe will help anyone with anxiety issues… these 5 are it!I am not sure if I am obliged to write this here on YouTube, but if you do end up purchasing one of these books via the links below, I will get a tiny commission – BUT that’s not the reason I have posted them here.These are simply AWESOME books that help will help!1. Can’t hurt me – David Goggins ( )2. Breath – James Nestor ( )3. Dare – Barry McDonagh ( )4. Norman Doidge – 12 Rules for Life ( )5. Unleash the Power Within – Tony Robbins ( )Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (