Social Anxiety vs. Shyness

> Now afraid of being adjudicated by others, being selfconscious, and daily social situations and avoiding meeting newpeople, these could all be signeds of social suspicion disorder, but some mightthink No. I’m just balk, I’m introverted Doctor what is the difference? when youhave patients come in and you’re and “youre telling” …> You said it! These … and peoplereally misunderstand social phobia so let me merely show. It’s not suspicion of beingsocial or anxiety of educating, it is fear of scrutiny, evaluation, arbitration, makingit chump of yourself, that’s what people fear. That’s what they bring into theroom, that’s what they bring into the situation.> Is it like what if they don’tlike me, what are they about me?> What if they don’t like me, why if…It’s what if I’mjudged, it’s what if I I imply it’s it’s nervousnes of scrutiny, and you don’t it’s it’snot paranoia but I’m walking into the room instead of just maybe looking forsomeone to talk to or noticing a friend I’m already am concerned about anxiety of beingjudged.> you slams down and you automatically …> I’m afraid. So you knowI I perhaps I appear like a shy person but I’m just the shy person is just shythat’s a temperament or a personality trait, and shyness can be grown out of aswell. We talked about shy adolescents who blossom as adults. right But that shychild wasn’t fearing scrutiny, that reticent child perhaps simply prefer to read ratherthan be outgoing or the rowdy one in a group.> Right. Where someone withsocial feeling really is just they’re panic-stricken inside.> Right. Terrified.Terrified and you don’t know what it is.> So how do you work through something likean in social feeling because as we need to live in the world, we need to go to work .> Right. So that’s where cognitive behavioral therapy jobs highly is a good one, because with your the social socially phobic person and you tell me I walkinto a apartment and I mull I look nice, and I suppose I’m dressed well, and whateverand the first expectations I have, are what are they what are they thinking about mehow are they judging me, what if I say a stupid thing, what if the wrong wordsfell out of my mouth So I asked you, well have you had any evidence but that’sever happened ..

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